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Re: Games Like Factorio
Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 4:20 am
by GlacierStorm
Not sure if this was said, but Stardew Valley.
Re: Games Like Factorio
Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 10:40 am
by fractalman
Sebb767 wrote:IC² (Industrial Craft 2), A minecraft mod which seems abandoned now, but I simply loved it. Factorio reminds me of it often, but it is more focused on the energy network than on resource harvesting. Still the best minecraft mod IMO, especially in combination with BuildCraft.
Well...there's Mekanismm, Thermal Exchange, and EnderIO, which combined have more or less replaced what IC2 had. (of course, the last time I played minecraft it was on a poor old computer that noticeably struggled to run Tekkit or its single-player-only cousin Technic, and could juuuuust baaarely run the slightly less old Crash Landing modpack in stretches of about 30-60 what I say with a whole salt shaker)
Re: Games Like Factorio
Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 3:44 am
by impetus maximus
a game's promo video that reminded me of Factorio's promo video is
Another Brick in the Mall.
it was just released for early access but it looks like fun.
Re: Games Like Factorio
Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 11:10 pm
by artinuis
I made an account just to post in this thread since I found several good games from these recommendations.
These games are similar to factorio in only one regard: pathing. One of my favorite challenges in Factorio is making the conveyor belts connect efficiently for my usually haphazard assembler placements. These games take that idea and make a puzzle game using that underlying concept. They are
free flash games that are 4-5 years old, but are timeless. The developer links to this website directly from his own site. ... talesworth
and it's just-as-good sequel ... -artifacts
They start easy and ramp up in difficulty, but rarely are frustratingly hard.
Re: Games Like Factorio
Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 12:31 pm
by sathill
Im surprised nobody mention Ai War:Fleet Command
Ok. Its not factorio. But its similiar in aspect of "grand campaign" - 50 hours easy (or a lot more) on single campaign. Also 2D game and also can kill your potato (thre are setting to make 2x or 4x less ships on screen but with 2x or 4x stats.
I got 1000+ hours into this masterpice. In some aspects a little bit better than factorio because its actually got an ending (victory after 80 hours+ its good feel). Then replay with different setting of map generation or many many other strange things.
Game is about war. AI kills almost all humans in universe and move its main computing to some unknown sectors to do some-important-nobody-knows-what.
You are commander of remain humans and you have plan to free this galaxy (your randomly or not randomly generated map). In order to do this you must kill its main star-teleport-gate without pissing ai to much (partisan style) or be destroyed by dominating forces of ai.
Like i said. Different game, but somehow similar.A lot of planning. All micro-management cant be skipped. Best RTS for single player ever created.
Re: Games Like Factorio
Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 12:42 pm
by brunzenstein
The only game coming close to Factorio is currently
Early Alpha but promising.
Featured already by CoS
Somehow feeling like Factorio for the poor even though it costs the same.
Not as deeply complex, far simpler in approaches and a few years behind Factorio but a graphical nice execution of a old and proven game concept.
Re: Games Like Factorio
Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 4:57 am
by featherwinglove
Is um...
Autonauts. Just launched on like
Prehistoric Access.
Re: Games Like Factorio
Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 5:07 am
by steinio
Yeah Autonauts....
Factorio meets MineCraft.
Re: Games Like Factorio
Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 6:38 am
by d3x0r
Farlight Explorers
Just because it hasn't been mentioned recently.
But how is autonauts at all like minecraft? Is everything that has a square minecraft? Is chess minecraft?
Fortresscraft Evolved
open source ..
Black Voxel It does also have belts and aseembly machines to make things.
I even remember back when minecraft was open source itself; but then I was like eww it's Castle Wolfenstiein.
Re: Games Like Factorio
Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 10:01 am
by olafthecat
Mods for minecraft such as tinkers construct, Minefactory, Tekkit, ect
I guess a few other management games
Re: Games Like Factorio
Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2017 9:39 am
by MisterSpock
Supreme Commander Forged Alliance
Even mentioned shortly, its a RTS with a huge scale. The game is still played by its community. And its a ton of a fun. It plays completely diffrent from games like Starcraft 2.
Here is a video showing a standart multiplayer game: (just look at the scale)
Just for the scale:
Smallest Unit cost around 8 mass and has a size of 5m
Largest Unit cost around 300.000 mass and has a size of 500m
The ressources are infinite. Also, nearly 90% of every wreckage can be reclaimed/recycled. And in oposite to standart RTS it has a so called streaming economy. Normal RTS wants you to pay for a unit, when clicking build. Not this game, the game calculates a cost per time. For example if a unit cost 48 mass and takes 12 seconds to build, it will cost you 4 mass/second to build.
Re: Games Like Factorio
Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2017 7:28 pm
by olafthecat
I played the original game on the xbox 360
Very fun
Factorio-like Game, Voxel Tycoon
Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 3:20 am
by Zhall
Hey guys I figured I'd come by and let you know about Voxel Tycoon, a 3D factorio of sorts. ... 4RtHPuJyvq
Re: Games Like Factorio
Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 5:18 am
by Koub
[Koub] Topics merged
Re: Games Like Factorio
Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 9:54 am
by olafthecat
It really needs subtitles for the first video
I'm not deaf but my computer apparently cannot speak
The audio card is broken

Re: Games Like Factorio
Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 5:58 pm
by fpe
"Universal Paperclips"
Imagine Factorio as text-adventure...
PS: Don't click on that link if you are currently at work!
Re: Games Like Factorio
Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 11:53 am
by olafthecat
A bit like cookie clicker...
Oh no!
Its started again!
Some love for Autonauts?
Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 1:22 pm
by SaintFlow
hi there!
first of all, I am not in any way affiliated with the Autonauts team, I just really like their project and I would be really sad if they would not be able to continue on with their development.
Some of you may already know the game, here is their kickstarter campaign: ... /autonauts
It's similar to Factorio but also very, very different. There are way too few nice games on the market which cater to the factorio itch in my brain.
I would love to see some love for Autonauts from the Factorio community and most of all, from the Factorio devs. Maybe give them a shoutout on twitter or so? It's not often that a game is similar enough so the crowd who follows factorio might really like it, but I think this one might be exactly that.
So long,
Re: Games Like Factorio
Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 1:40 pm
by Koub
[Koub] Merged into "Games like Factorio" Topic.
Re: Games Like Factorio
Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 1:59 pm
by SaintFlow
Koub wrote:[Koub] Merged into "Games like Factorio" Topic.
Why did you do that? The game has already been mentioned in here, it should have stayed like it is imo.