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Re: [Mod 0.14/0.15] Logistic Train Network 1.2.1

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 4:08 pm
by Optera
MannimMond wrote:
Optera wrote: To get partial loads or multiple items you have to subtract current train inventory (train stop) from the loading list (yellow constant combinator).
Look at the demo map. You can see how to properly set up stations there.
I reconstruct several tutorials now and have everytime the same problem. LTN says ">2000 copper" + "2secs inactivity" or "timeout" but they are loading the train until its completly full orthe train times out.

What i have to do with the downloaded Is it a normal mod? Cant load it with 0.15 and 0.14 stable
The demo is a save i attached in the OP.
download it, put it to your other saves and play it like any other.

Moved the demo more prominently into the OP.

Re: [Mod 0.14/0.15] Logistic Train Network 1.2.1

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 4:16 pm
by nagapito
MannimMond wrote:
Optera wrote: To get partial loads or multiple items you have to subtract current train inventory (train stop) from the loading list (yellow constant combinator).
Look at the demo map. You can see how to properly set up stations there.
I reconstruct several tutorials now and have everytime the same problem. LTN sends a train to my outpost with an request of 2000 copper. The train has the condition of ">2000 copper" + "2secs inactivity" or "timeout" but they are loading the train until its completly full orthe train times out.

What i have to do with the downloaded Is it a normal mod? Cant load it with 0.15 and 0.14 stable
Yeah, that 2 seconds of inactivity screws loading.... Since it already has more then the cargo but since inserters keep adding, there is no inactivity.

You need to use circuits to read the amount in the train, subtract that to the request and link all of it to the inserters, so they disable and stop loading. Then, you get your 2 seconds of inactivity.

If the 2 seconds of inactivity condition didnt existed, none of this would be required.....

Re: [Mod 0.14/0.15] Logistic Train Network 1.2.1

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 4:19 pm
by Optera
nagapito wrote:If the 2 seconds of inactivity condition didnt existed, none of this would be required.....
Without the 2s rule providers constantly have inserters getting stuck with items in their dirty little hands.
And you can disable it if adding ONE combinator is too much effort to you.

Re: [Mod 0.14/0.15] Logistic Train Network 1.2.1

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 4:35 pm
by nagapito
Optera wrote:
nagapito wrote:If the 2 seconds of inactivity condition didnt existed, none of this would be required.....
Without the 2s rule providers constantly have inserters getting stuck with items in their dirty little hands.
And you can disable it if adding ONE combinator is too much effort to you.
I know there was a reason for it, just couldnt remember why.....

Re: [Mod 0.14/0.15] Logistic Train Network 1.2.1

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 4:59 pm
by MannimMond
The tutorial by Nilaus u linked he doesnt have this problem.

He has a few chest with more material than he would need connectect with green wire to the train station. Ok so far - the network knows that there is wood.

Now he creates a request of 1200 wood with the constant combinator (the only(!) combinator besides the depot) and the train pickes up exactly 1200 wood (he doesnt have the 2s inactivity condition).

Why is the exact same setup not working for me? Ok, i know its because of the 2s inactivity but why would ltn create it anyways?

Re: [Mod 0.14/0.15] Logistic Train Network 1.2.1

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 5:06 pm
by nagapito
MannimMond wrote:The tutorial by Nilaus u linked he doesnt have this problem.

He has a few chest with more material than he would need connectect with green wire to the train station. Ok so far - the network knows that there is wood.

Now he creates a request of 1200 wood with the constant combinator (the only(!) combinator besides the depot) and the train pickes up exactly 1200 wood (he doesnt have the 2s inactivity condition).

Why is the exact same setup not working for me? Ok, i know its because of the 2s inactivity but why would ltn create it anyways?
That video is way before version 1.1.0 where the 2 second inactivity condition was added.

Re: [Mod 0.14/0.15] Logistic Train Network 1.2.1

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 5:58 pm
by MannimMond
I tried the last version of the demo map (1.2.1) and in this savegame i have the exact same problem!

