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Re: [0.11.19] 0craft MOD

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 10:44 pm
by Cheata
baka wrote:
1.In basic workshop I can't craft primary and trinary engines, only secondary.
2. When disable/enable mod basic workshop not added to inventory.
thankyou for the save ill do some testing and try to work out why your having issues

in regards to the above

secondary engines only ... this is correct behavior, it is a basic workshop, designed to get you going in the most basic sense. If you want to get fancy with the power systems you need to get an assembly machine mk2 to build the primary and trinary engines and is the case under normal gameplay

disable/enable mod... of course loading a game using this mod with the mod disabled breaks it... this is normal behavior

Re: [0.11.19] 0craft MOD

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 11:39 pm
by Cheata
ok bad news .. i have done some testing with your save and unfortunately i have been unable to replicate the initial errors you mentioned
baka wrote:DyTECH and 0craft issue:
1. Can't build oil refinery and chemical plant without assembling machine 3.
2. For reserch automation 3 (open assembling machine 3) need sience pack 3.
3. For craft sience pack 3 need plactic.
4. For craft plastic need oil refinery and chemical plant.
if i cant replicate them i cant fix them ...
as far as i can tell from my end the mod is working exactly as it should, if anybody else can shed some light on what might be happening please let me know

Re: [0.11.19] 0craft MOD

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 2:29 pm
by baka
Cheata wrote:
baka wrote:
1.In basic workshop I can't craft primary and trinary engines, only secondary.
2. When disable/enable mod basic workshop not added to inventory.
thankyou for the save ill do some testing and try to work out why your having issues

in regards to the above

secondary engines only ... this is correct behavior, it is a basic workshop, designed to get you going in the most basic sense. If you want to get fancy with the power systems you need to get an assembly machine mk2 to build the primary and trinary engines and is the case under normal gameplay

disable/enable mod... of course loading a game using this mod with the mod disabled breaks it... this is normal behavior
I checked F-mod for disable/enable behavior. F-mod always add two pda to inventory.

Re: [0.11.19] 0craft MOD

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 2:31 pm
by baka
Cheata wrote:ok bad news .. i have done some testing with your save and unfortunately i have been unable to replicate the initial errors you mentioned
baka wrote:DyTECH and 0craft issue:
1. Can't build oil refinery and chemical plant without assembling machine 3.
2. For reserch automation 3 (open assembling machine 3) need sience pack 3.
3. For craft sience pack 3 need plactic.
4. For craft plastic need oil refinery and chemical plant.
if i cant replicate them i cant fix them ...
as far as i can tell from my end the mod is working exactly as it should, if anybody else can shed some light on what might be happening please let me know
How I can test this issue?

Re: [0.11.19] 0craft MOD

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 6:36 pm
by Woode
I took a very quick look at all three no crafting mods I could find.

0craft - seems to be the closest to the original challenge. It still allows things like making multiple steam generators, stone furnaces, burner mining drills before Automation is discovered.

No Crafting Challenge - gives the player a very easy start by giving him many items.

No Hand Crafting - seems to give the player a bit more help than 0craft. There seem to be many more items that can be crafted in the basic assembler than in 0crafts basic workshop. The player can also create the basic assembler in the basic assembler while 0craft requires a blue assembler to make another basic workshop.

But all three help me do the no crafting challenge as I can't accidentally make items in hand crafting. I just have to remember NOT to make a second steam generator etc. An idea I had was to give the player an "emergency pack" of some kind, which you placed on the ground and then put in the required materials. It would then make ONE steam generator but consume itself in the process making it impossible to make more. Anyway, thank you all for the mods.

Cheata, if you need a reason to continue your mod, maybe concentrate on keeping it simpler than "No Hand Crafting", closer to the original challenge.

Re: [0.11.19] 0craft MOD

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 4:58 pm
by y.petremann
Woode wrote:I took a very quick look at all three no crafting mods I could find.

0craft - seems to be the closest to the original challenge. It still allows things like making multiple steam generators, stone furnaces, burner mining drills before Automation is discovered.

No Crafting Challenge - gives the player a very easy start by giving him many items.

No Hand Crafting - seems to give the player a bit more help than 0craft. There seem to be many more items that can be crafted in the basic assembler than in 0crafts basic workshop. The player can also create the basic assembler in the basic assembler while 0craft requires a blue assembler to make another basic workshop.

But all three help me do the no crafting challenge as I can't accidentally make items in hand crafting. I just have to remember NOT to make a second steam generator etc. An idea I had was to give the player an "emergency pack" of some kind, which you placed on the ground and then put in the required materials. It would then make ONE steam generator but consume itself in the process making it impossible to make more. Anyway, thank you all for the mods.

Cheata, if you need a reason to continue your mod, maybe concentrate on keeping it simpler than "No Hand Crafting", closer to the original challenge.
No Hand Crafting is only made to have a way to complete the game, nothing more to help the player.
The burner-assembler is designed to be slow, to produce lot of pollution and to only allow recipes of thing you can't make with any other machine (and that you would need at this time to craft by hand, but that would broke the challenge if you would do that by hand)
Additionally the mod is designed to be optionnaly used with no-hand-mining, which when used both, place you as an engineer, not a miner, not a crafter.
Finally, I'm hardly working to have a way to have the minimum of recipe handled by the burner-assembler, independantly of game version or mods.

For my point of view the no crafting challenge is interesting in that it force to really design a factory and not having the common reaction "I should craft that by hand because I need it", Ocraft and no-hand-mining are equivalent, No crafting Challenge mod is for me a big piece of cheat and I originally made no-hand-crafting on top of No crafting Challenge mod and I see that the problem is that we need electricity for having the assembler to work, so instead of that, why not having an assembler that use fuel instead of electricity, also the fact that we have a chance to have a solar setup instead of the steam engine setup was for me a poor idea, because people would restart based on chance unless they have the good setup for them, for me factorio is not a game about being lucky.