Ahhhhh, found out just after playing the last session, that Klonan had made a mod to upgrade the robot battery research,
and this will solve soooo many problems on my base construction!!!! Now I can plan more freely, and won't depend of having tier 4 robots, at least for now.
Other huge discovery, for me that don't look much around about this game, is that you can click on the deconstruction planner with the right mouse button and choose to remove only rocks and trees!!! I didn't know that!!! Oh my god!!! Before that I was relying on the "auto-deconstruct" mod, that removed any trees when you placed a new roboport, but it wasn't updated to 0.15. This was a huge hold for my base expansion, as the deconstruction orders don't stay forever like ghosts do. Once I set like a 500x1000 area to remove all the trees, only to find out that thing. Now with this I can go ahead on the base construction WHILE I wait for anything on the base for the base to be completed. Like more roboport MKIV.
Anyway..... This new mod finally made me automate all the new required research packs for it to go up to at least lvl 10. The first one was re-making the purple science pack, that was the alien one I think, now it's the production science pack. I decided to also make this session available in real-time, I just have to merge all the videos and upload it now, expect it to be available this week. Just so you can look around that mega bus in real-time. Watching all the video could be boring, but one bit here and there must be amusing. This was all played last monday night, June 26.
Also on that day I started the next tier, the Hi-tech science pack, at first, was kinda easy, just linking all things that I already had on the main bus or at least automated. But this pack also required the high speed module 1....
- but to do it, I needed first to research it
- that needed to be done in the modules lab
- and before researching that, I had to research the base of the modules research
- and this needed a LOT of things
- and I also needed to automate the modules lab production
- and thus the original lab production
- so I started it, right at the end of that HUGE BUS....
- also, I connected the road tunnels all at once for the first time and boy, LOOK AT THAT UPS, this is bad, as the megabase main bus should be 200x bigger than this..... ohhhhh boy

- Factorio 2017-06-26 21-06-56-742.jpg (1.33 MiB) Viewed 14890 times
- original lab production was easy, all things were on the bus already
- but to make the modules lab, I needed a lot of module things
- and they required one thing, that was kinda basic, so basic that
- not one, but 2 items weren't on the main bus, and they were being done only on the other edge of it.
- there was some serious belt laying at the end of that monday session.
Next gameplay session, played just now
- After belting those 2, I could make the 3 missing ingredients for the modules lab, they all required the same things, so I decided to play a little spaghetti fun, and at the end, it all looked like this:

- Factorio 2017-07-02 22-52-37-850.jpg (1.15 MiB) Viewed 14890 times
That was fun to make and to watch it working
- Then, onto making the remaining entities required for the basic research to be done in the modules lab
- The first one required the same things of the basic white module chip
- So I emptied the machine on it's right and made that column for it.
- Then, there was the plastic capsule
- And the other 2 were other modules, so I kept expanding that spaghetti

- Factorio 2017-07-02 23-15-19-448.jpg (1.34 MiB) Viewed 14890 times
- After that, finally could research the high speed module 1
- Now that I can craft it, I can see what items does it need
- The only new item was a gold contact
- The rest was just more spaghetti fun, at the end, all the systems looked like this:

- Factorio 2017-07-02 23-33-08-146.jpg (1.3 MiB) Viewed 14890 times
After that, only had to belt the modules back to the science pack, almost all the bus back, near that lake. But it finally is going.
Now, I just upgraded all science pack production to have 12 machines each, or something like that.
Then went to see why I had no gold anymore, turns out the chlorine belt was full of Pumps that stopped working with the new 0.15 update.
Also looked for bottlenecks around the base
And made more storage for all the slags
Then my HD was full and had to stop.....
Next time, if I don't have any detour, I'm going to remove a LOT of trees around the base, at least everywhere that I already have robot coverage
Also have to really upgrade the landfill production, cause it takes a TON of resources and time, even with the upgrade, I'll probably will have to wait 1 full day of gameplay just to remove that small lake, nevermind any other I may find up north on the megabase path....
Then I will re-start titanium production, I just remembered that ALL those ores that I stored up at the side of the MEGABASE were exactly the ones I was looking for, unless they're also gone with that update, I just have to transport them.
Next, I'll expand the roboports to reach all the 500x500 areas.
Then remove all the trees of those areas
And put concrete on all of them
Then I'll work on making some big, fancy, pretty and Rube Goldberg like production areas for each series of items that require the same ingredients. But those at the side of those 500x500 areas. As they're part of the base for the base.
Those areas will be
- Modules, not that I'm planning on using them, they just make a wonderful spaghetti chain
- All the colored concrete
- All the colored lights
- All kinds of different grounds
Then, I wanna work on re-allocating that Ugly solar plants
Then, I'll make a proper central train station and storage area, I'm planning on making each megabase train to have 48 wagons, with 1 double loco every 12 wagons, kinda like real trains. I'll also make at least 3 platforms for each ore unload. So like 30 platforms of about 60 wagons long
And a waiting area....
Then the storage area, I'm thinking of using those Angels Warehouses, each ore will have about a screen full of them, maybe more......
Then I can work on the proper ore crushing and sorting 500x500 area
And also the slag treatment plant that I need ASAP
Gonna plan this one very nice, using all the lights and grounds to look nice and all, this will be a huge but fun challenge
Then start making the 500x500 smelting session, but only start, as there's SOOOOO many things to make here
Then also have some fun at the refinery
And finally start properly expanding the megabase and put things as it's needed....
At first, this megabase would be for all things like the other, but I'm thinking of first making it just to launch the rocket, as I've never done that and it's already taking way too long and way too much of the CPU.
After that, then I could think of expanding all the rest, as I originally wanted to make a base that couldn't fit on 2 game maps even on the smaller zoom level. May need to upgrade my ram.....