Hello forum people! First post.
In my latest base, and from the outset it was designed to be ridiculously sized, I had some numbers in my head what i wanted to see on the production chart so objectives set and away I went.
About 400 hours later my base is 4 times bigger than what i ever planned, I've had to move entire portions of my base elsewhere and do train links. I have 85 active trains at the moment, all 1-8-1's running on mostly coal, all on one rail network with 2x2 rail lines. Couple of queues here and there lmao. Tens of thousands of inserters, furnaces, assemblers, belts, refineries etc. a massive bot area with 4500 log bots, and a measily 2500 con bots. all sharing 750 charging ports.
There can be millions of anything all being made at once if I kick the whole place into gear.
I have learned here, parts of my base are "buffed" as it needs bots to help the belts bring the stuff quick enough to keep the assembler/machine on full time.
What I noticed is when I first started the game it was at 60FPS. And thats what inspired my objectives - at what point will it become unplayable? We need to push it. I do this with most games, all building games anyway. its my fun.
e.g. I did it with openttd on my old computer. I was grinding my shoddy old pc to a halt I had thousands of vehicles. When i built my new pc, copied my save over and had it run without an hickup and a bazzilion fps then you know your new PC is good
Makes you feel goooood with direct real comparisons
I didn't really realise it when I was building my factory but my FPS dropped eventually to what it is now- 19fps. Okay it could be worse, and i'm sure i've seen it drop to 10fps at times. But getting around was becoming tedious, and with expansions geting ever larger if something b0rked or i end up waiting for some materials then it could take unreasonable time.
Last week one evening I fell asleep on factorio *probably waiting for slow fps lag* then the next day after work I got home back to the precious, then I realised factorio was still running and the base had caught up. AND IT WAS 55FPS!!! There was no movement on the belts, all the buffers caught up, all the furnaces are full, and the trains full, all belts were full and backlogged of items etc etc etc.
I shoot out a couple of storage chests, and that kicks the whole factory into gear, then I can see max production numbers and slowly slowly as more things turn on the fps gets lower. I dont like it. So I began to investigate why the FPS was reducing.
Like alot of you I first checked task manager, and performance monitor, and noticed nothing out of the ordinary - factorio was running, no more than 20 - 25%(THIS IS OBVIOUSLY THE PROBLEM LOL), Factorio is running 32 threads, it dosn't appear to use more than 1 or 2 cores(6 OR 7 POTENTIAL PROBLEMS HERE), I have AMD 8 core, so I dont know if 2 cores are 1 etc so theres that(PROBLEM). Theres plently of memory free(KIND OF OPOSITE OF PROBLEM BUT COULD CALL IT A PROBLEM). And nothing is having a hard time. (EXCEPT FACTORIO < BIGGEST PROBLEM)
From this post slight improvements can be found by:
1. making belts undergound
2. apparently using more log bots?
3. using more trains.
But these are things within the game, I dont like underground belts because then you cant watch your things going from here to there. I'm Already using bots, and trains. I considered cutting all the log bots, as I thought their pathfinding was probably adding to the fps drop. Instead I was adding more chargers, so they would do their work quicker. But apparently cutting bots wont help much no?
I noticed when I expanded (meaning i deleted a huge part of my base and rebuilt it elsewhere) using trains my fps went up a bit, not sure due to using less belts or less items on belts, or more stack bonuses on the inserters not sure.
I considered the inserters as a culpret as every single one of those probably has a number of jobs:
1. check every item passing underneath it (faster belts mean more items and consiquently more checking) or chest is worse? < i bet thats the problem
2. check to see if it can move said items into the machine behind it at that particular moment
3. move to grab something
4. swing badda badda swing! and back again.
I'm tired thinking about it, I'm just saying even if the factory has the belts full of items FPS seems to pick up so long as they arn't moving. Is it the hitboxes? Is it the machines? Is it the inserters? I wish i knew.
But clearly the game needs to use more of my cpu. If theres one thing I know, is that factorio would be much happier if it used ALL of my CPUs. MAKE FACTORIO USE ALL OF MY CPU's DAMMIT I SHOULD BE ABLE TO USE CPUS FROM OTHER COMPUTERS TO FACTOR IN THE REQUIRED POWER TO POWER MY FACTORIO. HELL i WAS GOING TO RIG UP A DIESEL ENGINE TO THE PC SEE IF THAT ROCKS IN SOME POWA!
Sorry for essay, AND RANT mostly useless mumbo anyway GG