Re: How do YOU use mining drills?
Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 3:44 pm
mrvn wrote: Fri Mar 08, 2024 11:10 am In fact I would say a full belt will usually give you less ore per second
If you have another belt somewhere with an extra 1.1 ore per second to me that means you have 2 belts. If you are saying that a full belt give you less ore per second than 2 belts could give you. Yes i agree, it wasn't all that clear from your initial sentence to me.mrvn wrote: Sun Mar 10, 2024 12:43 pm If you only look at that one belt then sure. But on a larger scale that 14th miner won't be just left out. It will be placed somewhere else. So you get one belt with 14.3 ore per second and on some other belt you get an extra 1.1 ore per second for a total of 15.4 ore per second.
The word "better" here i think was used to mean produce more, I agree 14 miners can produce more than 13 miners.mrvn wrote: Sun Mar 10, 2024 12:43 pm Let me be explicit: The argument is not that 13 miners are better than 14. But that 13 miners and putting the 14th miner somewhere else is better.
If you have to build a whole new outpost kms away just to add that 14th miners, then i'm not so sure it's "better", it's another consideration.
That would be to guarantee the most efficient use of mining drill, but i'm not sure it's all too practical x) I'm aiming at full belts for my train station so that it's easy to monitor the ratio of producer consumer. If i make a train station that can load 2 blue belts. I'm not going to make it 2.2 and then 2.42 and continuing when the research occur. I consider i have an outpost that gives me 2 belts , i have furnaces dimensionned to handle that, and the research is increasing the lifetime of the ore patch by making some mining drill idle a bit more.GregoriusT wrote: Sun Mar 10, 2024 1:12 pm "Full Belts" indeed do not matter, they are just a metric by which a Player can communicate to another Player how much Ore they are getting. In all practical applications you should always aim to have some space left on your Mining Belts, so that later Mining Productivity Science wont fill it up instantly.
I agree that belts radiating from the center would make sure the mining drill covering the densest ore patches are functionning with priority over the mining drills located on the edges. It would in theory be a way to keep your outpost able to answer to higher "peak" demand for a longer period of time in the game the way i see it. But i don't find it practical to use for the gain it provide.
It would be different with a few tiles of infinite ore in the center, i would probably reconsider the gain it provide. In such case it would make more sense for me to tap enough outpost so i can fully rely on infinite tiles. And keep the non-infinite as adjustment variable to meet unexpected "peak" demand.