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Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.5/Bob's mods]

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 2:03 am
by Jaridan
I tried to set the circuit network up for the transport belts, and crashed/dc'd like 3 times (every time when i set up the amount to be checked) and now i can't connect anymore, whenever i connect, it downloads the map just fine but the pops "Unkonw Key:"multiplayer.cannot-load-downloaded-map" ".

edit: but seems to happen with other dedi servers aswell, guess i broke factorio lol. let's see if a reinstall can fix it :(^, reinstall didn't fix :S

Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.5/Bob's mods]

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 4:56 am
I have the sames issue :(

Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.5/Bob's mods]

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:12 am
by DaCyclops
The map on the server might have been corrupted, due to a bug I believe involves Circuit Conditions (see this thread)

Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.5/Bob's mods]

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:15 am
daniel, please could you restart the server?

Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.5/Bob's mods]

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 9:25 am
by daniel34
Server has been restarted with the latest working autosave.

Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.5/Bob's mods]

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 12:49 pm
by Jaridan
sry, could you restart again? i accidentally grilled it (sry), i thought smart inserters without ciruit network would work, but it crashed for the logistic network change aswell -.- 12.6 cant come fast enough lol.

Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.5/Bob's mods]

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 12:57 pm
by kaZ
Jaridan wrote:sry, could you restart again? i accidentally grilled it (sry), i thought smart inserters without ciruit network would work, but it crashed for the logistic network change aswell -.- 12.6 cant come fast enough lol.

... :)

Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.5/Bob's mods]

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 1:00 pm
by Jaridan
kaZ wrote:
Jaridan wrote:sry, could you restart again? i accidentally grilled it (sry), i thought smart inserters without ciruit network would work, but it crashed for the logistic network change aswell -.- 12.6 cant come fast enough lol.

... :)
don't worry, i'll never fucking touch smart inserters again before 12.6 -.- ..........................

i apologize for the inconvenience :/ :?

Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.5/Bob's mods]

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 2:49 pm
by orzelek
You might find out that bob's mods without smart inserters might be a tad annoying with ore sorting :D

Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.5/Bob's mods]

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 3:17 pm
by Jaridan
orzelek wrote:You might find out that bob's mods without smart inserters might be a tad annoying with ore sorting :D
the problem is not smart inserts, but when you change something for ciruit or logistic network it'll corrupt (apparently) , already fixed for 12.6, still, i crashed the map twice now, in total, so ima stay far away from smarties for the time being :S

Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.5/Bob's mods]

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 6:42 pm
by Gamingmaster025
Is the map corrupted again? Every time i try to join it says unknown key can't load downloaded map (something like that) i have installed all the mods from the linked zip folder (they work in sp). I also use version 12.5.
I found that in my logs: Map loading failed: Corrupted map, contains id not in the dictionary: 1281 Could it be that one of the mods corrupted while downloading (i dont think so because they all seem to work in sp). Anyone has that error too?
P.S. I played on this servers some weeks ago (or was it even months) and everything was fine, but i never played on it with bobs mods. (actually i never played with bobs mods)

Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.5/Bob's mods]

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 7:21 pm
by daniel34
I've restarted the server from the last working autosave.

The save got corrupted again, probably due to this bug: ... 30&t=15317
Please don't use smart inserters for now, they are crashing any multiplayer game.

Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.5/Bob's mods]

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 7:34 pm
by Gamingmaster025
Thank you. I havent played Factorio for a long time but i heard about a bug (something with logistics network) which makes the map corrupt. How about downgrading the server 12.4 (if thats possible) until 12.6 is released?

Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.5/Bob's mods]

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 7:37 pm
by daniel34
I've considered reverting to 0.12.4, but most of the players will already have 0.12.5 installed, so I'm gonna keep it for now.
If there really are a lot of save corruptions from now on I might go back, but for now I'm leaving it as it is.

Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.5/Bob's mods]

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 7:40 pm
by Gamingmaster025
I never install factorio i always download the zip so i can have multiply versions also downloading a older version shouldnt take to long for most users. But lets see how often that occurs. (the problem is i rly like messing with logistic systems but with that bugs its nearly impossible.)

Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.5/Bob's mods]

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 4:26 am
Jus don't change the condition of the smart inserter.
Deconstrcut inserter -> construct new-> update the condition

Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.5/Bob's mods]

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 11:34 am
by Jaridan
I think we might wanna update the original post to include that you can't see loading bars when others join, and that it looks like a freeze which it isn't.

People just keep leaving while others load, just tot hen rejoin.

Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.5/Bob's mods]

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:10 am
by Jaridan
war heut morgen 1mal aufm server, ~300kb/s down, hatte dann ne desync loop und später als ich versucht hab zu joinen, ging der speed meist runter statt rauf, also 10-15kb/s, mitm minimum von 3kb/s lol :S

Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.5/Bob's mods]

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 10:42 am
by Gamingmaster025
I just tried joining the server too. But i also get the a desync loop after i join i get instantly a desync. But my download is normal (500 kbits) so i can download the map quiet fast but yeah i get instant desync even after several tries.
How about restarting the server or reverting to the last autosave?
Oh and if possible could you deactivate the replay the map is already quite big 25 MB i think.

Re: [Public/Europe] Dedicated Server [0.12.6/Bob's mods]

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 12:27 pm
by daniel34
I've updated the server to 0.12.6 and loaded the latest working autosave.
I've also removed the replay.dat from the save. (I thought I already did that but maybe I once loaded an older save.)