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Re: [Mod 0.14] Logistic Train Network

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2016 3:52 pm
by ssilk
Very nice update, Optera. :) I played around with it for the last 3 hours and it works really well in this cases:

- Mass-transport.
- Provides one single item only.

In that case it works really well and most times as I would await it. I agree: Handling many trains at the provider is mainly the players problem. But perhaps some simple rules: It makes not much sense to send more than one train per 10 seconds to one provider stop. I would say the scheduler should wait about 10-60 seconds before he sends he next train.

Some ideas how that could be calculated:

- Amount to loaded items for one wagon (it takes much longer to load a wagon of green circuits vs. to load a wagon of iron-plates, because of the stack-sizes).
- Amount of items that could be loaded in all trains on the way.
- Length of train (the longer it takes to accelerate, enter and leave)
- How much trains are already on the way to this stop and their average distance to it. The more close the trains are, the longer it should wait, before sending the next.
- RollonRolloff or Terminus train stop (it doubles the time to enter/leave a stop).

Well, the last one is difficult. :)

The mod is in my eyes not really ready for "supply stations". That are stations, that provide up to 12 different items per wagon (you can place up to 12 inserters to an wagon). Like Repair-Pack, Lasers, Walls etc.

Issues (we had already discussed about them via PM, so this is a repetition for the other readers, so that they know, how to work with it):

- Only one item is loaded per train.
- The problem is then: From the previous load another inserter couldn't fill all the item in his hand (cause the wagon was full) and now waits with some items left in his hand for placing items. That is in general no problem, if you unload all items (no matter of the type) at the requesting stop. But I would say this is not intended. But I still have no idea how to fix this.
- You need to set up the min-delivery-size signal to 1 or so (on both sides). In my opinion the min-amount doesn't make sense, if the number of items that are requested (minus the already delivered) is more or less always up-to-date.
- The amount of items is not updated while loading. (*)
- Trains are ordered to transport items, that are already "on the way". See previous point.

(*) You wrote: as of 0.1.0 Output also includes count of all wagons and locomotives parked at this stop. Eventually that is a bug? Or I miss something? Cause the numbers currently don't change. (I can provide my save. I used 0.3.11 and reinitialized everything from scratch.)

PS: I will include the Radar like promised tonight. :)

Re: [Mod 0.14] Logistic Train Network

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2016 7:09 pm
by zebediah49
Awesome, nice improvements. I still get an error (running 0.3.11) when using a battle trains cargo wagon though --

Code: Select all

Error while running event on_train_changed_state (ID 23)
Unknown virtual signal name: LTN-battle-cargo-1
stack traceback:
	__LogisticTrainNetwork__/control.lua:557: in function 'UpdateStopOutput'
	__LogisticTrainNetwork__/control.lua:133: in function <__LogisticTrainNetwork__/control.lua:106>

Re: [Mod 0.14] Logistic Train Network

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2016 10:20 pm
by Anson
Optera wrote:As promised here's 0.3.11 hopefully fixing your reported errors and a new demo map.
the new version seems to work for me, with the old as well as the new demo map. thanks.

since this post got "a bit long", i cut it in 4 segments, hidden in the following spoilers :
several shorter problems, questions and suggestions
BUG - always attempting full load even for few items and single-item requests
BUG - loading wrong types of items, or when nothing should be loaded at all
opposing the suggestion of minimum wait time
ssilk wrote:The amount of items is not updated while loading. (*)
(*) You wrote: as of 0.1.0 Output also includes count of all wagons and locomotives parked at this stop.
Eventually that is a bug? Or I miss something? Cause the numbers currently don't change.
that's also how i understood it at first, but probably something completely different is meant:
i saw that on that wire, not only the number of all items IN the train, but also the number of engines and wagons of the train itself are visible. and when reading this again, i noticed that he said "count of all wagons and locomotives" and NOT "count of all ITEMS IN wagons and locomotives"