As u can see there is a condition for 4k iron and the 2s inactivity. But the train has already 11k iron but the inserter wont stop. I realy dont know where ths problem is.

Re: [Mod 0.14/0.15] Logistic Train Network 1.2.1

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 6:20 pm
by TaztheRotten
Thanks for your quick reply earlier. it wasn't the fix i needed, but i learned something and with a new version and re- researching, the mod is working...thanx again

I am wondering the best method to have a requester station with multiple items and be able to request different minimums depending on the item being requested? I figure i can do it with combinators, but first I wanted to ask if there is a way to do this within the mod? (so far all items in a single station are using the same minimum) or maybe split up my requester stations to match up better with the minimum i want for a certain item? ( I have hopes to keeping one station with several different items with different minimums)

Re: [Mod 0.14/0.15] Logistic Train Network 1.2.1

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 7:03 pm
by Optera
MannimMond wrote:I tried the last version of the demo map (1.2.1) and in this savegame i have the exact same problem!

As u can see there is a condition for 4k iron and the 2s inactivity. But the train has already 11k iron but the inserter wont stop. I realy dont know where ths problem is.
I left the ore stations as "bad" example. I don't care if a train brings more ore than requested it just means the next delivery is happening later. The worst thing happening is a train waiting inside the ore requester if it's buffer can't take the additional load.
TaztheRotten wrote:Thanks for your quick reply earlier. it wasn't the fix i needed, but i learned something and with a new version and re- researching, the mod is working...thanx again

I am wondering the best method to have a requester station with multiple items and be able to request different minimums depending on the item being requested? I figure i can do it with combinators, but first I wanted to ask if there is a way to do this within the mod? (so far all items in a single station are using the same minimum) or maybe split up my requester stations to match up better with the minimum i want for a certain item? ( I have hopes to keeping one station with several different items with different minimums)
Combinators and stack filter inserters are the best and only way to go. Don't bother trying those sluggish slow 1 chest/item setups. They work but meh... who would want a train waiting more than 5s in a station to get fully loaded. :mrgreen:

Re: [Mod 0.14/0.15] Logistic Train Network 1.2.1

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 7:13 pm
by MannimMond
Optera wrote:
MannimMond wrote:I tried the last version of the demo map (1.2.1) and in this savegame i have the exact same problem!

As u can see there is a condition for 4k iron and the 2s inactivity. But the train has already 11k iron but the inserter wont stop. I realy dont know where ths problem is.
I left the ore stations as "bad" example. Usually you don't care if a train brings more ore than requested it just means the next delivery is happening later.

Ok i can understand this. But my copper mine has right now 200k copper and i want only 2k copper to a certain station and not a full wagon (with the mod "big bags" 20k!). Why is this not working? Or am i that stupid :-(

Re: [Mod 0.14/0.15] Logistic Train Network 1.2.1

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 7:56 pm
by torne
You're expected to build a circuit network controlled loading station which uses the signals output by the train stop to load the correct amount. If you don't want to do that, you can instead disable the 2s inactivity timeout in the mod configuration, but then inserters will end up with items held in their hands after the train leaves sometimes, which causes problems for multi-item provider stations. If you only have single item provider stations then it probably doesn't matter, though.

Re: [Mod 0.14/0.15] Logistic Train Network 1.2.1

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 7:58 pm
by nagapito
MannimMond wrote:
Optera wrote:
MannimMond wrote:I tried the last version of the demo map (1.2.1) and in this savegame i have the exact same problem!

As u can see there is a condition for 4k iron and the 2s inactivity. But the train has already 11k iron but the inserter wont stop. I realy dont know where ths problem is.
I left the ore stations as "bad" example. Usually you don't care if a train brings more ore than requested it just means the next delivery is happening later.

Ok i can understand this. But my copper mine has right now 200k copper and i want only 2k copper to a certain station and not a full wagon (with the mod "big bags" 20k!). Why is this not working? Or am i that stupid :-(
If you are using v0.14, here is a blueprint to solve your issues.
just put that on the copper mine and it will load the train with the amount it is configured too.

