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Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 11:13 pm
by bobingabout
Although I did mention it in my first post, the topic was kind of ignored due to bug reports... but...

I added equipment grids to Tanks and Trains.

Currently, you can't put any equipment in (Because I didn't allow armor equipment to be used, and I haven't added any new equipment yet).

Any suggestions? opinions?

Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 11:39 pm
by iamwyza
On the one hand. I have this "all the equipment in the game" desire so I can have a tank with a MK4 Fusion Reactor with MK6 shields and Laser Defenses out the wazoo.

On the other hand, OP. (of course MK5 Armor + the above is already powerful so....)

I know there are already mods that do it now, but electric vehicles would be awesome and roboports on trains would also be awesome. (PS if you do roboports on trains, please do MK2-4 mobile-Roboports that have large ranges + greater capacity)

Speed modules would be interesting. (turn a tank into a ferrari)
Armor modules? (though I'd prefer shields since they regenerate, armor modules might be nice for early when shields are impractical)

Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 3:36 am
by Chibiabos
Hard to think of equipment module suggestions that haven't already been made or aren't already common -- faster, more weapons, etc. and shields. I think shields would be really great not only for helping attack aliens and the spawning nests, but for cutting through forests without fear of accruing too much damage from hitting trees or rocks. Would it be possible to have custom vehicle modules that, say, prevent mutual collision damage if you hit your own constructs like power poles, pipes, assemblers, etc. but still let you knock down trees and rocks? Maybe automated gun turrets, sniper turrets or flamethrower turrets?

There are a couple other things besides modules I'd like to mention ... there are some standard mods I think many of us have found essential to running your mods, namely the Map Labels mod to help find ore patches given that several of your ore patches are very, very hard to see on the mini-map, and the Auto Deconstruct Loot mod which automatically marks alien artifacts and mini-artifacts for deconstruction which makes alien farming a cinch. Unfortunately both of these mods have yet to make a .14-compatible update. The former is, I think, especially essential ... Galena has a habit of being virtually invisible on the mini-map and trying to distinguish some patches (like iron vs tin vs silver) is kinda challenging. Could you maybe consider expanding mods to include something like Map Labels and/or Auto Deconstruct Loot, or provide similar functionality with your mods?

Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 3:51 am
by aeros1
bobingabout wrote:Although I did mention it in my first post, the topic was kind of ignored due to bug reports... but...

I added equipment grids to Tanks and Trains.

Currently, you can't put any equipment in (Because I didn't allow armor equipment to be used, and I haven't added any new equipment yet).

Any suggestions? opinions?
After thinking your mod has combat robots, but they are kinda dupes. Maybe they could launced from hangars and return into vichicles. At least light ones like cars. I wonder if there is possiblity make diffrent aura kinds of robots with weak laser pointer which does 0.001 damage, but around them change armor of biters, or change damages of drones or minions, or recharge shields, or alternatively covering in bubble shield nearby targets suffering for team.

Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 7:22 am
by bobingabout
Unfortunately, a combat robot that "returns to base" currently isn't possible, because they're pretty much hardcoded to die after a certain amount of time. (I tried, and failed)

A drone launching system that creates them from energy is possible though.

As for what I was thinking for modules... Well, Rather than just using armor modules in vehicles, I was thinking duplicate the functionallity of MOST of it (Maybe not things like the pulse defence) with different graphics, stats and names. As a good example... the Exoskeleton could be duplicated to an engine overdrive module, that looks like some sort of engine, or motor. Shields, batteries and Solar pannels would likely be pretty much the same, and Fussion Reactors could have different values, and sizes (EG, a 4x2 power unit, or 2x6 more powerful unit for those with the larger grids.)

On the subject of electric powered vehicles though... as test I created an electric powered locomotive, and placed a fussion reactor MK4 in it... it did not power the vehicle.

Assuming the hooks to read values of power grids have been properly programmed in, I could probably just have a script that transfers energy from the equipment grid, to the vehicle grid, though for this to work, the vehicle would need a small accumulator built in (Like the Laser turret, or Roboport)

It is worth a shot at attempting though.

Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 10:39 am
by Walayimuna
I would like to add another sugestion for the use of oxygen.

Add two recipes, the first one converts oxygen to ozone.

The second one uses ozone to reduce / remove polution.

Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 11:32 am
by bobingabout
Since pollution generation is determined by the machine, not the recipe, you'd require a unique machine to make some sort of cleaning facility.

Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 8:23 pm
by aeros1
bobingabout wrote:Unfortunately, a combat robot that "returns to base" currently isn't possible, because they're pretty much hardcoded to die after a certain amount of time. (I tried, and failed)

A drone launching system that creates them from energy is possible though.

As for what I was thinking for modules... Well, Rather than just using armor modules in vehicles, I was thinking duplicate the functionallity of MOST of it (Maybe not things like the pulse defence) with different graphics, stats and names. As a good example... the Exoskeleton could be duplicated to an engine overdrive module, that looks like some sort of engine, or motor. Shields, batteries and Solar pannels would likely be pretty much the same, and Fussion Reactors could have different values, and sizes (EG, a 4x2 power unit, or 2x6 more powerful unit for those with the larger grids.)

On the subject of electric powered vehicles though... as test I created an electric powered locomotive, and placed a fussion reactor MK4 in it... it did not power the vehicle.

