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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] MadClown01's Science

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 9:16 pm
by valneq
leonstar03 wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 2:45 pm When does this mod get an update? Or is there a continued work of this? I need it for 0.18 / 1.0
This mod is updated to 0.18, the last release was just 5 days ago. Any issues with it?

Re: [MOD 0.16.x] MadClown01's Science

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2021 11:05 pm
by Yodarkore
Hi, been away from the game for more than one year, so I had to update many mods in order to get a stable modded 1.1 playtrough. Disabled some mods that where abandonned, nothing special to mention here, but then I was pretty annoyed when mod loading order crashed, where the game suggest "angels refining (v0.12.1)" to be disabled.

I then just came here to check if other players had similar issue, wich seems so.

Therefore i finnaly narrowed the issue to "MadClown01's Science (v1.1.0)". I have to say that loading angelbob suite with only "MadClown01's Processing (v1.3.16)" and "MadClown01's Extended AngelBob Minerals (v1.1.24) seems to work so far.

I must say that I havent tested with madclown's nuclear stuff, as i intend to relax rebuilding a factory with no biter this time, so i also havent turned on bob ennemies and other warfare mods I previously had on previous playtroughs.

I also confirm here that a pure "vanilla angelbob" load order seems to works fine, altough I dont remember if i activated bobenemies during issue smashing, therefore i'm pretty sure the bug is NOT coming from "angels refining (v0.12.1)" mod, nor bob suite.

Hope it helps, its the copy of the post I wrote in bug section of angel mod.

Re: [MOD 0.16.x] MadClown01's Science

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 9:55 pm
by trampek
ive found bug i hope its right place to report it
so every recipe for science pack,even orginal ones, can only be made in assembling machine 3 max, you cant do them in tier 4,5 or 6 machines

Re: [MOD 0.16.x] MadClown01's Science

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2022 1:41 am
by pezzawinkle
I think this has been fixed already, it was a default category issue with the recipes.