Re: [Mod 0.14] Logistic Train Network

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 8:15 am
by Optera
That's a lot of feedback. I'll break it up in 3 posts so i dont time out while writing again. :D
zebediah49 wrote:Awesome, nice improvements. I still get an error (running 0.3.11) when using a battle trains cargo wagon though --

Code: Select all

Error while running event on_train_changed_state (ID 23)
Unknown virtual signal name: LTN-battle-cargo-1
stack traceback:
	__LogisticTrainNetwork__/control.lua:557: in function 'UpdateStopOutput'
	__LogisticTrainNetwork__/control.lua:133: in function <__LogisticTrainNetwork__/control.lua:106>
That looks like my data_final fixes is unable to generate the virtual signal for battle trains. do you have any other mod running data-final fixes that would change battle trains prototypes?

Re: [Mod 0.14] Logistic Train Network

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 8:15 am
by Optera
Taking roro/terminus, train length, speed etc in account has little to no benefit for massive the effort needed to calculate every modded parameter so it's a definite no, i wont do that.

delivering only single items:
It's the last big task on my todo list before moving the mod out of alpha stage.
In the process i will also change how trains behave at stations (get rid of 1s inactivity for anything except depots)

inserters holding items feeding unwanted items into wagons:
It would be easy to point at my repeated request for making filter inserter stack sizes controllable which have not even been answered so far.

min delivery size:
Like i said in pm, trains are mass transports. The default min delivery size of 1000 is to prevent trains running wild when initializing the system. if you really want trains to rush at a delivery of 10 belts, set min delivery size < 10.

The amount of items is not updated while loading:
What you see at a provider station is the total order size while a requester station shows the total deliverd amount aka train inventory.

Trains are ordered to transport items, that are already "on the way":
I can't replicate that behavior in any of my tests. For example If on my demo map oil unload has less than 5k a delivery is created and the next would only be made at less than 10k.

Re: [Mod 0.14] Logistic Train Network

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 8:41 am
by Optera
several shorter problems, questions and suggestions:
I will update my description and the demo map to fix those errors.

The sole meaning of the grey signal is for short circuit detection. if output and input are connected input will see 2 color signals and lock down the station. While not the most elegant solution it's certainly one of the most runtime friendly.

Honestly I didn't think too deep about progression. Putting Train logistics at the same level as robot logistics seemed appropriate since players by then should know what behavior to roughly expect.

BUG - always attempting full load even for few items and single-item requests
I noticed that too. It's a unintended side effect of the 1s inactivity condition and will be removed once i rework it to merge shipments.
I'll release a version without the 1s rule today.

BUG - loading wrong types of items, or when nothing should be loaded at all
I could set filters and limit inventory size when generating the schedule, but ultimately decided against it because i can not know how players load the wagons.
Imagine a 4 wagon train sent to pick up copper and iron ore from a mine.
The player neatly set the first 2 wagons to be loaded with copper and the last 2 with iron. How would i set the filters?
It adds infinite complexity to the mod. In the end filters would only work well for single item trains.

If you want max efficiency having dedicated loading stations per item type is still the way to go.

If you don't care for loading speed, but want multiple items on one station you can build a smart loader with my inventory sensor.
This design requests x+stack bonus items and loads them into the wagon. When the train leaves it cleans out the request chest.
Smart loader overload
You are right in all points against calculating times. Not to mention the massive amount of work i'd have to put in a feature few would understand how and why it works.
roro in factorio is a lot more efficient than in OTTD. In OTTD you can't put signals in the middle of stations making long train stations highly inefficient. In Factorio you can put a signal every wagon making theoretical roro throughput much higher than terminus.
as of 0.1.0 Output also includes count of all wagons and locomotives parked at this stop.
Its the number of locomotives and wagons currently parked at the stop.
The signals are automatically generated from the entities to allow discerning between any modded locomotives and wagons as well

Re: [Mod 0.14] Logistic Train Network

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 9:14 pm
by jeffstan123
I have one line loading and unloading iron ore. I am trying to move iron plate but when i have the same set up as the ore but with plate nothing happens. The iron ore route still runs, but not the plate route. how should i fix this?

