Optera wrote:ssilk wrote:
And so much to be said: that idea comes from real life, cause there this problem is really a cost factor (they are just able to direct directly to the nearest depot with the least number of trucks at the probable next provision).
Well unlike RL logistic systems I have no clue where stops are, how they connect to one another, not even where trains currently are (unless parked at a stop).
Yes, that is the basic problem. But that was the reason, why I think that my idea with sending the trains to some provider will work.
And no: it doesn't matter much, cause for the near reach (of about 200 tiles in diameter) Factorio already manages quite well to fill all depots equally. So no usage to be really exact with this. What's important is: should it take the nearest depot or should it take one 2000, 3000, 4000 tiles away? (Assumed the depots are all connected it would be just enough to check the distance.)
That was the idea of sending the train to some random provider, which is eventually 4000 tiles away, cause then Factorio chooses the next depot.
Sidenote: I was part of the development team for a fleet management system.
For that you implemented not so much from that into your mod.
No, seriously: That explains your interest and some of your design decisions. And it explains also why it doesn't allow much different layout than your idea of what "logistics" is.
... all comes from the problem that depots needs to have equal names to be effective enough in such a big map...
It would be much easier if depots could have any name and just need the depot signal. Then I could feed in the number of wanted trains at a depot and the train could directly drive to the depot with the most wanted trains.
Wow your info is seriously outdated. Are you really using my current version and not your ancient fork?
No I use the current. You played it and gave me tips. But go back to the former page: My problem is the size of my map. LTN works perfectly in an area of - let's say 2000x2000 tiles. But in 6000x6000 it behaves more and more annoying.
Ok, I explain it again:
At first I had only one central depot, with enough space for all trains.
Problem: An outpost provides something which is needed anywhere else. The trains are only in the center. Until the train drives to the outpost 1-2 mins are over (the map was at that time about 2000x2000). I found that much too long. For my taste acceptable is 30 seconds. More makes the network inefficient.
So I begun to built depots at the outposts, cause that way a train near the depot is chosen.
Uhm, btw: Does LTN try to choose the nearest free train?
Problem 1: I cannot foresee, how many trains are really needed. Sometimes only one train of 5 is out, sometimes 10 trains are not enough! In doubt there are always too less. But that is no problem, when you have a central depot with all trains, cause the pool is much bigger.
Problem 2: Really ugly is, that now it is possible, that a train from the OTHER SIDE of the map is requested. That takes not 2 minutes, but 5! Much, much, much too long! I don't want to built so big buffers, but I can meanwhile smelt much more than 100000 items in 5 minutes.
So I begun to name all depots for one type of train equally. I have currently supply trains (LCC), bulk trains (LLCCCC) and liquid trains (LCCC).
Problem: That works astonishing well, until I have nothing to do for my factory. Trains are suddenly free and search for the next depot.
So I begun to search for a method to send the trains from a jammed depot to another depot, that is not jammed.
Problem: I found no solution. So I asked here.
Summary: I have now about 20 depot-stops. I tried a lot around with your counsel. But there is currently from my sight no good way to build very big train networks, cause they are either quite slow or have other problems, that I don't want.
Maybe it looks a bit close-minded, I see me just focused to solve a very special problem.