I don't understand.
Honestly, Oil isn't a problem. Multiple outputs
isn't complicated or difficult to understand.
Most people with a problem solving mind, and a mind for how recipes works, as they should have after 10 minutes in the game, will quite easily understand that if the refinery can't push out it's light and heavy oil, it'll stop producing. This should take about 10 seconds of looking at the recipe - I don't think this is a stumbling block. However, even if it is a stumbling block for some people, the fact is, it is one they have to stumble upon at some point, it simply is a hurdle
they will have to overcome. Two versus three products changes the problem or it's complexity very little aswell.
Furthermore, anyone with a mind for debugging their factory, which a new player should be used to by this point, should be adept at looking backwards through their production lines in order to find the bottleneck, it won't be strange or odd to get to "no petroleum gas", then to investigate the refinery and notice it's stuck full of other products. From there the solution is rather easy to understand, do something about those other products, and the player has tools to deal with that at this point - tanks, such a simple and easy solution, place and go which I'd wager is what anyone would do. This is a new player, a tank solution is so much simpler and easier to deal with multiple outputs right now than cracking, having oil early like this exposes them to this whilst the solution for now is 'place a tank', it exposes to them the problem and hints at a better solution down the line whilst providing a simple solution for right now whilst they're busy dealing with other things. When pushed back later, the solution is changed to 'design new production facilities and balance cracking', Tanks won't work later because they
need these new products in good ratios for things at this later point, so now they're exposed to the problem
and need to come up with an immediate good solution using more complicated parts and setups.
If the player did not set up tanks in the first place, then I might assume they thought that the refinery might be capable of only producing petroleum (even though the recipe explicitly states otherwise), but that would immediately be obvious when the refinery stops running rather quickly. Any player who sets up a tank for a resource they're not intending to use has at least the idea that this output from the refinery needs to be removed, and as such the refinery stopping when the tank fills up would be an expected outcome, not a surprise. If someone does not presume they can simply hook up a pipe to the petroleum output of a refinery and ignore the other two products then they have already presumed that the refinery will not operate if you don't take out all three products.
In order to be surprised, the player needs to either assume that the refinery has infinite storage, in which case tanks would be somewhat pointless so there is logical reasoning to prevent this assumption, or they would need to assume that the refinery can void fluids, except voiding exists nowhere in the game unless a player or enemy explicitly does it so there is logical reasoning to prevent this assumption as well.
The only issue with oil, if there indeed really must be an issue made out of the multiple outputs, is that it is much less apparent at a glance what is happening with liquids than with other products. Humans see and latch onto movement, it's really easy to see if an assembler is or isn't working. It's really hard to see if the refinery or a chemical plant is or isn't working. Similarly pipes offer essentially 0 feedback, and tanks aren't great with their tiny windows. If anything should be done, pipes and tanks just need more or larger windows and feedback on the current movement of fluids, and refineries/chemical plants (the new chemical plant design is great) need to be made much more obvious as to whether they are currently running. If that isn't enough, the aforementioned status messages in GUIs will handle the rest.
V453000 wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 8:27 pm
“The wall is the ever growing complexity of science packs.”
“The wall is the ever growing resource demands of science packs.”
I can’t really imagine how would the progression be interesting if the science pack steps would be about the same price and/or complexity increase steps. In the beginning it would just be insane, and in the late stages just a chore. Should there be smaller steps? That’s a tough question, but I think 0.17 has improved on the distribution of these steps quite significantly.
If we want to talk about what makes
Blue Science feel slow, we need to actually look at it in context.
When I last played, I made separate factories for each science, besides refining and smelting everything was done on site, and it demonstrates the complexity curve beautifully.
These are simple-as-they-get ratios, if someone wanted to follow ratios, this is how they'd likely start, because all I did here was take the seconds in recipes and presume 1 per second. (note it ends up being 45 science per minute due to assembly mk2's running at 0.75.) A modest factory, I would think.
Green, Red
and Military science fit into such a small and simple footprint.
- RedGreenGrey.jpg (386.72 KiB) Viewed 8278 times
Here's Blue, woah, that's a beasty, much bigger than all the last three packs combined!
- Blue.jpg (373.34 KiB) Viewed 8278 times
Here's Purple (I'm going to keep referencing science colours because I forget the darn names, sorry)
Not a huge step, more just a case of 'pile on the advanced circuits'
- Purple.jpg (453.93 KiB) Viewed 8278 times
And Yellow, at this stage in the game, this one's juicy. Again it's not too much more than purple, but it's more intricate, there are more intermediaries.
- Yellow.jpg (610.53 KiB) Viewed 8278 times
I don't have space science in this map, though by the time you reach it I think the complexity curve is out the door.
Blue is certainly a big jump. But there's more, Blue isn't just this:
- Bluesml.jpg (105.44 KiB) Viewed 8278 times
Around the time you're dealing with blue science you're also doing a few things...
- You're probably starting to deal with defence properly.
- Defence.jpg (21.66 KiB) Viewed 8278 times
- You're probably thinking about expanding around now, surely you had to venture for oil anyway.
- Outpost.jpg (67.16 KiB) Viewed 8278 times
- You're also probably dealing with the new trains you just unlocked.
- Train.jpg (54.09 KiB) Viewed 8278 times
- Oh, and you're setting up oil, ready for new technologies and gadgets in the near future, not just science.
- Refinery.jpg (86.97 KiB) Viewed 8278 times
I'm using images because that conveys just how much
stuff is going on at this point, in a way text doesn't.
The time in the game that is blue science is all of those put together, each being done
for the first time, on top of blue being a big step up in complexity and parallel production compared to previous sciences (Blue science requires the most assemblers producing the flasks of any science!).