Re: [Mod 0.14] Logistic Train Network

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 2:40 am
by ssilk
Sorry, ich kann manchmal nerven. Falls ich nerve ignoriere meine Posts einfach. Ich hab damit kein Problem. :)
Optera wrote:min delivery size:
Like i said in pm, trains are mass transports. The default min delivery size of 1000 is to prevent trains running wild when initializing the system. if you really want trains to rush at a delivery of 10 belts, set min delivery size < 10.
Sorry, this min delivery makes no sense.

I repeat my argument: You cannot decide the importance of a transport by the amount, that might be transported. It's not the task of a logistic system.


Why not adding a new signal "transport priority" instead? Default is "0" (or none), can be positive but also negative.
Transport priority of provider and requester is added. Say provider says "priority is -5" and requester says "priority is 10", then the resulting priority is 5. All transports with priority 5 are transported before transports with priority of 4 and before priority 6. In other words: the higher priorities are transported before the lower. If that goes wild: Well, that's the players problem, not yours. After some minutes, when the first transports have been made the system balances itself out.
The cool thing with this is: You can change the priority with circuits!
Say you have an iron furnace. If it has enough iron it can reduce it's request priority to zero. But when iron gets lower and lower the priority could be increased.
The amount of items is not updated while loading:
What you see at a provider station is the total order size while a requester station shows the total deliverd amount aka train inventory.
I know, but the order changes during movement and is in the moment of arrival at the provider eventually useless.

Example: I have an iron outpost that mines 4000 iron per minute. When the train starts his order is 1000. But he takes about 2 minutes to arrive. In that time there are 9000 iron. But it picks up only 1000. ;)

Another example: An outpost needs lasers. A train is ordered. Before the train picks up lasers the player arrives adds some lasers from his inventory into the outpost inventory. The order is now obsolete, cause now the outpost has too much lasers. Train could return to the depot. Instead he insists on delivering. :)

Re: [Mod 0.14] Logistic Train Network

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 8:55 am
by Optera
jeffstan123 wrote:I have one line loading and unloading iron ore. I am trying to move iron plate but when i have the same set up as the ore but with plate nothing happens. The iron ore route still runs, but not the plate route. how should i fix this?
I would need the save to know what's going on.
ssilk wrote: Sorry, ich kann manchmal nerven. Falls ich nerve ignoriere meine Posts einfach. Ich hab damit kein Problem. :)
Ich hab kein Problem mit "durchdachten" Verbesserungsvorschlägen. Wenn ich allerdings in nichtmal 5 Minuten einen Weg finde wie die Idee völlig an der Realität zerbricht war sie einfach nicht durchdacht.
I repeat my argument: You cannot decide the importance of a transport by the amount, that might be transported. It's not the task of a logistic system.


Why not adding a new signal "transport priority" instead? Default is "0" (or none), can be positive but also negative.
Min_Delivery_Size is no priority system. It's exactly to achieve what you want with your "update delivery while train moves" idea for far less performance cost.

You contradict yourself when saying prioritizing is not the job of the transport system and one sentence later want a priority signal.
Deliveries will be handled by age of request, availability of items and trains.
I know, but the order changes during movement and is in the moment of arrival at the provider eventually useless.

Example: I have an iron outpost that mines 4000 iron per minute. When the train starts his order is 1000. But he takes about 2 minutes to arrive. In that time there are 9000 iron. But it picks up only 1000. ;)
You don't give enough information about the whole transport system, so I assume you have this single train.
What will happen is the train picks up the 1k since that's what the available inventory of that outpost was when creating the delivery.
After finishing the delivery, the outpost will have more than the remaining 3k available so those will be shipped in the 2nd run.

