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repeated game crashes [1.1.42] and [1.1.44] -- Heavily modded

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2021 12:01 am
by wlkrd1
Hello! I've been running into multiple repeated crashes of Factorio doing various things, sometimes it's placing entities, sometimes it's changing circuit conditions.
I'm not sure what's causing it, but from what I can gather from the log file Factorio is trying to read from an out of bounds memory address.
I'm getting that notion from this line in the log file

Code: Select all

707.568 Error CrashHandler.cpp:498: Access Violation: Read at address FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
Any Insights of what could be causing this would be greatly appreciated. I am fairly certain this is because of a mod, but I'm not sure which one.
TIA- wlkrd1 aka ComputerComa
As always, thank you Wube for an awesome game!

Re: repeated game crashes [1.1.42] -- Heavily modded

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2021 11:59 am
by Loewchen
Repeated crashes that you cannot reliably reproduce and nobody else experiences are usually caused by system instability, if you post more logs with crashes we can check if this is the case.

Re: repeated game crashes [1.1.42] -- Heavily modded

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2021 3:43 pm
by wlkrd1
I think I figured it out. I turned atlas size down to 4096, reduced video usage from all to high, and changed the max render threads from 8 to 12.
It seems to be running more stable now.
I have two more log files of other times it crashed attached.