Assuming the hooks to read values of power grids have been properly programmed in, I could probably just have a script that transfers energy from the equipment grid, to the vehicle grid, though for this to work, the vehicle would need a small accumulator built in (Like the Laser turret, or Roboport)

It is worth a shot at attempting though.
Hmm hangars could take combat robots in hangars and removed on launch, than if they are close to expiration time programmed to move onto vichicle, and destroyed manualy with reinserting robot back, or play some teleport animation and go to inventory if vichicle is clsoe enough.. There also could be limit to accept launch, so if robot is too busy or not in range it dies from expiration. Though how cpu consuming that operation would be. Maybe I don't understand something but so far limited time is not big hinderance in terms of implementing robots more of hinderence in terms of staying time. Also those laser bots, for me they seemed to last forever and run off the map pretty far I never checked where they expired but it was pretty far.

It was in sandbox so maybe it is related with sandbox.(used capsules ofc, from your mod.)
Or just turn into items on the ground if it is intent for them to only be destroyable by agression.

Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 10:30 pm
by doxsroxs
Didnt find a proper thread for the research progress saver so I figure Ill just post it here.
Newest version of Factorio and got this message after a tech seem to be stuck close to completion for a while.
I started a new tech and then started the old one that was stuck, thats when I got this:


Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 10:34 pm
by Walayimuna
bobingabout wrote:Since pollution generation is determined by the machine, not the recipe, you'd require a unique machine to make some sort of cleaning facility.
Would it be possible to add this function to logistic robots?

Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 4:35 am
by AndrolGenhald
I've always wanted some sort of "trunk" module that would increase the inventory size of the vehicle.

Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 5:03 am
by ukezi
real cool would be that instead of building the car/tank/... we build a frame that can't do anything but has a large grid for car equipment. there we can put amour plates for hp, electric engines for speed, a trunk for inventory, and weapon mounds. and maybe special things like not slowing down when we hit trees and maybe putting them in the inventory instead of destroy them.

Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 6:58 am
by bobingabout
doxsroxs wrote:Didnt find a proper thread for the research progress saver so I figure Ill just post it here.
Newest version of Factorio and got this message after a tech seem to be stuck close to completion for a while.
I started a new tech and then started the old one that was stuck, thats when I got this:
Thanks for the report... I hate bugs.

I'll look into it.

Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 7:15 am
by bobingabout
AndrolGenhald wrote:I've always wanted some sort of "trunk" module that would increase the inventory size of the vehicle.
Currently not supported... but in the thread where they asked for ideas for new module capabillities, I did sugest this.
ukezi wrote:real cool would be that instead of building the car/tank/... we build a frame that can't do anything but has a large grid for car equipment. there we can put amour plates for hp, electric engines for speed, a trunk for inventory, and weapon mounds. and maybe special things like not slowing down when we hit trees and maybe putting them in the inventory instead of destroy them.
Again... you can only really do what they give you the abillity to do... The electric engine idea for speed is possible, though pretty much everything else isn't. (though the slowdown for trees is directly proportional to how much impact damage you cause, if you significantly overdamage the tree when you hit it, then the slowdown as minimal)
bobingabout wrote:
Thanks for the report... I hate bugs.

I'll look into it.

Code: Select all

    if global.techsave.force[] and global.techsave.force[].research_progress[] then
      event.research.force.research_progress = global.techsave.force[].research_progress[]
This is the code that errors.
According to your image... your research progress is 250%+
... what?

I mean, I can add in a check to make sure I never set it beyond 100%, thus preventing the bug... but this is actually the result of a base game bug!
(The value being restored is basically the EXACT value that was saved, therefore to restore 250%, it had to research to 250% in the first place, here's the function below)

Code: Select all

function bobmods.techsave.on_tick(event)
  for index, force in pairs(game.forces) do
    if force.current_research ~= nil then
      if global.techsave.force[] then
        global.techsave.force[].research_progress[] = force.research_progress
Perhaps you can report this bug in the official bug reporting subforum too? (About the 250% progress thing, and it not completing, they'll want a savegame with your research beyond 100% if you still have a copy.)

Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 7:23 am
by pieppiep
Automatically cutting down trees when riding in a car may be possible.
I know FARL can do it with a train.

Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 11:14 am
by afk2minute
Hello, is there a possibility of some new robo modules, for example interface that can add liquid value in a tank to a logistic network? (is it even possible to add such thing to a loginet?)

Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 1:51 pm
by kocur4d
Hi Bob. Is there any way to extract recipes information from your mods? Do you maybe have a json like file with all that data on the side?

For example I would like to know where Basic circuit board is used and make some breakdown of its ingredients.

I can look it up in a lua files but this is factorio and I would like to automate it.

I have seen some scripts you can run in game console but that would export all the stuff from the game including other mods modifications.

Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 2:12 pm
by Nexela
either use this program

or possibly

or add this file to any mod

Code: Select all

And all recipes will be dumped to factorio_current log file

[EDIT] Corrected spellings

Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 4:23 pm
by orzelek
For the research problem:
1. Game bug is one thing for sure - should be reported.
2. You could get this if you changed your mods and cost of given technology has changed.

Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 4:36 pm
by bobingabout
orzelek wrote:2. You could get this if you changed your mods and cost of given technology has changed.
Considering the current progress bar is stored only as a percentage complete... you shouldn't. but that might just be how it gets reported to the player, and internally, you could be correct.

I'm fixing it now anyway, if it detects progress to be higher than 100%, it will set it to 100%.