Bilka wrote: Sun May 12, 2019 6:29 am
Let's take a step back here. You linked a page with only read-only attributes and say that you want know what changing them does. Why would we document what a change does, when you cannot change something? It is wasted time and misleading.
I am sorry for the confusion. There are two places i tend to look when trying to figure out what a certain prototype property does. LUA API and the wiki.
To me, the two are interconnected even though prototypes cannot be changed in a live game.
Bilka wrote: Sun May 12, 2019 6:29 amAs it should, because the wiki is the prototype documentation, and the page on there should describe what changing does - because it is about changing it. You have very valid points with information still missing from the wiki. It is something that I am working on, but documentation takes time and the "normal" wiki is higher priority than pages that no-one might ever use.
My point is that even a simple one liner describing a property beyond it's code name would be swell to people who are new to modding Factorio.
Bilka wrote: Sun May 12, 2019 6:29 amI recommend you to make a post the in modding help subforum whenever you want to know how a specific prototype property does. When someone wants to use a property, it means that it is always worth my time to spend 30+ minutes looking through the source code and writing a description for the property right then and there, so I will usually do so.
I commend your initiative. However i feel it could be handled differently.
When i decided i would take a stab at modding something in Factorio i looked at the thing i wanted to modify and was met with several not so simple question marks. A "normal" person would have just given up at that point. "Not documented, google didn't answer, CBA to make a post and monitor said post for a week to see if anyone comes up with an answer"
In my case, i was somewhat lucky in that all the mechanics were explained through rigorous testing by another player, but i had to mentally link the different effects observed to their respective prototype definitions and it took me a long time to actually figure out that flow rate was not just related to the "size" of the pipe but with each and every fluid as well.
Say you have some code that deals with base_area, base_level and the fluid viscosity. If one were to just add a comment in code for that one particular property with the formula used to determine flow it would have been massively helpful.
Add to this, base_area really doesn't tell a new modder much. Again, a comment stating "cross section of pipe, 1 = 100 units" would have made it much clearer and saved a potential new modder the trouble of digging around.
I am not saying you should go and document every single property out there in one go. But there are some core stuff (belts, inserters and fluids being three major ones) to the game that are quite likely to be modded by a, to be, modder.
And frankly, there are some things i've wanted to modify in the past but didn't because "i've already been there, took me that long to figure out fluids so i can only imagine how painful that would be".
Also, i am a very impatient person by nature, so i'd rather not ask. And i hate asking for things to boot.
As a counter example, i remember the days when looking at the MSDN to figure out how to use some class in .NET. They initially had very poor documentation but it eventually grew.
But what REALLY helped in the end were the "reference code" or whatever it was called. Instead of reading documentation, one could actually see the .NET sources for various classes.
Perhaps that's something to consider? Windows into the source code behind some core aspects of the game? It wouldn't just help modders, it would help regular players too!