There's a lot going on at this point in the game, subsequently, blue takes a long time to get to. And it isn't because of oil, it's just because that's a busy time in the game. Even if you were to remove oil from blue science, I doubt it would radically reduce the time between the science packs here. The wall isn't complexity, it's just
time, hence why so many people finish researching most of the green sciences before they have blue up and running.
But people aren't complaining too much about those other factors, Oil is a scapegoat for that time sink between science packs because it's arguably the least interesting, but why?
Let's explore the rewards for the main things going on at this point in the game.
Well this one's pretty obvious, you live! woo, pretty rewarding! killing biters feels pretty good early on too, so there's that.
Faster and more reliable production, fantastic! Who doesn't like the feeling of turning on or connecting an outpost for the first time? watching that ore flow.
Getting a functional train network, even just two stations, is quite rewarding and it shows immediate progress.
This one's complicated, what does oil get you?
Well, it gets you some intermediaries, then some more intermediaries. I suppose maybe we'll look at what those intermediaries get you?
- Lasers?
We don't have the power for that yet, really.
So you have to want lasers to care
- Flamethrower?
A side venture, and usually very easily setup with a jury-rigged tiny ammo station. Flamethrower turret opinions, however, vary - somewhat similar to laser turrets, quite easily overlooked until defences require more than gun turrets, so I think these come more into play later, generally speaking.
So you have to want Flamethrowers to care
- Accumulators?
I'm pretty sure most people stick with steam for a while yet, and laying solar fields isn't exactly rewarding.
So you have to want accumulators to care
- Explosives?
these just get glossed over, and to be honest it's because they're annoying to make and not fantastically competitive. For beginners, somewhat of a trap, or something obscure to ignore.
So you have to want explosives to care
- Modules?
It's too early and they're too expensive right now. If you're a beginning player, they're also somewhat complicated.
So you have to want modules to care
- Solid Fuel
Not particularly useful, other than science
So you have to want solid fuel to care
- And finally, Advanced circuits (which leads into bots)
which have no decent use right now beyond the few you require if you want bots early.
Plus science, but oil is only a small part of the advanced circuit picture, which is probably half of the blue science picture
So you have to want bots to care, because even if what you want is science, there's too much more to do beyond oil to get more science for advanced circuits alone to feel rewarding, there's just no good other uses for them at this point.
Oil is probably considered a 'problem' in the build up to blue science because it
isn't immediately and obviously rewarding, the things you can do with it aren't hugely necessary at this stage. Though, if you want to go and explore the things it unlocks, then the one or two small useful things you can do with it are
very impactful, namely bots. However oil only
unlocks those, it isn't
actually those things, so the interesting things like bots get praise and the part oil plays in that gets ignored. Oil
enables, like smelting, only it's actually somewhat an interesting puzzle. This is sort of a mind trick, a trick of psychology, in the same way smelters don't feel incredibly rewarding, oil itself doesn't - but the things smelting, or oil, unlocks
You might think this is grounds to move it further up the tree, that it generally isn't necessary at this stage, or that the arguably more interesting technologies that use oil are unlocked with blue science - but that's not true, it's precisely the reason to leave it where it is. Whilst a new player might sidestep the technologies it unlocks on their first play-through, those those they decide to end up using on the second, or third play-through end up adding to and aiding their other fun goals that are happening between green and blue science, defence, expansion, trains, etc. It's preferable that the groundwork be done here, in one of the most interesting parts of the game, when there are lots of other things to distract from any possible tedium. Lumping it onto purple science or yellow just creates even more tedium as there is less 'new' there to offset it because there's a lot of production chains to set up to get proper use of out the new blue science technologies, you're busy ramping up production of advanced circuits and putting together all the new things those require, you don't want to be just starting to get a handle on oil at this stage - you need oil handled before now, before you
really need it. It's better to learn it and set it up whilst it's a side curiosity. Every player is going to be glad they had all three oil products handled
well before they need to start mass producing things that rely on oil, just like players are happier when they build smelters larger than they need in advance of future iron or copper demands. This stage in the game is about laying groundwork, some of that is rewarding, and immediately so, some other parts aren't, and I'm not sure there is much you can do about that other than to keep the puzzle interesting in an effort to maximise the interest it does have.
On solid fuel.
I really enjoyed the change when solid fuel was added to blue science, for one reason, I used solid fuel. Until I had been making it for science, I never used solid fuel, or even rocket fuel, because I had oodles of coal. Now, with solid fuel being part of science, I have it around, and it's enjoyable to have this thing and decide that since I'm making it, I mayaswell use it for a few things.
On bots.
V453000 wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 8:27 pm
“Pushing robots back is not fun.”
This was pretty much my first response when I first heard about the whole idea, but now I’d say it’s really not that huge difference between late logistic and early blue science, especially with the basic refinery being quicker to set up. I will be observing this very closely what exact effects will it have. We were considering to add burner powered construction robots a few years ago, but I can’t currently see how and when would those appear.
I think you're underestimating construction bots a bit. I'm sure I'm not the only one who jury rigs about 200 or so advanced circuits and some electric engines as soon as possible, before oil is even properly setup,
definitely before blue science is setup just to get those measly 10-20 construction robots in my modular armour running on solar panels. Keep in mind everything I demonstrated in this post that also pushes blue science back far more than oil does as well. Someone on here also did the math, even if you forget all those other things and rush bots, it's about ~450x more expensive in those components to jury rig bots now, because you have to jury rig blue science too.
In closing, I honestly don't think oil is a problem, at least not beyond needing some more information pointed to the player on what's going on. There is a perception out there that it is, simply because it, in a similar fashion to smelting, only produces intermediate products, which make it feel slow to setup and not particularly rewarding. This is just a side effect of what oil is. Oil itself is relatively simple and logical if you take proper time to investigate it when or if you get stuck.