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craft from toolbar
Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2019 9:24 pm
by samr85
Playing with the new toolbars after not playing in a while, it now feels that if you've run out of something on the toolbar there should be some way of crafting it by just clicking on the item without having to bring up the crafting menu and go and find where it is.
Possibly have a 'craft mode' button in the shortcut menu next to where the ALT button is now that when depressed means the toolbar will act as the crafting window?
Re: Hotbar Quickcrafting
Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2019 10:11 pm
by Koub
[Koub]Merged into older topic with same suggestion.
Crafting from quickbar
Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 4:39 pm
by MumenRider
I wish, I could craft items directly from quickbar. For now it seems like rightclick works same way as leftclick on quickbar. Maybe rightclick could be used for crafting? Therefore it would be convenient to see both inventory amount and max craft amount of item on quickbar.
Re: Hotbar Quickcrafting
Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 5:11 pm
by Koub
[Koub] Merged into older topic with same suggestion.
Re: Hotbar Quickcrafting
Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2019 5:14 am
by gth
Reading over the earlier brainstorming in this thread, I like the idea of the number position changing from bottom-left (stock) to top-right (craft).
I'd further suggest the font colour changes, too. The existing white number indicates how many you have; and (maybe green?) number means how many you can make.
The ghosted hobar icon would show the green number number at top right. Additional standard modifier hotkeys let you create 1, 5, or all.
Not sure if the green number appears only when the craft-from-hotbar shortcut key is pressed, or appears as soon as you run out (the latter might be confusing for newbies?).
Re: Hotbar Quickcrafting
Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2019 2:51 pm
by SmashCards
Could be bound to right click, (as middle click is for clearing the filter, left click for selecting); but would use it any way it comes from the devs
Crafting items from the quick bar.
Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 3:13 pm
by CheeseMcBurger
Add the possibility to craft items from the quick bar slots.
How it should work:
- CTRL-CLICK a ghost or item stack on the quick bar, to add 1 of that item type to the crafting queue.
- SHIFT-CLICK a ghost or item stack on the quick bar, to add 5 of that item type to the crafting queue.
Clicking on an empty quick bar slot should do nothing.
The quick bar holds important or often used items. If you need to craft more of those items, you must open the inventory and search for the item before being able to craft more. If you could simply craft more of those items by clicking on them in the quick bar, this would save a ton of time.
Re: Hotbar Quickcrafting
Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 10:10 pm
by Koub
[Koub] Merged into older topic with same suggestion.
Re: Hotbar Quickcrafting
Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 11:28 am
by CheeseMcBurger
Thanks for merging this.
It would be nice if someone from the dev team could give his thoughts on this request. Do you consider this a good idea and do you plan on implement this someday? Or is it something you rather do not implement.
Re: Hotbar Quickcrafting
Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 5:28 am
by Astrobia
Well add my +1.
When Factorio was first introduced to me one of the things about the game I immediately applauded and went to tell all my friends about is how innovative and user friendly the crafting was. The game respects the users time rather than makes them fight with menus.
Years have passed and queuing crafting from the hotbar is now standard behaviour in the majority games that have been released since that time.
Returning to Factorio and finding that standardised functionality completely missing from a game otherwise lauded for it's user friendly interface is so dramatically jarring I thought my user.cfg must be corrupted from old outdated keybindings I'd done or something.
I have now doubt given the innovations they've already made there must be an elegant way the team could implement this without disrupting the old dogs.
Re: Hotbar Quickcrafting
Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 2:53 pm
by P.E.T.A.R.
Love the idea, great QoL improvement.
Re: Hotbar Quickcrafting
Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 4:50 am
by confusedcious
This would be a great improvement!
queue crafting from quickbar
Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 3:29 pm
by LoSboccacc
ctrl+click an element on the quickbar should queue crafting that element
What ?
ctrl + clicking the toolbar should queue crafting the item; it could respect all the usual crafting modifier (shit for five, right click for all)
Why ?
I see the item that I want there, I see I don't have enough, it'd be super convenient to just craft a couple from there, especially early game
Re: Hotbar Quickcrafting
Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 11:27 pm
by Koub
[Koub] Merged into older thread with same suggestion.
Crafting Via Hotbar
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 10:55 pm
by DTank_Zero
Right-Click the item in your hotbar to craft it.
What ?
Just a way to quickly craft something that you use often, instead of having to re-find it in the crafting menu when you run out of it.
Re: Hotbar Quickcrafting
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 7:11 am
by Koub
[Koub] Merged into older thread with same suggestion.
Re: Hotbar Quickcrafting
Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 12:43 pm
by Justderpingalong
Well here's a thought, might not be the nicest way of implementing it but it would get the job done:
In settings, replace the 'pick ghost item if no items are available' checkbox with a little dropdown menu, with options as follows:
If no items are available when selecting item from hotbar or via pipette:
-do nothing
-place ghost
-prompt player to request if they'd like to craft said item, and how many.
-(something I just thought of) prompt player to make a temporary logistic request of item, given logistic requests are unlocked.
The prompt would have the option to queue a craft, or gives the player the option to instead place a ghost if they'd rather not craft. I do understand that this isn't as seemless as the current system. So maybe instead in the options we could configure a set amount we'd like to be crafted? But then u run in the issue of either having to constantly queue crafts or making waaaaay too many items.
Re: Hotbar Quickcrafting
Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 12:56 pm
by bormand
Devs are usually against any improvements for the handcrafting. It's a game about automation, after all.
If you played Lazy Bastard challenge, you may know how easy is to build a little early mall that supplies you with almost anything that you need for the early game. And the factory isn't enormously large yet, so that mall is almost always nearby.
If you still want that feature, there are some mods like HandyHands.
Craft by right-clicking hotbar
Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 6:46 pm
by ktolbol
Wouldn't it be nice if right-clicking an item in the hotbar would add it to the crafting queue?
What ?
Currently, left- and right-clicking an item in the hotbar achieve the same thing, namely selecting the item if available. I suggest repurposing the right-click interaction, so that right-clicking an item in the hotbar instead adds it to the crafting queue, with the ctrl- and shift-modifiers increasing the count, in accordance with the behavior in the crafting window.
Why ?
The most often used (and depleted) items are probably already in a hotbar, so for the part of the game where hand-crafting is not uncommon, this could be more convenient than opening the crafting window and locating the items there. Just a small quality-of-life improvement for you to consider!
Re: Hotbar Quickcrafting
Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 11:42 pm
by ssilk
joined into existing subject