Highlight resource's line in production line graph chart
Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2021 5:10 pm
TL;DR: When you move cursor over resource icon in charts (Production, Electric Network, etc), please highlight/bold the matching line in the line-graph chart.
Factorio's statistics are awesome. I use Production and Electric network info charts regularly, especially to check trends and look for unexpected dips. It is also extremely helpful to use the graphs to watch if final products closely follow intermediate product production trends (do they go up and down together). My complaint is that if I click on a single resource, the graph automatically "highlights" [only] that resource but ALSO changes the scale and line color (if not first resource that is blue) so you lose the immediate point of reference relative to other products that were previously showing on the graph. Thus, selecting the resource(s) by itself is an unsatisfactory work-around.
Please make it so that when you hover over a resource icon/button that it also highlights the corresponding line in the graph at the same time as the icon/button is highlighted in the table.
Factorio's statistics are awesome. I use Production and Electric network info charts regularly, especially to check trends and look for unexpected dips. It is also extremely helpful to use the graphs to watch if final products closely follow intermediate product production trends (do they go up and down together). My complaint is that if I click on a single resource, the graph automatically "highlights" [only] that resource but ALSO changes the scale and line color (if not first resource that is blue) so you lose the immediate point of reference relative to other products that were previously showing on the graph. Thus, selecting the resource(s) by itself is an unsatisfactory work-around.
Please make it so that when you hover over a resource icon/button that it also highlights the corresponding line in the graph at the same time as the icon/button is highlighted in the table.