If you are using V15, more simpler solutions exist but this also works, you just have to figure out how to use the bluestring since I think bluestring from foreman v14 dont work in vanilla bluestring import. You might need to use v15 Foreman

Re: [Mod 0.14/0.15] Logistic Train Network 1.2.1

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 8:18 pm
by MannimMond
Ok finally it worked :D
I missed a red wire on the providing station - from the output of the combinator to the output of the train stop.

Thx for all the help! :-)

Re: [Mod 0.14/0.15] Logistic Train Network 1.2.1

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 9:20 am
by Sphinx
Thanks for this cool mod.

I have one question.
How is determined who gets a delivery? Round robin, distance, random, ...

if i have two or more stations requesting for example iron ore. But there is no iron ore available to deliver and it is slowly mined.
If the mine produced enough ore for a delivery a train will fulfill one of the requests. This refinery that got the delivery uses all ore up and requests it again.
When the mine has the next delivery ready who will receive it?

I see there is a provider priority but no deliver priority

Re: [Mod 0.14/0.15] Logistic Train Network 1.2.1

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 3:31 pm
by Optera
Sphinx wrote:Hello,
Thanks for this cool mod.

I have one question.
How is determined who gets a delivery? Round robin, distance, random, ...

if i have two or more stations requesting for example iron ore. But there is no iron ore available to deliver and it is slowly mined.
If the mine produced enough ore for a delivery a train will fulfill one of the requests. This refinery that got the delivery uses all ore up and requests it again.
When the mine has the next delivery ready who will receive it?

I see there is a provider priority but no deliver priority
LTN uses pure round robin.
Requester are sorted to the back of the queue once they had a delivery dispatched.

For technical reasons the queue is stop based. A station requesting both iron and copper will be moved to the back if only copper was delivered.

Re: [Mod 0.14/0.15] Logistic Train Network 1.2.1

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 3:40 pm
by Sphinx
Ok thanks for the information.
Not that i would need it for anything right now but could i trick the system?
Say one station requests 1000 and one requests 800 of a thing.
the 800 could be served sooner than the 1000 so it would get always the first delivery?

Re: [Mod 0.14/0.15] Logistic Train Network 1.2.1

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 9:01 am
by Diskerror49

I wanna report a bug but cant post a link to screenshot in first post. So that post just a workaround! Will delete it afterwards.

EDIT: Dont found deletebutton. Can someone delete this post please?

Re: [Mod 0.14/0.15] Logistic Train Network 1.2.1

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 9:02 am
by Diskerror49
I found a bug/feature. Every 5 seconds or something like that is said "No station supplying xxx found" In case of stone and wood its correct, cause i want to bulid a "Hauler"station for dropping the wood and stone on ever station with filter inserters. So maybe its possible to deactivate the setting?

But in case of iron plates and crude oil barrel its like a bug, cause I have stations. See link with screenshot below for my ironplatestation (No links alowed in first post). Or maybe the messeage show also, if not enough ressources for delivery are available?

Best regards

PS. sorry for my bad english skills.

Re: [Mod 0.14/0.15] Logistic Train Network 1.2.1

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 10:00 am
by KingWut117
Is the mod broken right now?

I currently have two stations set up with an extra depot station and a train.

The first station is getting an input of -10k iron into the lamp.
The second station is getting an input of 19k iron from a bunch of chests into the lamp.

I have a 1-2 train on automatic mode with one station on its schedule, that station is being fed a Depot signal of 1 into the lamp.

The train goes to the depot, and upon arriving the lamp turns blue.
Both stations lamps are green.

Nothing happens, no requests are made, both stations are connected via rail line.

EDIT: all my input circuit signals are sent on green wire

EDIT: Ok... I changed the request value from -10k iron to -20k iron, and it created a request. That's all I did, it created a request for 4k iron

Re: [Mod 0.14/0.15] Logistic Train Network 1.2.1

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 10:05 am
by Optera
To everyone asking if the mod is broken.

No this mod is not broken.

Factorio's mod settings break sometimes. 15.6 is an alpha of a beta after all.
Check your mod settings and either manually reset them to default or click reset.