First of all, let me thank you for your thorough answers. I really appreciate that you took the time to evaluate my suggestions and post thoughtful replies. I'm sure the list of suggestions aren't short and this is awesome
If you turn off your personal roboport and use the pure power of construction bots located in the roboports of your base, then they pick it up and put it directly into storage chests or wherever things are needed.
This is the preferable way to do mass-construction. It takes a bit longer, but you don’t need to hassle around with your inventory.
My base is huge. We are literally talking five minutes of waiting for items already in my inventory.
Depends on your playstyle. I don’t wait and continue construction.

The difference of five items was contrived to make the wait seem more meaningless. Often it's more items than makes sense to place manually.
No, because it makes totally no sense.

there is just no need for this, if you don’t insists on using personal roboport.

One of the devs (I believe Kovarex) mentioned this was a problem he really wanted to fix, but it was too complex and time-consuming to make a general fix. My suggestion of simple toggle would be a workaround for a generic construction-bot request-distribution.
Yes. Nice.

Auto-trash mod is a must have. Should be part of vanilla.
So the one mod containing my small quality of life fix should be part of vanilla, but my request should not?
The next one will come and ask: “why do the stupid bots put the items from a construction belt into my trash? They should put it directly into the storage chests!”
Where do trash go?
Another one will come: “they should not put only items from deconstructed entities in the trash, but also items from ground.”
Items from the ground are few and far between. The existing functionality will deal with this quite nicely.
This feels less like a "good ux" issue and more of a "I want an option for this niche use case" which easily turns into other people wanting options for their niche use cases, and before you know it, you've got 50-100+ options for niche use cases.
I hardly think right-clicking on a belt to remove it is "niche". To keep the very limited inventory clean, you are required to make a logistic setup for every single item in the game. Add even a single overhaul mod and this becomes rather painful.
And I certainly don't think we need more options for "only use my personal roboport for blueprints", or even the opposite! (Just making the point right there....) Frankly, I feel like these types of niche use cases are mod territory.
Like I said, I never submitted the suggestion. However, it is literally on the top of Kovarex's "if I had time" list. This alone should make it worth considering.
Personally, if I don't want items off a belt, I handle it the same way as I would pre-bots: I rotate a belt segment prior to the area I'll be working in and let it clear out, then do my work and once done, rotate the belt back. Or in cases where I can't let the flow stop, I'll run a temp bypass. Assuming I even feel like it's that big of a deal in the first place.
What if there is no consumption of the items? The belts simply aren't moving? Or they are consumed slowly, so it would be too long to wait?
Also, whether you intended it that way or not, saying that including something like that is just "good ux" is implying that the current ux isn't good, and thus is an insult towards the devs (from my pov).
The UX of Factorio is the best I have ever seen. Anywhere. In any game, application or otherwise. Period.
It is also the reason my expectations are unreasonably high and why I bothered to submit this suggestion in the first place.
The dedication of the devs are exceptional.
I just wish I could work with belts, using every action available to me, without ending up with a inventory full of junk :-/