In reality you have several ore outposts, each with more ore in storage than a full train load, so this is not a problem at all.
Another example: An outpost needs lasers. A train is ordered. Before the train picks up lasers the player arrives adds some lasers from his inventory into the outpost inventory. The order is now obsolete, cause now the outpost has too much lasers. Train could return to the depot. Instead he insists on delivering. :)
Do logistic bots turn around and put requested items back to provider? There's your answer.
Instead of having 2 logistic network behaving totally different I aim to make them behave as consistent as possible.

Unlike your other requests it would take very little addition to the logic, but players would be utterly confused if trains suddenly stop with "no path" on their network optimized for the Depot > Provider > Requester > Depot route.

Re: [Mod 0.14] Logistic Train Network

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 9:47 am
by Anson
ssilk wrote:Sorry, ich kann manchmal nerven. Falls ich nerve ignoriere meine Posts einfach. Ich hab damit kein Problem. :)
ich auch. desgleichen. ditto. :-)
Optera wrote:The sole meaning of the grey signal is for short circuit detection. if output and input are connected input will see 2 color signals and lock down the station. While not the most elegant solution it's certainly one of the most runtime friendly.
does that mean that i can temporarily shut down a station by sending any color signal to the input?
that would be a nice and easy way to edit a station or its values without accidentally sending trains for unintended requests.
Optera wrote:Honestly I didn't think too deep about progression. Putting Train logistics at the same level as robot logistics seemed appropriate since players by then should know what behavior to roughly expect.
by requiring blue science, oil industry and red circuits, you suggest (almost force) people to do robots first. i don't know whether a train based "small delivery system" late in the game would be used by many people (for doing only mass transport of ore and maybe plates in fast and long trains, i mostly don't need a logistics trains mod)

i thought of using your system together with the JunkRail mod for doing transports in the factory in the early game, or when resources (most important oil) are limited in the starting area and i have to expand in the early game while or before i do oil and robots.

one example for use might be using a logistic train network with junkrails eg replacing a big multi-lane master belt by those trains. this would also allow to have separate areas for producing specific items like plates/smelting, one green and one red circuits factory, later transport plastic and batteries all around in the factory, etc. and all that without the need to first research oil and robots, and without having to build a belt system first, then do the oil, and finally replace the entire factory by a new one that uses this mod. when adding also bio industries and bergius process (which currently have the same problem of needing a tiny bit of real oil to start the oil-less chain), i could almost do an entire factory based only on wood, with wood trains, and without the need for oil :-)

setting up a train network with multiple trains is already quite some task since trains require additional space and overhead in comparison to robots. whoever uses mods in general and this mod in particular to do logistics with trains should have played one or a few vanilla games already and thus "should know what behavior to roughly expect".
Optera wrote:>> always attempting full load ...
It's a unintended side effect of the 1s inactivity condition ...
I'll release a version without the 1s rule today.
that will be a big help in general, and also allow users to setup solutions themselves for avoiding the second bug/problem of getting wrong items in wagons from having inserters with items left in their hands.
Optera wrote:How would i set the filters?
It adds infinite complexity to the mod.
In the end filters would only work well for single item trains.
true. that suggestion was only one idea to (temporarily) avoid the problem of loading wrong items.
with the above (removal of the 1s inactivity) people can do better themselves now.
Optera wrote:... smart loader with my inventory sensor. ... (blueprint) ...
I'll have a look at that later when i have more time. i love wired setups for loading, unloading, conditions, etc :-)

