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Re: Defence economy balance

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2024 8:36 pm
by Stargateur
After ... 7000 hours on factorio... OMG, ok that probably a wrong number cause game is often running in background haha. Anyway, I really feel player get punished using gun turret. The difference of cost between them and laser is stupidly high. My problem is laser turret is just better if you are low on resource, energy in factorio is basically free once you hit solar panel. you just need space. And flame turret are... completely op I don't even want to compare them to gun tower but let's say flame turret is special (aoe and stuff) I think the comparison is more about gun versus laser turret (mono target turret)

The worst is the speed fire upgrade make them cost more if you didn't update the damage instead BUT fun fact... the gun turret late gun is completely OP, that because the technology both increase ammo damage AND gun turret damage. While the laser one only increase laser damage. What does that change well the two upgrade are multiplicative. That why late game gun turret and tank turret feel so strong so here a tips ALWAYS give priority to damage. And notice I DON'T COMPLAIN ABOUT THIS. I think using ammo should be rewarded. Gun turret are harder to use and yet mid game they sux.

And why their range is less than laser... just why. It should be the opposite to reward player doing logistic to feed ammo to a turret.

These conclusion are based on vanilla bitter and rampant mod (try defend rampant with gun turret GL all your factory will be producing ammo and it will still not be enough)

Re: Defence economy balance

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2024 1:02 pm
by Koub
Stargateur wrote: Sat Aug 17, 2024 8:36 pm These conclusion are based on vanilla bitter and rampant mod (try defend rampant with gun turret GL all your factory will be producing ammo and it will still not be enough)
Vanilla turrets are probably balanced for vanilla biters, not rampant biters. And for vanilla, I think the two current single target turrets give interesting trade offs. The no logistics, easy to use, better have a beefy excess power production laser on the one hand, the high logistics, low(er) range, extremely high DPS gun turret on the other. And the flame thrower to complete them with devastating delayed AOE.