DirkyJerky wrote:And IMO the best and easiest behaviour would be to give a slider in the item selection screen, keep the default of one stack there. People (like me) who wish to set it to one piece only can just grab the slider and throw it to the left all the way, quick, easy and no precision required.
i have underlined the important part in the quote since i first didn't read carefully enough and didn't see what was meant, thinking that we already have a slider that doesn't solve the problem. "just a slider" to do a change quickly is
not the entire solution, since robots still would get the order to send that initial amount of items
immediately as soon as the item is selected, and even after changing an amount later (setting it to 1 or even to 0), no orders are cancelled. although a slider in the item selection screen would slightly increase the complexity and size of that "sub-dialog", this might be just the kind of action/confirmation
before the order to the robots is sent, just like a confirmation is needed after changing amounts for inserters and their network conditions.
btw: the setting of conditions needs some improvement too: currently, amounts can be edited first and then have to be confirmed (which i like a lot), but changing the operator toggles through three states (<, >, =) and that setting is immediately active without confirmation (or together with not yet edited numbers), causing wrong conditions to start unintentionally. that's no problem in most cases, but can trigger a chain of events or conditions which are not easily undone afterwards. as a temporary fix, I often clear the first item in that dialog to make it invalid, then edit operator and amount, then select the same first operand again.
currently, i tend to wish for a confirmation on
every dialog that changes any amount or condition, and for all of them in a similar way, eg some buttons "ok" (accept and close dialog), "abort" (ignore changes and close dialog), and "apply" (accept changes and keep editing in the dialog).
if that would be too complicated or time consuming for doing lots of changes quickly (for some people), the same priciple might still be used by only having a button "quit/abort", and by causing an automatic "ok" when the dialog is closed, just delaying the order/condition until everything is set up.
instead of those three new buttons, the usual shortcuts could be used too: the key for closing windows (E) would accept the changes and start the robots working (or the condition to take effect), and the usual key for quit/abort tool/action (Q) would cancel the changes and close the dialog.
steinio wrote:At first you can us a mod.
in my last 0.12 game, i did that and it was an improvement above getting too many unwanted items.
but i would prefer a uniform solution for all kinds of such changes to amounts, and probably a solution that can't be done easily with a mod but has to be done in the game itself. and currently, I'm trying to get achievements with 0.13, thus am not allowed to use any mods (to get the "no requester chest" achievement, i won't have that problem anyway, although it still applies to the inventory requester slots and to the network conditions)