fixed importing a Blueprint String into Foreman 157608)
added option to fix positions when importing a Blueprint String (157685)
When importing there's a checkbox to try and fix positions. This only applies for strings created by Blueprint String, the ones from Foreman are unaffected by the checkbox.
Stragemque wrote:Does foreman work in multiplayer with others that don't have the mod installed?
No mod works if not every player has it. If you're running a server, there are ways to do it (by including the mod into the save, which may be tricky, haven't tried it)
Hey, foreman 0.0.9 had this fantastic bug that if you had a concrete-only blueprint in-hand, and then overwrote it with a foreman blueprint, it would leave the concrete intact and superimpose the loaded blueprint onto it. It became glitchy after the whole 0.12.3x debacle, but before then it was effectively this incredible feature that no other mod had to my knowledge, because it provided a way to construct those dual-type blueprints without racing your construction bots or trekking out into the boonies and stripping off to avoid them.
I see you now properly support mixed-mode blueprints (by which I mean, blueprints including both floor-tiles and other stuff) in the new version, which is fantastic. But, is there any chance you could provide some means to recreate the magic of programmatically composing tile-blueprints with non-tile blueprints? Ever since the great blueprint debacle (I'm amazed that you've managed to effectively clean up the mess it left behind in your mod, btw), I've really missed that ability.
DaveMcW wrote:Find an area with no roboports.
Place a tile blueprint.
Place a non-tile blueprint on top of it.
Create a blueprint of the ghost buildings.
ACK, I am aware of this recipe. But as
I wrote:[pre-0.12.31-blueprint-debacle Foreman 0.0.9] provided a way to construct those dual-type blueprints without racing your construction bots or trekking out into the boonies and stripping off [your personal roboport] to avoid them,
It is possible to move more than 1 blueprint at the time from save to save i have created some blueprints in my test world now i want to move them but load function is not working or i don't understand how to use it
Thank you for this.
I wasn't able to figure out how to import blueprints from multiple worlds into one game.
This helped:
If you have a blueprint file you want to import, open it in notepad, copy the text, paste it into the text field and click import.
JamesOFarrell wrote:Updated for 0.12. All thanks go to Choumiko.
Foreman is a mod for managing blueprints in game. You can manage a list of blueprints in your save game, export them to text and import blueprints others have shared. Multiplayer support has been removed as it was too buggy.
If you are updating to 0.11.3 you might see "Unknown key..." on the buttons (like so). If this happens please unzip the mod and use the folder instead. I am not sure what is causing this issue as it does not happen for me.
Save blueprints from toolbar (+ button)
Load blueprints to toolbar (l button)
Export blueprints to file (e button)
Import blueprint from text (+ button)
Import Blueprint Strings (Thanks Dave!)
Foreman Bugs
Button labels are crap, probably need some sprites
Main button can take a bit of time to display first time
Known bugs with blueprints API. These issues are issues with factorio that hopefully will be resolved soon.
Rail signals on curved track
belt-to-ground do not connect properly
If your blueprint contains these items it will not work with Foreman. If you find any more please let me know ASAP and I'll report them. The error should be printed to your console when it happens.
How to Use
Once you have unlocked Automated Construction the Foreman button should appear in the top of your factorio window. Clicking on this button should bring up the main window.
This window will be empty the first time you bring it up. To add a blueprint click the "+" button. This will bring up the import window. You can import either from your toolbar or some import text.
To import from the toolbar (the first one it finds) leave the "Text" field blank. Don't forget to give your blueprint a name!
If you have a blueprint file you want to import, open it in notepad, copy the text, paste it into the text field and click import.
Once you click import you should get a nice friendly message. If the blueprint file has a name saved in it that will be used instead of the one entered.
If the import API considers the blueprint invalid if will let you know and post an error to the console. There are3 known errors at the moment, rail signals collide with the track if they are placed on a bend, belt-to-ground don't connect and assembly machines that have no recipe will not import. These are bugs in the API and I have posted them to the bug forum, hopefully they will be fixed soon
To remove a blueprint from the list click the "x" button To load a blueprint to your toolbar click the "l" button. The blueprint data will be loaded into the first blueprint in your toolbar.
To export a blueprint to a file click the "e" button. This will export the blueprint into "<factorio-configpath>/script-output/blueprints/name.blueprint". These files are a raw dump of a blueprint table + a name and the icons displayed.