it would be so nice if we would get "dumb inserters" in vanilla, that always do only single items no matter what the stack bonus is. what would we need: maybe two pairs (slow and fast, each as normal and as filtered version) that are enabled together with the stack bonus research, or even as separate research after bonus research. or maybe add a new option to the circuit network besides enable/disable on inserters: a signal for the max quantity of items in hand, eg 0=off, any value = max items to take in hand
Optera wrote:In Factorio you can put a signal every wagon making theoretical roro throughput much higher than terminus.
i noticed that too, but only a while after i had written the last post.
implementing such a station will still be some challenge if it should be avoided to load and unload those following trains at incorrect locations (hehe, i always am wondering why i have coal in ore-unloading chests after i stopped trains and/or drove them manually :-)
ssilk wrote:
Optera wrote:The default min delivery size of 1000 is to prevent trains running wild when initializing the system. if you really want trains to rush at a delivery of 10 belts, set min delivery size < 10.
Sorry, this min delivery makes no sense.
I repeat my argument: You cannot decide the importance of a transport by the amount, that might be transported. It's not the task of a logistic system.
what does the min delivery size have to do with importance ? nothing.
i find it nice that people can chose themselves whether and to what amount partial deliveries should be done, eg setting min delivery size for oil barrels to 20, for circuits to 2000, and for ore to 9500 on a 5-wagon train.
and whoever doesn't find it useful can simply leave that parameter as is, or set to a very low value that he desires as HIS default.

btw: can this value be set only at the provider or also only at the requester (and what happens with multiple providers and/or requesters), or both (and which value will then be used, which provider's or which requester's, or min or max of all of them) ? and similarly, does the same value apply to each item type separately or all of them together (eg when i request 10k ore and 30 barrels with min size 20 ? :-) i probably don't care much which of these variants you implement, but i want to know to do my setups accordingly.

the idea about a new signal for importance sounds nice. that would allow the ability to better match the most urgent requests with the most urgent calls for "active providing", but this still can't replace the signal for a min size.

btw: typing error: "priority 5 are transported before priority 4 and before priority 6." should probably be "after 6" ...
the order changes during movement and is in the moment of arrival at the provider eventually useless.
Example: I have an iron outpost that mines 4000 iron per minute...
Another example: order obsolete, Train could return to the depot. Instead he insists on delivering.
yes, but it is difficult or even impossible to always correctly react to changing numbers.

what should the ore train do when it was ordered to transport some amount and there is a different amount when it arrives?

when there is more at a loading station, it might be nice to transport more, but at most the amount could/should be calculated once again when the train arrives to reduce the difference that is caused by the time the train took to go from depot to loading station (easy to do, unless more trains from the same or another depot were sent in the meantime). correcting the amount more often could lead to virtually endless loading and other problems. if you want to always do more than those 1000, then set the "min size" signal to a bigger value (that's what that signal is for: to wait for a threshold even if there are requests and provider offers). thus the train would only be sent if eg 8000 are available, and with a proper buffer, it should even out after a few transports, similar to filling a belt with items until the first items arrive.

on unloading, it is too late to correct anything (besides recalculating and dumping surplus in a void chest), and if the player has filled the chests himself in the meantime, the train can't simply go back and drop its surplus at the loading station's buffer which might be full again now. the player is responsible to order correct quantities, provide proper buffers, and not mess anything up on purpose by adding items from his inventory to the unload station's buffer or picking items from the loading station's buffer.

Re: [Mod 0.14] Logistic Train Network

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 10:20 am
by Anson
Optera wrote:Do logistic bots turn around and put requested items back to provider? There's your answer.
Instead of having 2 logistic network behaving totally different I aim to make them behave as consistent as possible.
bad behavior in one system shouldn't cause the other to do the same just to do the same.
but in this case, there are reasons for the bahavior of bots that also apply to logistics on trains.
and because of these reasons, the bahavior is not just "bad" but unavoidable.

one difference between bots and trains is that a bot usually has a small surplus only (max the size of the bonus carrying capacity) while trains can have dozens kilos of items as surplus and thus the problems can quickly be bigger. otoh, sending 5k bots to deliver accidentally requested 20k ore adds up to similar dimensions too. the second difference is that there are storage chests where bots theoretically could put all items from canceled requests, while trains have no such option for storage and thus their situation is much more unsolvable.
Optera wrote:players would be utterly confused if trains suddenly stop with "no path" on their network optimized for the Depot > Provider > Requester > Depot route.
if it would be only confusion, then it would only require more detailed explanations.

but there are too many practically unsolvable problems, eg what optera wrote: the tracks would have to be built in such a way that trains from anywhere could go everywhere, with no dead ends in the routes (eg caused by terminus stations that must be passed), with shortcuts to quickly return on long oneway tracks, etc. and if a train finally succeeds in returning (to the depot? to the loading station? where?), where should it put those items if eg a loading station already has refilled its buffer chests ?

ps: i started writing my last long post before optera posted his, but finished writing that looong post only after he had posted.

