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Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.6/Bob's mods]
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 6:04 pm
by Gamingmaster025
Im not sure if you already now it but we crashed the server

. It was acutally quite funny first it looked like the server crashed when you tried to join. After that we had a desync loop. Then the funny things started: The server it self got desynced (however this is even possible) he rejoined like 2 or 3 times and then my game crashed with a error and as i tired to connect back i was unable to contact the server.
EDIT. Oh the server is up again.
Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.6/Bob's mods]
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 7:03 pm
by Bisa
Gamingmaster025 wrote:The server it self got desynced (however this is even possible)
The "server" is nothing more than a headless client, ie, it's just like you and me able to get out of sync with the other players and hence be prompted to redownload the map from the other connected peers.
Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.6/Bob's mods]
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 8:35 pm
by Gamingmaster025
And how should the server know that he is desynced. Isnt the server the client which says what is the actuall state of the game and everyone who hasnt that state is desynced?
Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.6/Bob's mods]
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 10:10 pm
by Zwobot
Apart from the server crash/desync problems this was quite fun. Thanks for setting the server up!
Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.6/Bob's mods]
Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 7:29 am
by Bisa
Gamingmaster025 wrote:And how should the server know that he is desynced. Isnt the server the client which says what is the actuall state of the game and everyone who hasnt that state is desynced?
the same way you and I know - ie by comparing to the collective peers gamestate; if we have 10 peers (including the server) and the server desyncs, why should all 9 other peers download the new gamestate? Please note that I have no in-depth technical insight, a dev could perhaps drop by and give us the exact details =)
Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.6/Bob's mods]
Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 10:38 am
by Gamingmaster025
Bisa wrote:Gamingmaster025 wrote:And how should the server know that he is desynced. Isnt the server the client which says what is the actuall state of the game and everyone who hasnt that state is desynced?
the same way you and I know - ie by comparing to the collective peers gamestate; if we have 10 peers (including the server) and the server desyncs, why should all 9 other peers download the new gamestate? Please note that I have no in-depth technical insight, a dev could perhaps drop by and give us the exact details =)
But couldnt that if planned correcly and timed correcly used to upload another map to the server by a group of people who get the server somehow out of sync. (maybe the maps have hash or something like that)
Oh and btw the server map is broken again. Desync loop of death.
Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.6/Bob's mods]
Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 4:28 pm
by kaZ
What about a new Start with harder settings? Everthing seems to be done here. This time also with rso?
Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.6/Bob's mods]
Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 5:32 pm
by Jaridan
kaZ wrote:What about a new Start with harder settings? Everthing seems to be done here. This time also with rso?
I think the plan was with RSO and Marathon, if i recall correctly what dniel34 said?
Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.6/Bob's mods]
Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 5:59 pm
by kaZ
I've actually never played the marathon mod before, but i heard it would be very intensr in the demand of resources. So what would be good settings here?
Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.6/Marathon/RSO]
Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 1:53 pm
by daniel34
Server has been restarted with Marathon + RSO.
Let's see how far we can play this map

Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.6/Marathon/RSO]
Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 2:16 pm
by Gunter
I will gladly take a look

Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.6/Marathon/RSO]
Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 6:02 pm
Will you add FARL as soon as 12/7 is out(FARL bug should be fixed by that time)?
Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.6/Marathon/RSO]
Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 3:38 pm
by madeformk
So sad i couldnt join,
i keep desynching, to the irritation of the users already there. ping was good 75 average, so i dunno, maybe i need better internet.
Hope you guys have a great time!
Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.6/Marathon/RSO]
Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 3:54 pm
I can't rejoin the server due to desync bug.
IT looks like the savegme is corrupted
Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.6/Marathon/RSO]
Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 7:01 pm
by daniel34
Restarted the server from the latest autosave, it's running again.
First desync:
Code: Select all
60334.107 Error NetworkInputHandler.cpp:343: Multiplayer desynchronisation: crc test(CheckCRCHeuristic) failed for mapTick(11476620) peer(25) testCrc(-1904028358) testCrcPeerID(0) currentCrc(-1689594027)
60334.107 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:419: Desync specification: Reference CRC = 2390938938, reference peers = {0, 15 (drbln), 19 (Jaridan), 20 (Calambor), 23 (kaZper)}; desynced CRC = 2605373269, desynced peers = {25 (madeformk)}
60334.200 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(3456847) mapTick(11476634) received stateChanged peerID(25) oldState(InGame) newState(Desynced)
This was the first time madeformk joined the game, but it seems that just him joining corrupted the savegame.
EDIT: someone messed up the train network/signals, all the trains are jammed.
Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.6/Marathon/RSO]
Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 7:43 pm
by Jaridan
i got desynced(looped) as soon as i joined the map
Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.6/Marathon/RSO]
Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 7:44 pm
by daniel34
try again, i restarted the server again
i'll join after you connected
EDIT: I'm currently ingame with Calambor and kaZper, so it's working now.
Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.7/Marathon/RSO]
Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 3:01 pm
by daniel34
Updated to 0.12.7.
We're almost at our goal, the rocket silo is already built, now we just need to launch the satellite.
Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.7/Marathon/RSO]
Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 5:50 pm
daniel, we launched the satellite.
Please start the new map with FARL
Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.7/Marathon/RSO/FARL]
Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 6:45 pm
by daniel34
Started a new map, this time with less resources.
Also added FARL as requested.