Re: thoughts about [0.5.0]
Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 3:30 pm
There is nothing wrong with us. We test our releases however not as much as we would wanted. Yes, sometimes there are silly bugs in the experimental releases (like the pump can't be build, or map generator crashes immediately, etc.). However that is where the community here at the forums helps us a lot.Dr.Eddy wrote:I can't imagine the devs testing it before releasing. Seriously guys, what's wrong with you?
Some people care about the features. We could freeze the game as it is and do nothing but fixing bugs and improving speed. However the outcome of this would probably be that not many more people would be interested in Factorio.Dr.Eddy wrote: I don't care whether it has new UI or some God controller scenario.
I am sorry for that.Dr.Eddy wrote:For me the game is unplayable since 0.3 series.
The current method for using forum threads for bug reports is not perfect. However there are positives to this approach as well. Your bug report simply got abandoned. In general if you have a serious bug and you see that nothing is happening bumping the thread now and then is a good idea.I skipped 0.4 series as I noticed the slowness bug hasn't been resolved and it was generally buggy.
Could you please be more constructive? The map generator in 0.5.1 works fine afaik. It generates reasonably looking maps with starting circle without enemies and with basic resources.Dr.Eddy wrote:And now this? WTF? I can't even generate a new map! Have you seen what the map generator actually generates? No mention that it mostly ignores the map settings...
No one said your bug is not serious enough. Actually the bug in the map generator you have reported is very serious. It is just that it got burried in the bug forums. This can happen and bumping the thread would have helped.Dr.Eddy wrote:I don't care how many new features it has. I care about stability and playability. And don't come at me with "it's an alpha" or "your bug is not serious enough". If it crashes like it does, there's something seriously wrong with the code, the dev cycle or the developers. I know it's an alpha and it may crash, but hell, the bug has been reported since 0.3 series!
If you are disappointed with our approach and you think you haven't gotten the value you paid for then please send us an email and we will give you your money back.Dr.Eddy wrote: And lastly, which is the thing I care about the least, I payed money for this game. I would expect some responsibility. At least some some reply from the devs, like reason why aren't they fixing it.