Re: [Mod 0.14] Logistic Train Network

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 12:03 pm
by Optera
Anson wrote:
Optera wrote:The sole meaning of the grey signal is for short circuit detection. if output and input are connected input will see 2 color signals and lock down the station. While not the most elegant solution it's certainly one of the most runtime friendly.
does that mean that i can temporarily shut down a station by sending any color signal to the input?
that would be a nice and easy way to edit a station or its values without accidentally sending trains for unintended requests.
It "should" do just that. There are some bugs with it though. When I short circuited a depot it got caught in an infinite loop trying to delete invalid storage data.
Optera wrote:Honestly I didn't think too deep about progression. Putting Train logistics at the same level as robot logistics seemed appropriate since players by then should know what behavior to roughly expect.
by requiring blue science, oil industry and red circuits, you suggest (almost force) people to do robots first. i don't know whether a train based "small delivery system" late in the game would be used by many people (for doing only mass transport of ore and maybe plates in fast and long trains, i mostly don't need a logistics trains mod)

i thought of using your system together with the JunkRail mod for doing transports in the factory in the early game, or when resources (most important oil) are limited in the starting area and i have to expand in the early game while or before i do oil and robots.

one example for use might be using a logistic train network with junkrails eg replacing a big multi-lane master belt by those trains. this would also allow to have separate areas for producing specific items like plates/smelting, one green and one red circuits factory, later transport plastic and batteries all around in the factory, etc. and all that without the need to first research oil and robots, and without having to build a belt system first, then do the oil, and finally replace the entire factory by a new one that uses this mod. when adding also bio industries and bergius process (which currently have the same problem of needing a tiny bit of real oil to start the oil-less chain), i could almost do an entire factory based only on wood, with wood trains, and without the need for oil :-)

setting up a train network with multiple trains is already quite some task since trains require additional space and overhead in comparison to robots. whoever uses mods in general and this mod in particular to do logistics with trains should have played one or a few vanilla games already and thus "should know what behavior to roughly expect".
Ah yes, the dreaded blue science jump. I intended it to be a late game toy for huge networks, but an early game alternative to main bus sounds fun too.
Optera wrote:In Factorio you can put a signal every wagon making theoretical roro throughput much higher than terminus.
i noticed that too, but only a while after i had written the last post.
implementing such a station will still be some challenge if it should be avoided to load and unload those following trains at incorrect locations (hehe, i always am wondering why i have coal in ore-unloading chests after i stopped trains and/or drove them manually :-)
Together with how dangerous 2L-6C-2L at full speed are and how manual trains don't reserve blocks made me use automatic mode even for PAX trains. :D
ssilk wrote:
Optera wrote:The default min delivery size of 1000 is to prevent trains running wild when initializing the system. if you really want trains to rush at a delivery of 10 belts, set min delivery size < 10.
Sorry, this min delivery makes no sense.
I repeat my argument: You cannot decide the importance of a transport by the amount, that might be transported. It's not the task of a logistic system.
what does the min delivery size have to do with importance ? nothing.
i find it nice that people can chose themselves whether and to what amount partial deliveries should be done, eg setting min delivery size for oil barrels to 20, for circuits to 2000, and for ore to 9500 on a 5-wagon train.
and whoever doesn't find it useful can simply leave that parameter as is, or set to a very low value that he desires as HIS default.

btw: can this value be set only at the provider or also only at the requester (and what happens with multiple providers and/or requesters), or both (and which value will then be used, which provider's or which requester's, or min or max of all of them) ? and similarly, does the same value apply to each item type separately or all of them together (eg when i request 10k ore and 30 barrels with min size 20 ? :-) i probably don't care much which of these variants you implement, but i want to know to do my setups accordingly.
Min_shipment_size is only stored at requesting stops and like you said is only a threshold below witch deliveries are started.
If a station requests 8k ore but only 4k are available the 4k will be shipped. That pushes the request size to 4k and further shipments are started only after dropping below 8k again.