These files can be zipped and uploaded to the forum as they should be under a meg. The other option is to use Dave's Blueprint String Compressor
Blueprint format discussion
At the moment I am using a very simple blueprint file format. Here is the code to create and import the blueprint files so other mods can do the same thing:
function getBlueprintData(blueprintStack)
if blueprintStack ~= nil and blueprintStack.isblueprintsetup() then
local data = {}
data.icons = blueprintStack.blueprinticons
data.entities = blueprintStack.getblueprintentities()
return data
return nil
function setBlueprintData(blueprintStack, blueprintData)
if blueprintStack ~= nil then
local newTable = {}
for i,d in ipairs(blueprintData.icons) do
table.insert(newTable, {index = i, name=d})
blueprintStack.blueprinticons = newTable
return true
return false
function deserializeBlueprintData(dataString)
if dataString ~= nil then
local fun, err = loadstring(dataString)
if not err then
return fun()
return nil
function serializeBlueprintData(blueprintData)
if blueprintData ~= nil and blueprintData.icons ~= nil and blueprintData.entities ~= nil then
return serpent.dump(blueprintData, {name="blueprintData"})
return nil
I did spend some time working on a compressed blueprint format and managed to get most blueprints down to about 40% of the original size but it occurred to me that if I put it in the first version without thinking it though I would have to support it for ever so i removed it. I would like to eventually move to a smaller format so factorio doesn't have to handle the massive copy paste job but I am interested to see if anyone has any ideas about it. If people are interested let me know and I'll post what I have. The only limitation of the future blueprint format is it must be able to be pasted into a factorio GUI text box as this is the only way to get the data into a game at the moment.
Feel free to post blueprint files here or anywhere else. Here is a test one for people to import. This is 2 blueprints, one is a accmulator level detector and the other is a coal power station that will fire-up when your batteries get low, this is based on the wiki design. Place them both, connect them with a red wire and load up the chest with 26-27 logs.
I wanted to be able to use scripts that generate blueprints (specifically, to generate ROMs for a combinator-computer build), so I added a checkbox to skip most/all of the 'sanitizing' of imported scripts, and allow execution of arbitrary lua scripts. This option does not apply to compressed blueprints, for what I hope are obvious reasons.
Here's the diff, and I also sent Chuomiko a pull request for it, if it's something others want as well.
You'll get an error on the console (and no blueprint) if you try to run a malformed script, and I haven't done much testing of what happens if the script tries to interact with the world, or does not actually return a blueprint, but it definitely works for generating ROMs!
added console command to fix blueprints: /c"foreman", "fixBlueprints")
allow loading pasted text to be a script: Must generate/return a valid Blueprint table
preparations for 0.13
This version is probably not going to work with 0.13, but it should at least allow you to load the save, so that you don't have to remove it and loose your saved blueprints. There will be another update tomorrow once 0.13 hits
This version is probably not going to work with 0.13, but it should at least allow you to load the save, so that you don't have to remove it and loose your saved blueprints. There will be another update tomorrow once 0.13 hits
So what can I do if I played without foreman with the last 3 versions of Factorio ? should I go back to 0.12 save (can be done because not much has changed) ? if I do - can I export those BPs and load them into the new 0.13 version ?
the folder is still there since I duplicate the game folder (/games/factorio_12 is copied to /games/factorio_13 for ex.) so if new foreman version would "see" the BPs and just migrate them it will be the best option
This version is probably not going to work with 0.13, but it should at least allow you to load the save, so that you don't have to remove it and loose your saved blueprints. There will be another update tomorrow once 0.13 hits
So what can I do if I played without foreman with the last 3 versions of Factorio ? should I go back to 0.12 save (can be done because not much has changed) ? if I do - can I export those BPs and load them into the new 0.13 version ?
the folder is still there since I duplicate the game folder (/games/factorio_12 is copied to /games/factorio_13 for ex.) so if new foreman version would "see" the BPs and just migrate them it will be the best option
Stored blueprints probably (a few don't - a sheet of solar panels complains about icons, but otherwise works) need migration to work (circuit networks, blueprint icons, entity names, inserter changes, possibly more). The only way I know of to do this right now is to load a bunch of blueprint items (actual blue squares, not just the Foreman list - that doesn't get game migrations applied) in 0.12, save, load that save in 0.13 and export the blueprints for use in 0.13 (or just use them).
I know icon and circuit network migrations would be relatively straightforward (though, some of the current loading procedure can mangle circuits in some cases anyway), but I'm not sure if it's possible to get the game to do entity/recipe(in assembly machines)/whatever else migrations automatically.
changed storing/exporting/importing to blueprint string format (importing from old formats still works)
changed export location to blueprint-string folder (in different folders per user)
removed mass import/export for now (will be back soon)
fix positions of pre 0.12.32 blueprints by clicking the f button with blueprint in hand
added ability to save blueprint by clicking the + button with a blueprint in hand
If anyone has done massexport and really needs them i guess for now it's best to use a 0.12 version of Factorio, import them there and export them one by one.
Circuit migration should work fairly well, since i took the easy route and switched to using the blueprint-string library (thanks Dave!)