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Spoiler-free praise.

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2024 1:01 pm
by Makka77
Eeeeeee it's fucking good this 💜

Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2024 2:57 pm
by TomyTheBest
Thank you guys.
You are the best!!

Now, I will need to refresh my CV .... because of the insane amount of 'sick leave'.
Do you know any any company where I could earn money by playing Factorio?

Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2024 3:08 pm
by delassa
Thanks for the many years of entertainment, and many more with the new expansion.

Congratulations on being the number 1 & 2 top sellers on steam, you folks deserve it. The passion and care you've shown over the years is great to see in the mire that gaming has become in some sectors over the last couple years.

Here's to more factories that never stop growing.

Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2024 3:31 pm
by lis6502
I am afraid that posts' capacity might not be enough for amount of words that i would like to contain herein, so i'll focus on feature of SA which allows to DISABLE flashing icons. I can't stress enough how annoying this was especially when having this brain condition when everything flashing, moving totaly nuked my concentration. Maybe now i'll send this damn rocket :lol:

Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2024 8:45 am
by psvedman
A big thanks for the update and I look forward to many more hours absorbed by trying to optimize my factories. :D

Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2024 4:08 pm
by plepper1
Thank you Wube!
I'm so happy you finally took my money (again)! :lol:

Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2024 8:38 pm
by EustaceCS
Literally the best modding framework I've ever touched so far, hats off. And I've touched ALOT.
Everything works predictably and intuitively.
No need to rewrite unrelated parameters to flip few constants (or merely replace a sprite - take that, Barotrauma!)
No need to rummage elbow deep in multitude of files, with uncertain result, just to add few lines of text into UI (Clausewitz, bruh)
No need to utilize weird formats and waste days on figuring out sub-formats (memories of American Truck Simulator's textures are still giving me anxiety, uuuuugh...)
No need to compile stuff and do virtual kickflips with DLL injections (if it's coding - it's not modding, Unity crowd).
This Is How It Should Be Done.
Everything just works - and works grrrrrrrreat!

Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2024 4:12 am
by MechBFP
I just wanted to say thank you for allowing us to read the amount of fuel in a nuclear reactor. It is so nice to be able to easily tell if my reactors are working or not. Even though uranium is plentiful there is just something so satisfying about being able to only insert fuel when I need it via circuit network logic and having near unlimited fuel from a single uranium patch. :D

Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2024 5:08 pm
by RunFact
Thanks for making the Space Age expansion! Super fun so far! Appreciate all the QoL improvements, too.

Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2024 3:26 pm
by valneq
I have now dipped my toes into the first three planets of Space Age.
And I have to say: I'm amazed by how perfectly Wube nailed what I personally wanted from an expansion! :D

I was never a big fan of the idea of a megabase. To me that always just felt like "more of the same". Once you reached rockets with satellites and were able to produce space science packs reliably, the game was done for me. Scaling up never quite felt too enticing. Sure, you did have the option to re-design some of your setups with beacons and modules to make them more efficient, more productive, etc. and trying to solve a larger-scale logistical train problem is also interesting on its own … but it's not quite the same level of puzzle as figuring out how to get to the rocket in the first place.

This is why, shortly after building a couple factories that launched rockets, I started playing mostly with conversion mods like Bob's+Angel's, Krastorio, Industrial Revolution and the like. Those provided *different* puzzles for me to solve. That was great.

Now with Space Age I get to solve completely *different* puzzles for each planet, as well as figure out interplanetary logistics in addition to train networks. This is exactly what I wanted! Thank you a lot! <3

[for context] Up until now I have never touched the Space Exploration mod, mostly because of time constraints. I probably would have liked its challenges, but the time investment was just too intimidating. I might try it at some point tho ;)

Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2024 8:48 pm
by PunkSkeleton
As the FF has ended I would like to thank Kovarex and the whole team for a few things.
1. FFs. They were all great. ALL. I was waiting for every single once since I first saw the game during 0.14 era.
2. Persistence in improving the game. Both over the years and now. Most dev teams would be already disbanded by now, most of $$$ is already made, bugs are not critical, they would leave one or two students to keep the facade. But you keep fixing all bugs which is outstanding.
3. It's done when it's done mentality. No rushing things. Almost each experimental release was high quality and regression free. If there was a big regression then it was almost instantly fixed. And I was always playing on experimental...
4. Transparency and no sale policy. No microtransactions and similar things. Just honest price.

Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2024 4:00 am
by boredlynx
I've been playing this game for a while now, and it is AWESOME!! One thing I really appreciate that often gets overlooked in games, besides all the wonderful things already mentioned by others, is the sound design. I love the unique little sounds most of the items make when you interact with them, and sometimes I pick up and set down the items in my inventory just to listen to the sounds. In addition to the item sounds, I also love the entity sounds made by all the machines and such. When I discovered that the fluid storage tanks make echoey dripping sounds just like in real life when you put your ears to a water tank, I was ecstatic. Thank you for this work of art from the bottom of my heart to EVERYONE involved in making this game happen. ♥

Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2024 9:12 am
by xamidi
I can only agree to this post.

Thank you, devs at Wube Software!

Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2024 9:00 pm
by MoDon
I posted this over on the Steam message boards, but wanted to do it here as well...Been so long since I posted here that my account had been deleted!

Not that anyone likely remembers me here. I am not someone who publishes content or anything like that, but back in the early days of Factorio I was quite active here. I am one of those people that had all the achievements before there were blueprint databases. The collaborative options allowed me to play with my son, who was quite young at the time, and he could do what he could understand, and I did the rest. We put in a LOT of hours on this game, and even got a special license from the devs so we could host a free server at his school's LAN parties for the monthly game night. The devs were absolutely incredible at showing their genuine love for the game, and being flexible to allow the LAN party.

Fast forward to present day. I hadn't really played much in several years, though I did create a new base the month before Space Age release, just to get used to the interface and keyboard shortcuts again.

My son is much older now (mid-twenties) and we have teamed up to collaborate on this expansion. He isn't the 'kid' he was before, and is really digging into all the details that really make this an incredible game.

We do a new planet every Sunday, more or less, and then play during the week to optimize existing infrastructure leveraging the new tech on that week's planet. We are to where we have Nauvis (obviously), Vulcanus, Fulgora, and Gleba cranking really, really well. We are rocking rare mech armor, loaded with rare gear, and have substantive logistics going between the planets leveraging our interstellar transport system. Our research is running at just under 1000 (933, actually) per minute.

What I have really enjoyed is how distinctly different each expansion planet is. I resisted watching or reading anyone's solution, so I am getting to experience each planet without any significant hints about what its challenges are. We will be hitting Aquilo this weekend, then it is off to the deep space depths, but with seriously high research levels.

I mention all of this for two reasons:

First: Thank you to the devs! I honestly had kind of given up on this expansion ever getting released, but I am so glad it finally did, and am enjoying it very much.

Second: Quit ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ about how hard it is. This isn't pong. If you are playing this game, you should be up for a challenge. That is the whole point, and the game would be pretty crappy if each new planet was just the same thing with a different skin.

Excellent job, devs! Not sure I will actually take the time to get all the achievements this time around, but I am definitely enjoying the new content and reliving some memories.

Easter Egg (sort of): Harvesting pentapod eggs flashed back to when the original game made us harvest eggs from the biter spawners after destroying them!

Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2024 1:47 am
by DeathSlice
Thank you Wube for making what might just be my favorite game of all time! You are a Legendary Quality game company in my eyes. Other game companies could learn from your dedication and passion for this gem of a game. I can't wait to see what's next!

Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2024 2:03 pm
by TechyBen
Thank you for caring about your work and also player experience!

Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2024 8:08 am
by Haless
Thank you all the devs, for this masterpiece of a game!!

For me this is the best game: 9.9 rating. Why not 10?

Dynamic music. I love this so much on Dune 2 and it would be really awesome this in factorio, when biters group and attack changing to an more action music would be a dream.

But I really love this game and play it alot alot alot, just check my steam to see... hehe User Haless.

Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2024 10:25 am
by CarelK
I agree, the dynamic music does add a sense of tension

Thanks for Space Age

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2024 11:37 am
by Viidi
I completed it and it was a great experience. Lately in 1.1 I was only honing ready-made, almost perfect, schemes and writing or searching for mods. And in SA I played the same Factorio again like I did when I first got acquainted with it - everything from scratch.
Thanks for the new planets (especially the mind-blowing Gleba) and mechanics.
Thanks for making the game interesting, and not just difficult.
Thanks for Space Age.

Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2024 12:26 pm
by Koub
[Koub] Merged into the "Thank You" thread.