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Visual Bug in Walls After Adjacent Cliff Destroyed

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2021 3:21 am
by CaptainCrouton89
When a walls are placed adjacent to a cliff, they get the little thing sticking out of them showing they're "connected". Once the cliff is destroyed with cliff explosives, however, they retain the little wall protrusion.

Literally unplayable.

Re: Visual Bug in Walls After Adjacent Cliff Destroyed

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2021 6:24 am
by Kyralessa
So you've posted a visual bug without any visuals...

Re: Visual Bug in Walls After Adjacent Cliff Destroyed

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2021 7:24 am
by Nosferatu
Sounds like: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=65657 (intentional behaviour - not a bug)