Re: Version 0.12.5
Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 8:50 pm
Yeah, I see now.Arumba wrote:I hosted a brand new map with 20 minute autosaves initially. It saved every minute, we had 20 autosaves total. I changed the settings after rehosting to try and fix the problem, set it to 60 minute autosaves. We now have 60 autosaves, and it is still saving every minute. If I disable autosaves entirely the game crashes when anyone joins.Oxyd wrote:In an MP game, autosave settings are dictated by the player who started the game; your local settings are irrelevant in this case. Did you start the game or did you join an existing game? If you joined a game, what autosave settings does the player hosting use?Arumba wrote:In the 0.12.5 version while playing multiplayer I am getting auto-saves every minute, regardless of the setting I use on launch. Also, instead of saving three, it is keeping all of them, I now have up to _autosave20 in my save file list.
Additionally, if I disable autosave entirely, it still continues to autosave, but will crash to desktop the moment anyone tries to join the game.
Running the 64 zip version, windows 7.
*edit* Now I have 60 autosaves. I changed it to 60 minutes to try and get rid of the problem. It also makes sense then that disabling causes a crash, since its likely dividing by 0.
Edit: Actually, forget that. I can see exactly what the problem is. Value swapped around, indeed.
In case you're curious, if you check the “Allow Commands” checkbox, your autosave interval will be set to 1 minute; if it's unchecked, autosaves are disabled. The “Autosave Interval” slider determines the number of autosave slots; setting it to 0 will cause division by zero. Commands are always enabled and can't be disabled.
This doesn't affect games hosted on the server, only games started through Multiplayer → New Game in the GUI.
The unnamed culprit is significantly taller than me, I don't think I'll be doing any slapping. He might slap himself, though.skintkingle wrote:Check the commit notes! Slap that bum!