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Re: USA vs UK! A 2vs2 PvP Series!

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 3:33 am
by Oninaig
FishSandwich wrote:Oninaig attempting one of his best pick-up lines on Xterminator... some say it was taken out of context...
Bahahahahaha. Oh man. I'd clarify, but that would give too much away (if you know what I mean...) :P.

Anyway, here's the latest episode (E8). As always, Xterm and Myself are so far ahead we decide to relax and upgrade our power generation and iron production:

Oninaig's Perspective:
Xterminator's Perspective:
FishSandwich's Perspective:
DrNickDoom's Perspective:

Re: USA vs UK! A 2vs2 PvP Series!

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 12:31 pm
by FishSandwich
All swigview episodes added to original post.

Re: USA vs UK! A 2vs2 PvP Series!

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 12:51 pm
by FishSandwich

Re: USA vs UK! A 2vs2 PvP Series!

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 11:41 pm
by Xterminator
Episode 10 is up! :D

My Perspective:
Fish's Perspective:
DrNickDoom's Perspective: Coming Soon!
Oninaig's Perspective: Coming Soon!

Hope you all enjoy! :D

Re: USA vs UK! A 2vs2 PvP Series!

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 7:19 pm
by n9103
The guys seem to have forgotten to update the thread, but there are at least 2 more episodes up on YouTube.
E: Perhaps they're writing up AARs. ;)

Re: USA vs UK! A 2vs2 PvP Series!

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 10:48 pm
by FishSandwich
Episodes 11!

My perspective:
Xterminator's perspective:
DrNickDoom's perspective: soon(tm)
Oninaig's perspective:

Episodes 12!

My perspective:
Xterminator's perspective:
DrNickDoom's perspective: soon(tm)
Oninaig's perspective:

Re: USA vs UK! A 2vs2 PvP Series!

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 12:07 am
by n9103
Quite a beating there. Any self/team critiques?

Re: USA vs UK! A 2vs2 PvP Series!

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 1:18 am
by Piranha
Yea, that was a brutal taking..

Good series guys, fun to watch :)

Re: USA vs UK! A 2vs2 PvP Series!

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 10:48 am
by DrNickDoom
sorry for post my parts late

ok the win condition was a vague one, which needs sorting for next time, but it was basically that when the base was that badly destroyed that we gave up we lost.

with this in mind i give you the "Real Ending"

Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15

btw Xecutor your idea i think have to been implemented so my unbeatable tactic will no longer work


Re: USA vs UK! A 2vs2 PvP Series!

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 11:56 am
by ssilk
I think this series gives a vague idea of how much fun multiplayer could be and what is missing.

One of the most misses I currently see would be to speed the game up in a way, which improves the game-play, cause I think, that 4-5 hours to come to a result is too long. :)
But that has many dependencies, especially how strong the map was prepared...

Re: USA vs UK! A 2vs2 PvP Series!

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 1:16 pm
by Piranha
ssilk wrote:I think this series gives a vague idea of how much fun multiplayer could be and what is missing.

One of the most misses I currently see would be to speed the game up in a way, which improves the game-play, cause I think, that 4-5 hours to come to a result is too long. :)
But that has many dependencies, especially how strong the map was prepared...
I agree, I have been talking with klonan abouthow to speed up the start and get into action faster. I came across a mod that may help with this situation. Would be possible to make a map without the mod but it's much simplified with it. We may do another PvP using this method. Haven't come to a full conclusion on it.

Re: USA vs UK! A 2vs2 PvP Series!

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 4:22 pm
by n9103
Having a skeleton factory already in place would speed things up. (i.e. one each of AM/furnace/miner on the path from ore to science 2)
A big part of the first three+ episodes has been dedicated to deciding on the basic layouts.
If a bare-bones setup is already in place, and easily expanded, then most of the (in)decision-making is done, insofar as the basic layout goes.

As far as giving the match a solid victory condition, I think that giving a moderately defended target building to destroy would work (RD/Market? Needs to be inert obviously). Several big and medium worms and many small worms, defended by a 1-thick wall would work. Something that can't be rushed for an overly quick victory, but not something that would be hard to kill for a well-equipped player to overcome.

I think that the spawn area was well designed, but also needs a one-way exit, to discourage using it as a safe-haven after you've left the spawn.
A set of blue belts built like the pumpjacks, and moving the turrets behind the spawn would accomplish this.

I also think that the armor used is both very OP and pointless at the same time, and encourages the use of spitters almost exclusively until/unless you have rockets. Shotguns, MGs, and turrets were mostly pointless, and were used because of a lack of oil for rockets and worms.
Perhaps a strong but slow to charge shield would be more useful here. Players would have a period of general immunity, but would have to retreat quickly if they came under attack and didn't have a way to defend themselves. I would recommend something strong enough to endure 10 seconds of continuous attack, by say, 5 medium biters or spitters, or 2 turrets firing piercing ammo or lasers, or 1 player firing piercing ammo or rockets. I don't know how much this would be, but it should end up reasonably high.
Alternatively, skip the shield idea and just tune the resists to accomplish the same using the player's health instead of a shield charge.

But all this is only from an observer (of two matches yes, but still not a participant), so take it as you will.

Re: USA vs UK! A 2vs2 PvP Series!

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 5:32 pm
by Piranha
A lot of what you mentioned with the shield has been changed. I haven't seen it posted on the forums but I think Fish tweaked it to work by tier now, so you start off with armor that protects against reg bullets and the final tier is lasers with everything else in the middle (fire, poison, explosion, etc)

A starting base or something similar would be a faster start but half of the game is still building your base, having a complete predetermined base just wouldn't be Factorio anymore. Having the very basics may be a good middle. (pretty much what your saying I think)

I like your spawn idea, I disliked the fact that you could bait biters back to your spawn and use those turrets to do your dirty work.

As for the end game, I still stick with my earliest idea of a Capital Building that needs to be destroyed, having a preset defense though I feel is wrong. Build your own defense! :P

Re: USA vs UK! A 2vs2 PvP Series!

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 5:43 pm
by ssilk
I think also, that a multiplayer like this should have some general strategies:

- current: produce "weapons" and fight as long as someone gives up, there are substretegies like rush or camp
- A "castle": If that is built, the other team has lost, but the castle is really expensive.
- "Flags": If that flag is taken down, the team which tooks it has won
- Defend something important (the rocket-missile): There is something, which must defended which produces the "ultimative weapon", a bit like "castle", but takes much longer and the end is open

... well thousands of possibilities. I think the most