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Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.
Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 7:17 am
by orzelek
Do I understand correctly you are adding one of those ores to running game?
If thats the case then deterministic regenerate is no longer deterministic and it can spawn new ore then.
If you are seeing that behavior without and running changes then thats a bug and I would need to get your mod config and settings to try and reproduce it.
Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.
Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 11:13 am
by Dreadicon
They were about half restarts, which one would think would not have changed anything, all were with default configs. I can try to reproduce them tomorrow if you like, though I might use another mod to find the ore xD (the prospector mod, as I'm not so keen on spending another 4 hours confirming it, lol.) However, unless you hear this from other people, I wouldn't get too worried. the mod seems to work fine otherwise; due to the small sample size, it very well could have been bad rng luck and typically not properly keeping track of restarts as closely as one should have.
Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.
Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 4:49 pm
by orzelek
Thats how I'm looking for ores for test purposes:
Code: Select all
/c game.forces.player.chart({lefttop={x=-1024,y=-1024},rightbottom={x=1024,y=1024}})
/c game.player.character=god
Saves tons of time on testing. Generation will still require some time to process all the tiles.
Main thing that concerns me is if generation is truly deterministic - thats and MP requirement and Dark (original author of RSO) went through a lot of obstacles to get it done.
Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.
Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 8:13 pm
by Dreadicon
Just ran a few of said tests; I could not reproduce the aforementioned scenario. looks like I just didn't track my data correctly; my apologies. set up 2 maps for each permutation, and so far both cobalt and nickel spawn whenever they are enabled. Thanks for that command, btw. will be handy in the future as I test things for my mod.
![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif)
Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.
Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 3:54 pm
by Takezu
Would it be hard to change the map colour of nickel to something that doesn't looks like zinc.
Most times i drive out to a nice "Nickel"-field i only drive to find out that it's only an other Zinc-field.
On the map the two are really hard to tell apart.
Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.
Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 8:34 pm
by bobingabout
I think they're both kind of green ores, and the map colour is based on the colour of the ore.
Perhaps I can try and make them a little more different.
Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.
Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 9:40 pm
by Takezu
Yes there both greenish, nickel is slightly paler then zinc. The thing is, you can tell them apart if there relativ close to each other.
But i've you have one here the other there ... the difference is to small.
Would really be nice if you could make them further apart colour wise. Especially in an RSO game it can become a time consuming hunt.
Driving for a long time only to find it was exactly the ore you're not looking for.
Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 3:57 pm
by cartmachine
So I have been playing alot of bob's mod lately, I started to work towards lithium batteries, found that I need cobalt and can't seem to find cobalt anywhere in my map. is cobalt a very rare mineral?
Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 4:13 pm
by Ackos
cartmachine wrote:So I have been playing alot of bob's mod lately, I started to work towards lithium batteries, found that I need cobalt and can't seem to find cobalt anywhere in my map. is cobalt a very rare mineral?
There is a recipe for copper plate that produces cobalt as a by-product. You can also turn cobalt ore on in the bobsores config.lua.
Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 4:54 pm
by cartmachine
I am very new to factorio mods, this is the first one i have even used. Once I change the option in my config file if I load up my saved game will the ores be found?
Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 10:26 pm
by bobingabout
The ores will be found if you venture to an unexplored area.
if you want to make them available in existing areas, you will need to enter a console command
Code: Select all
/c game.regenerateentity("cobalt-ore")
for 0.11.x or
Code: Select all
/c game.regenerate_entity("cobalt-ore")
for 0.12.x, note the addition of an underscore.
Also, what people were saying before. When you research Cobalt Processing, one of the recipes that is unlocked has the icon of a copper plate. This processes copper, and a few other ingredients in an Advanced copper processing recipe to create Copper plates and Cobalt Oxide. The idea is that you replace your copper production (or part of it) with this recipe, and the Cobalt Oxide byproduct is more than enough to make Lithium Ion Batteries with. Factorio doesn't display the recipe's name, which makes it a bit harder to find.
I suppose I should change the icon to be a copper plate with cobalt oxide smaller in the corner or something, to indicate you get both?
Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.
Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 12:24 am
by Degraine
That's probably a good idea, yes.
Also, I suppose there may have been a bug in the earlier version of ores that got fixed because I had diamond ore coming from coal fairly frequently previously.
Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.
Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 2:24 am
by SHiRKiT
cartmachine wrote:I am very new to factorio mods, this is the first one i have even used. Once I change the option in my config file if I load up my saved game will the ores be found?
I'm pretty sure you would only get in newly generated chunks, or else you'd need to regenerate the cobalt on already generated chunks. Someone need to confirm this though.
I think it's worth to obtain cobalt as byproduct, since it's a nice challenge to have. I love those challenges introduced by bob.
Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.
Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:55 am
by lolman360
Am geeting crushed stone from iron ore drills help!
Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.
Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 6:05 pm
by bobingabout
Crushed stone? That sounds like another mod... maybe Cartmens? What other mods are you using?
Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.
Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 8:02 pm
by safan
i'm getting only lead from galena, 0.12 with fresh start. Did something change?
I think the post above me has the same problem, like the chance only calculated 1 time or so?
Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.
Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:30 pm
by bobingabout
unless they've changed the tag, this should make it work
Code: Select all
for i, drill in pairs(data.raw["mining-drill"]) do
if not drill.storage_slots then drill.storage_slots = 6 end
It's part of bobmining, I'll add it to bobores too. in 0.12.2
if you don't want to use mining, add that code to data-updates.lua of bobores
Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.
Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 3:58 am
by Degraine
The extra mining drills and pumpjacks seem to have gone walkabout in 0.12.1, the prototype files are missing.
EDIT: Oops, never mind. I didn't see that you'd added another module for those items.
Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.
Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 1:13 pm
by aklesey1
Bob, now only nickel ore gives cobalt ore, not galena? Or better turn on cobalt ore?
Re: [0.11.x][v0.6.7] Bob's Ore Mod.
Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 4:09 pm
by bobingabout
aklesey1 wrote:Bob, now only nickel ore gives cobalt ore, not galena? Or better turn on cobalt ore?
It's all cases...
NickelFromGalena makes Galena provide nickel ore. This one works as it says.
EnableNickelOre, again, works as it says
EnableCobaltOre, Again, works as it says.
CobalFromNickel. It works as it says, allowing Nickel Ore fields to give Cobalt ore too. However, if Nickel ore fields are turned off, it instead give Cobalt from Galena.
Ideally, if you have EnableNickelOre turned on, you would turn off NickelFromGalena.
Also... Nothing in my mod requires you to have Cobalt ore (Which is why it is turned off by default), you can get Cobalt Oxide from the advanced copper processing recipe available from the Cobalt Processing research. Cobalt Oxide is used to make Lithium Ion Batteries and Cobalt plates.