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Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.25
Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 3:40 pm
by dark angel
ok i'll try soon or later for now i guess to stick ur old version for replicators.
Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.25
Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 4:30 am
by dark angel
found something i moved the deactivated mods i had folder just when said about it turns out some reason bug was cause because of the dytech core was disabled. I was not using you old version i though might try what said before see if if that might work. well apparently it did just letting you know
Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.25
Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 9:26 am
by Doublespin
So now you can play with the current version of replicator?
Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.25
Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 3:55 pm
by dark angel
yes it seem it working fine nothing wrong happen some reason having dytech-core when its disabled in the mod list for factorio caused the bug/error.
And no i haven't factorio updated as of yet.
Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.25
Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:14 pm
by darkshadow1809
Willing to develop this mod further IF 0.12 reaches its release
if you have any suggestions please do tell me so I can integrate it when 0.12 hits
Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.25
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 7:25 pm
by Berserker55
Using 1.0.26; Ion Turrets refuse to fire on biters and spitters.
Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.25
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 7:31 pm
by Berserker55
Debugged it; you have a buffer of 500 kJ:
energy_source =
type = "electric",
buffer_capacity = "500kJ",
input_flow_limit = "1920kW",
drain = "18kW",
usage_priority = "primary-input"
your projectile requires 600 kJ though:
type = "projectile",
category = "laser-turret",
energy_consumption = "600kJ",
action =
The vanilla has 201 buffer and needs 200. So changing the buffer to 601 fixes it.
Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.25
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 7:32 am
by jamuspsi
Hey guys! I see that my mod has inspired a lot of new work, and I'm really impressed by how far it's come!
There are, however, some parts I am not really into. Like the piping/liquid aspect, and the change in the early game. I don't think they're BAD by any means- in fact, I'm starting up a game with this version now to get a feel for it!
That said, if I ever wanted to continue work on my version, it's going to be awkward because I'd have to rename it, and there'd be a lot of confusion. Given that your version has departed so far from the original, I'd like to ask that you please rename it to something else. I don't mind that you recycled the art or any part of the code that still remains (I'm guessing little!), since most of it was recycled in the first place. But I'd really appreciate if your mod was a proper fork, with a separate name, rather than a continuation of mine, if only so I can make and share updates to mine without it being super confusing.
Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.25
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 9:23 am
by darkshadow1809
jamuspsi wrote:Hey guys! I see that my mod has inspired a lot of new work, and I'm really impressed by how far it's come!
There are, however, some parts I am not really into. Like the piping/liquid aspect, and the change in the early game. I don't think they're BAD by any means- in fact, I'm starting up a game with this version now to get a feel for it!
That said, if I ever wanted to continue work on my version, it's going to be awkward because I'd have to rename it, and there'd be a lot of confusion. Given that your version has departed so far from the original, I'd like to ask that you please rename it to something else. I don't mind that you recycled the art or any part of the code that still remains (I'm guessing little!), since most of it was recycled in the first place. But I'd really appreciate if your mod was a proper fork, with a separate name, rather than a continuation of mine, if only so I can make and share updates to mine without it being super confusing.
Your back :O? (Yaw drops)
Dang... you werent active for months man
Sorry for kinda... hjacking your mod I guess :p loads of people were asking for updates and their code started messing up on some computers so me and doublespin took up on the mod and tried fixing it and kinda made it revamped instead lol. Sorry about that :p Don't worry man
we left all your old vanilla aspects in actually! You see that little config.lua in there? Simply put whatever true or false you dont want
you can disable the whole piping aspect etc.
So its basically your vanilla replicators
I think I will change this to default so its your vanilla and for people who want extra functionality can just re-enable it
.-. your functions were a pain to deal with tho
to figure the code i actually needed someone else to decypher them with me
We tried putting as much translation into it
you should look into the code. Theres a lot of your basics which still remain onto it actually so you can see we indeed added on to it heavily instead of breaking everything down
Also welcome back:D!
Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.25
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 9:23 am
by darkshadow1809
Berserker55 wrote:Debugged it; you have a buffer of 500 kJ:
energy_source =
type = "electric",
buffer_capacity = "500kJ",
input_flow_limit = "1920kW",
drain = "18kW",
usage_priority = "primary-input"
your projectile requires 600 kJ though:
type = "projectile",
category = "laser-turret",
energy_consumption = "600kJ",
action =
The vanilla has 201 buffer and needs 200. So changing the buffer to 601 fixes it.
Thanks man
will fix when 0.12 hits. Since its in 6-7 days and all mods are gonna require heavy fixing
Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.25
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 10:44 am
by tno1
New Name Idea (this one) More Replicas
Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.25
Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 12:14 pm
by Lishget
I have revised the german translation for the Version 1.0.26. and corrected some typing errors and adjust the Translation. I have changed technames, item names and added Descriptions to them, too. I hope you like it.
I have found in the english locale the entrie for copper cable twice... One time with Copper_Wire, one Time with Copper_cable. I have belong this in the de location, but is this necessary, or an inadvertency?
Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.25
Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 9:21 pm
by DreamSmith
Hiya, privately modded in the rare_earth replication again. Is there any chance you could add it as a config option or would you prefer an addon mod?
ATM:- 2 re -> 5 cl, 9.2 cl -> 1 re. (That's almost double loss for all the power added.)
My option/suggestion:- 20 cl -> 9 re (Easy), 30 cl -> 13 re (bakers dozen), 40 cl -> 17 re (hard), 160 cl -> 65 (hardly worth it, might be good as a default).
Bakers dozen is only included and preferred as a giggle.
Edit:- Saved double post.
Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.25
Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 6:38 pm
by Airat9000
update 0.12 please
Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.25
Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 10:54 am
by Ideoges
Yes, 0.12 Update would be awesome!
Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.25
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 2:06 pm
by Doublespin
I'm sorry to say that i wont work any further on this mod (personal issues).
But you can check out this fork of the mod:
[0.12.1]Dark Matter Replicators
Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.25
Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 10:21 am
by FactorioFreak
Pls update i love this Mod
Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.25
Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 8:17 am
by pieppiep
Is there a 0.15 version planned?