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Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 10:26 pm
by bobingabout
The ores will be found if you venture to an unexplored area.
if you want to make them available in existing areas, you will need to enter a console command

Code: Select all

/c game.regenerateentity("cobalt-ore")
for 0.11.x or

Code: Select all

/c game.regenerate_entity("cobalt-ore")
for 0.12.x, note the addition of an underscore.

Also, what people were saying before. When you research Cobalt Processing, one of the recipes that is unlocked has the icon of a copper plate. This processes copper, and a few other ingredients in an Advanced copper processing recipe to create Copper plates and Cobalt Oxide. The idea is that you replace your copper production (or part of it) with this recipe, and the Cobalt Oxide byproduct is more than enough to make Lithium Ion Batteries with. Factorio doesn't display the recipe's name, which makes it a bit harder to find.

I suppose I should change the icon to be a copper plate with cobalt oxide smaller in the corner or something, to indicate you get both?

Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 12:24 am
by Degraine
That's probably a good idea, yes.

Also, I suppose there may have been a bug in the earlier version of ores that got fixed because I had diamond ore coming from coal fairly frequently previously.

Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 2:24 am
by SHiRKiT
cartmachine wrote:I am very new to factorio mods, this is the first one i have even used. Once I change the option in my config file if I load up my saved game will the ores be found?
I'm pretty sure you would only get in newly generated chunks, or else you'd need to regenerate the cobalt on already generated chunks. Someone need to confirm this though.

I think it's worth to obtain cobalt as byproduct, since it's a nice challenge to have. I love those challenges introduced by bob.

Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:55 am
by lolman360
Am geeting crushed stone from iron ore drills help!

Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 6:05 pm
by bobingabout
Crushed stone? That sounds like another mod... maybe Cartmens? What other mods are you using?

Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 8:02 pm
by safan
i'm getting only lead from galena, 0.12 with fresh start. Did something change?

I think the post above me has the same problem, like the chance only calculated 1 time or so?

Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:30 pm
by bobingabout
unless they've changed the tag, this should make it work

Code: Select all

for i, drill in pairs(data.raw["mining-drill"]) do
  if not drill.storage_slots then drill.storage_slots = 6 end
It's part of bobmining, I'll add it to bobores too. in 0.12.2

if you don't want to use mining, add that code to data-updates.lua of bobores

Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 3:58 am
by Degraine
The extra mining drills and pumpjacks seem to have gone walkabout in 0.12.1, the prototype files are missing.

EDIT: Oops, never mind. I didn't see that you'd added another module for those items.

Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 1:13 pm
by aklesey1
Bob, now only nickel ore gives cobalt ore, not galena? Or better turn on cobalt ore?

Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 4:09 pm
by bobingabout
aklesey1 wrote:Bob, now only nickel ore gives cobalt ore, not galena? Or better turn on cobalt ore?
It's all cases...
NickelFromGalena makes Galena provide nickel ore. This one works as it says.
EnableNickelOre, again, works as it says
EnableCobaltOre, Again, works as it says.
CobalFromNickel. It works as it says, allowing Nickel Ore fields to give Cobalt ore too. However, if Nickel ore fields are turned off, it instead give Cobalt from Galena.

Ideally, if you have EnableNickelOre turned on, you would turn off NickelFromGalena.

Also... Nothing in my mod requires you to have Cobalt ore (Which is why it is turned off by default), you can get Cobalt Oxide from the advanced copper processing recipe available from the Cobalt Processing research. Cobalt Oxide is used to make Lithium Ion Batteries and Cobalt plates.

Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 4:44 pm
by aklesey1
bobingabout wrote:
aklesey1 wrote:Bob, now only nickel ore gives cobalt ore, not galena? Or better turn on cobalt ore?
It's all cases...
NickelFromGalena makes Galena provide nickel ore. This one works as it says.
EnableNickelOre, again, works as it says
EnableCobaltOre, Again, works as it says.
CobalFromNickel. It works as it says, allowing Nickel Ore fields to give Cobalt ore too. However, if Nickel ore fields are turned off, it instead give Cobalt from Galena.

Ideally, if you have EnableNickelOre turned on, you would turn off NickelFromGalena.

Also... Nothing in my mod requires you to have Cobalt ore (Which is why it is turned off by default), you can get Cobalt Oxide from the advanced copper processing recipe available from the Cobalt Processing research. Cobalt Oxide is used to make Lithium Ion Batteries and Cobalt plates.
LOL thanks, nice to see several types of getting resources

Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 7:04 pm
by aklesey1
Question - where to use big amounts of cobalt and silver? I don't need many accumulators mk2 and don't need many solar panels? and for solder i don't need many tin not silver
May be silver cn be used in some alloys or for sensor system? I have quite a few ideas where you can use the cobalt - but may be coblat can be used for accumulators with big capacity?

Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 1:51 am
by bobingabout
Silver... has just not been in very high favor with my designs. I should use it more than I currently am. As for cobalt, that is rather a new addition, so I havn't written in a lot of uses for it yet.

Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 8:02 am
by aklesey1
bobingabout wrote:Silver... has just not been in very high favor with my designs. I should use it more than I currently am. As for cobalt, that is rather a new addition, so I havn't written in a lot of uses for it yet.
Nice to hear, but sometimes game generates map this big silver deposites
May be you can use accumulators MK2 for laser rifle ammo?
Can you say may be we can produce low level accumulators by different ways? because we need iron for:
1) Belts MK1, MK2, MK3
2) Steel, steel bearings
3) Ferric solution
4) Science packs MK1 MK2 MK3
5) Accumulators
6) Invar
7) Ammo
And another... so may be we can find some advanced iron proccessing for getting more iron ore
Or may be you can add cleaning ore like in Youki mod or in dytech with his centrifuge
I have an idea that lead can reeplace iron in some chains, not for all but ma be in small counts

Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 3:01 pm
by OZeT
hi Bob,

ive startet a game with all your mods but now after 15h i've encountered a little problem. I cant find any colbalt ore. So i looked it up and modified the config.lua to allow sulfur, nickel and cobaltine.
i tried removing the migration folder modifing the bobores_0.5.0.lua and executing this commands in the Factorio console with following results:

Code: Select all

/c"bobores", "Regenerate")	
Cannot Execute Command. Error: [string ""bobores", "Regenerate")"]:1: Unknown interface bobores
/c game.regenerateentity("cobalt-ore")		
Cannot Execute Command. Error: [string "game.regenerateentity("cobalt-ore")"]:1: LuaGameScript doesn't contain key regerateentity.
Starting a new map with all ores works fine, but getting the ores to spawn on an already generated map (with your mod) doesent work at all (-_-')
Can you give me a hint how i can fix this issue?


Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 3:44 pm
by bobingabout
OZeT wrote:hi Bob,

ive startet a game with all your mods but now after 15h i've encountered a little problem. I cant find any colbalt ore. So i looked it up and modified the config.lua to allow sulfur, nickel and cobaltine.
i tried removing the migration folder modifing the bobores_0.5.0.lua and executing this commands in the Factorio console with following results:

Code: Select all

/c"bobores", "Regenerate")	
Cannot Execute Command. Error: [string ""bobores", "Regenerate")"]:1: Unknown interface bobores
/c game.regenerateentity("cobalt-ore")		
Cannot Execute Command. Error: [string "game.regenerateentity("cobalt-ore")"]:1: LuaGameScript doesn't contain key regerateentity.
Starting a new map with all ores works fine, but getting the ores to spawn on an already generated map (with your mod) doesent work at all (-_-')
Can you give me a hint how i can fix this issue?

The best use is with the second line you tried to use. However, the command changed in 0.12 release. It has an underscore now.

Code: Select all

/c game.regenerate_entity("cobalt-ore")	
Also, you don't need cobalt ore. You need Cobalt oxide which can be made from cobalt ore if it is available, but it can also be made from the advanced copper processing recipe unlocked with cobalt research.

I plan to change the icon for the next release to make it more obvious.

Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 6:17 pm
by OZeT
It worked just like you explained it with folowing command

Code: Select all

/c game.regenerate_entity("cobalt-ore")
Thanks a lot you saved me about 15h. And through your Mod i learned a lot of basic chemestry ;)


Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 7:54 pm
by bobingabout
OZeT wrote:It worked just like you explained it with folowing command

Code: Select all

/c game.regenerate_entity("cobalt-ore")
Thanks a lot you saved me about 15h. And through your Mod i learned a lot of basic chemestry ;)

I did a lot of research for that chemistry stuff. Something to keep in mind though is that it isn't 100% real world accurate. There are some things missing in some recipes, such as Florine required in Aluminium Electrolysis, or the Lithium Perchloride, you have to make Sodium Perchloride first, but the result would be getting the same ammount of Salt (Sodium chloride) out that you put back in, with lots more water usage, and 3 extra steps. Since the process was already quite complicated, I skipped the Salt requirement and steps, and went stright from Lithium Chloride to Lithium Perchloride.

Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:29 pm
by AlexTheNotsogreat
"Error while loading entity prototype 'stone' (resource): No such node (width)"

This is what pop's up after I try to run Factorio with your ores. I don't know how to fix it. :|
Any way you could help?

Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 12:02 am
by bobingabout
AlexTheNotsogreat wrote:"Error while loading entity prototype 'stone' (resource): No such node (width)"

This is what pop's up after I try to run Factorio with your ores. I don't know how to fix it. :|
Any way you could help?
what version of factorio are you using, and what version of my mods?

look at the 2 anouncement posts at the top of the bob's mods page.
One says "[0.11.x]Bob's mods: one stop." This has all the downloads for 0.11.22, the stable. these are also mirrored in the longposts, like this one.
the other says "[0.12.x]Bob's mods: Downloads", This has all the downloads for the latest experimental release 0.12.x. These are not currently listed in these longpost topics.

If you use the wrong versions, the ores mod WILL throw that error, due to the changes from 0.11.22 and 0.12.0.