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[1.1.49] Animation of uranium handmining

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 4:55 pm
by trupen
What did you do?
I was spamming RMB on an uranium ore deposit for few minutes.

What happened?
From time to time there was a sound of mining and a few particles broke off from the ore.

What did you expect to happen instead?
I was expecting just a constant stream of "this cannot be mined by hand because it requires Sulfuric acid." messages for few minutes or trigger of sound/particles every time when I try to mine uranium.
its bug i guess.mp4
video with sound
(8.3 MiB) Downloaded 362 times
Particles around
Particles around
2021-12-14_17h40_52.png (664.87 KiB) Viewed 2877 times

Re: [1.1.49] Animation of uranium handmining

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2022 6:23 am
by boskid
Literally unplayable. Fixed for 1.1.51.