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Re: Version 0.11.15
Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 3:54 am
by SuperSandro2000
Marconos wrote:SuperSandro2000 wrote:kovarex wrote:Marconos wrote:Game is getting quite stable. I feel a release version SOONtm
End of February is possible.
We need the endgame features! Before they are not done nothing is releasing! And better modding is also needed.
I was referring to the 0.11.x stable release and moving on to 0.12 and new features

Sounds better to me.
Re: Version 0.11.15
Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 3:55 am
by SuperSandro2000
Mur wrote:Game crashes when joining multiplayer game
Don't post bugs here!
Re: Version 0.11.15
Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 5:22 pm
by rorror
kovarex wrote:[*]
- When using the deconstruction planner, the logistic network is not drawn if the mouse if over a GUI element( ... f=7&t=8341)
- Blueprint, deconstruction and cancel deconstruction selection boxes will not get un-selected when hovering over GUI elements, but they will not activate if the mouse is released under a GUI element.
Thnx for the great changes, and the other fixes ofcourse. The Deconstruction planner, it works great and interact so mutch beter with the interface now!
Re: Version 0.11.15
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 3:25 am
by Mur
SuperSandro2000 wrote:Mur wrote:Game crashes when joining multiplayer game
Don't post bugs here!
Not really a bug post than a statement.
Re: Version 0.11.15
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 4:03 am
by Liono2010
Mur wrote:SuperSandro2000 wrote:Mur wrote:Game crashes when joining multiplayer game
Don't post bugs here!
Not really a bug post than a statement.
I appreciate a statement for release related bugs be posted here (like
Mur did), and the complete bug details in the place where they should be posted. It would help other players to think if they should install the new release or it would break their game while playing.
Re: Version 0.11.15
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 9:16 am
by Hugorm
damm upgrade from 0.11.14 Linux to 0.11.15 now it whot start up and just shotdown.
damm bug.
is there a way to see what kill the startup of the game to menu.
i tryd a fresh install from 0.11.3 to 0.11.15 same proplem.
and ofcose i forgot to backup 0.11.14 :/ and my save game wont run on 0.11.3
Re: Version 0.11.15
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 9:19 am
by sillyfly
Could be related to - ... f=7&t=8469
If not - I guess you should file a bug report.
And you can always download 0.11.14 directly from the site...
Re: Version 0.11.15
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 9:56 am
by cube
I'm 90% sure its the same problem.
Re: Version 0.11.15
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 10:24 am
by Hugorm
Thanks. i well go there and wine to

thanks fogot the downloading opsion.
tryd donload a clean 0.11.15 same proplem.
so back to V14
I am runing Linux mint 64bit
Re: Version 0.11.15
Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 8:28 am
by gr0mpel
the progress you guys are making is just incredible!
currently i'm building a HUGE factory and the performance issues started to ruin it for me. 15fps is just no fun at all.
then i noticed that i was still playing on 11.8 and updated to the current version. i have to say: i'm impressed!
constantly over 30 fps!! depending on the zoom level it goes up to 60!! thats amazing! now my motivation is all up again.
keep the awesome work going guys! i still love the game. started playing it while the kickstarter campaign was on and have spend hundreds of hours. the progression this game has recieved is mindblowing!
AND BIG BIG RESPECT TO ALBERT!!! the graphic style is much much better than in the early versions - i really like it
Re: Version 0.11.15
Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 2:19 pm
by Tom_The_Hero1
for some reason i never had any FPS lag before and since 0.11.14 i get alot of lag when i only have a few machines yet.
Re: Version 0.11.15
Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 6:56 pm
by Nic
kovarex wrote:End of February is possible.
Sounds great
One question - will the Steam sales add to the counter on the website? Because I would be very interested in how Steam affects the sales.
Re: Version 0.11.15
Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 2:23 am
by GewaltSam
Nic wrote:kovarex wrote:End of February is possible.
Sounds great
One question - will the Steam sales add to the counter on the website? Because I would be very interested in how Steam affects the sales.
Just to clarify, I am pretty sure that "end of February" is a possible time frame for a stable 0.11 version. They said in another thread/news that multiplayer and endgame should be done before a Steam release; multiplayer is finished up right now in 0.11, endgame is content for 0.12, so I would guess that a Steam release is at least another 3 or 4 months in the future, if not even longer.
Re: Version 0.11.15
Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 7:28 am
by ssilk
End of February... Possible, yes, but also risky. Or better: if it is true, that they added tests to check connecting games/synchronizing etc. in January, it is possible, that not all bugs have been found yet. And if there is still a bug, then it might go through the whole system. Like the others.
But I draw black clouds on the blue sky...ignore me.

Re: Version 0.11.15
Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 3:26 pm
by Dragonchampion
Is there any chance whatsoever for a bugfix patch so that those of us with the map loading multiplayer bug can actually play with their family and friends? I understand taking 2 months between each patch for content, but such a glaring multiplayer issue as not being able to connect at all needing a month for release is disheartening.
Re: Version 0.11.15
Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 3:47 pm
by ssilk
Version 0.11.0 has been released October 30th. Now we have version 0.11.15 and February 13th. 75 days hase been gone, 16 versions released. Let's subtract 2 releases, cause that have been just pure hotfix releases. 75 / 14 = 5.4 days between a release. Or more than one release per week.
What do you await more?

Re: Version 0.11.15
Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 4:06 pm
by bastrath
Dragonchampion wrote:(...) I understand taking 2 months between each patch for content(...)
Maybe you don't use the
experimental Version
EDIT, forget what I posted, multiplayer is only in the experimental

Re: Version 0.11.15
Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 4:10 pm
by FishSandwich
Dragonchampion wrote:Is there any chance whatsoever for a bugfix patch so that those of us with the map loading multiplayer bug can actually play with their family and friends? I understand taking 2 months between each patch for content, but such a glaring multiplayer issue as not being able to connect at all needing a month for release is disheartening.
You can go back to 0.11.14 if you don't want to wait, and its not 2 months as others have said, more like 2 weeks recently.
Re: Version 0.11.15
Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 5:48 pm
by Gammro
Never mind the fact that they released a warning about MP in 0.11.x:
Factorio 0.11 (31. October 2014)
Multiplayer for the brave ones (very raw and very buggy).
If you can't handle the bugs, wait for 0.12 and hope the rest of the people who play MP reports these bugs so 0.12 MP will be more stable).
Re: Version 0.11.15
Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 6:11 pm
by kovarex
Gammro wrote:Never mind the fact that they released a warning about MP in 0.11.x:
Factorio 0.11 (31. October 2014)
Multiplayer for the brave ones (very raw and very buggy).
If you can't handle the bugs, wait for 0.12 and hope the rest of the people who play MP reports these bugs so 0.12 MP will be more stable).
Well we hope it to be be not very buggy
P.S. After all we will not release the update this week, as we want to fix more problems and have some time to test it. So the beginning of the next week seems to be more probable.