Remember that evolution also comes from time.
For instance in 0.17, evolution from time is doubled on Rail World presets (to compensate for the disabled expansion ?) compared to the Default one.
And it's 5 times the Default on Death World ! While being only 1.33.. times the Default for pollution.
It's one of the main reasons that I use
Vlad's Auto Time.
For instance, in my 0.16 Death World game, I hit 50% evo (= blue biters) at ~12 hours, while setting up Aluminium mining & smelting. (I set up lead first, for obvious reasons.)
The breakdown for evolution was 83% time, 15% evolution, 2% spawner kills.
But then, being my first Py game, I was quite inefficient.
(I also made some mistakes that I shouldn't have - like allowing biters to settle close and NOT rushing ore processing 1's as fast as possible - which I should have known to do from playing Angel.)
OTOH, I did avoid some of the potential mistakes, like using Combustion Turbines or growing wood for power, or wasting my resources on worse than vanilla Advanced Foundries, or the better than vanilla, but waaay too expensive at that point Automated Factories.
Also, if I'm not mistaken, pollution absorbing buildings are now available much much earlier in the form of Fawogae Plantations and such ? (Though do they help with evolution from pollution too ?)
But then it's IMHO nice that you can't completely control the biters by just killing the nearby nests, and neither have them expand nor evolve after that !
And since you can tweak those settings, this is even less of an issue... though again I want to stress that Default settings should be viable for first time Py players.
BTW - DarkyPupu, "most difficult pollution settings" would be in latest 0.17 :
- only sand & water
- no trees
- 111 times (!!!) faster evolution from pollution
- 1/10 pollution absorption from those desert & water tiles
- 10x more biters generated from the same amount of pollution
(- Pollution propagating 12.5 times more in nearby chunks ? Or maybe 2 times less, not sure which one is harder...)
How would you even manage a game like that ?!?
EDIT : oh, my bad,
When i was talking about difficult settings, it was purely about "pollution absoption per kill / per tree / per ground etc."
So, "only" :
- 1/10 pollution absorption from trees & tiles
- 10x more biters generated from the same amount of pollution
- trees damaged starting at 0 pollution
- trees absorbing 0 pollution per "leaf loss stage"
(So, since the "dead" trees that have lost all their leaves absorb 0 pollution - unlike trees that have started out dead/dry - this is like having no trees at all where pollution absorption is concerned ?)
What did you set your diffusion pollution ratio to ?
Still, How do you manage this ?!