I'm currently brooding over min_shipment_size for merging shipments and sending them by age rather than what requesting station happened to be earlier in the list.
I'm leaning towards a min size/item rather than a total shipment size, simply because it allows me to filter before having to store and merge all those 1 of x requests.
the idea about a new signal for importance sounds nice. that would allow the ability to better match the most urgent requests with the most urgent calls for "active providing", but this still can't replace the signal for a min size.

btw: typing error: "priority 5 are transported before priority 4 and before priority 6." should probably be "after 6" ...
Maybe in future versions.
when there is more at a loading station, it might be nice to transport more, but at most the amount could/should be calculated once again when the train arrives to reduce the difference that is caused by the time the train took to go from depot to loading station (easy to do, unless more trains from the same or another depot were sent in the meantime). correcting the amount more often could lead to virtually endless loading and other problems. if you want to always do more than those 1000, then set the "min size" signal to a bigger value (that's what that signal is for: to wait for a threshold even if there are requests and provider offers). thus the train would only be sent if eg 8000 are available, and with a proper buffer, it should even out after a few transports, similar to filling a belt with items until the first items arrive.

on unloading, it is too late to correct anything (besides recalculating and dumping surplus in a void chest), and if the player has filled the chests himself in the meantime, the train can't simply go back and drop its surplus at the loading station's buffer which might be full again now. the player is responsible to order correct quantities, provide proper buffers, and not mess anything up on purpose by adding items from his inventory to the unload station's buffer or picking items from the loading station's buffer.
I'd rather have a stupid, fast system than one with excessive calculation overhead.
To just recalculate when a train arrives at a loading station i'd have to
  • parse through all deliveries to find that train
  • parse through all stations to get the request station's current demand
  • recalculate request with provided items and train inventory size
  • parse through internal storage of this data and update all
  • send updated loading amounts to the train via schedule update
That's only if this is the only train delivering for that requester. If a 2nd train is already under way to a different station to complete the request things get really messy.

Using dynamic numbers is a guarantee for headaches in such a system.

Re: [Mod 0.14] Logistic Train Network 0.3.12

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 11:11 pm
by Lezreth
Great mod, trains have always been annoying to troubleshoot issues. However altering the minimum delivery size at requester stations was giving me issues.
Original scenario: I set the minimum size to 7.9k at the iron and copper ore offloading stations for my big forge, but the trains keep delivering 2k or less, sometimes 200-300. As i write this 2 trains dropped off 87 and 45 copper ore respectively, as per the order the depot gave them.

I disabled the combinators feeding the requests to the big forge, waited for the trains to return to the depot, and re-enabled the combinators. All the trains launched with 8k requests, then stopped after returning to the depot even though the provider stations are well overstocked and requester stations still need a great deal more ore. Now I am at a loss as to what is going on.

Link to zip containing save and mods used: ... sp=sharing

Re: [Mod 0.14] Logistic Train Network 0.3.12

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 6:42 am
by Optera
Lezreth wrote:Great mod, trains have always been annoying to troubleshoot issues. However altering the minimum delivery size at requester stations was giving me issues.
Original scenario: I set the minimum size to 7.9k at the iron and copper ore offloading stations for my big forge, but the trains keep delivering 2k or less, sometimes 200-300. As i write this 2 trains dropped off 87 and 45 copper ore respectively, as per the order the depot gave them.

I disabled the combinators feeding the requests to the big forge, waited for the trains to return to the depot, and re-enabled the combinators. All the trains launched with 8k requests, then stopped after returning to the depot even though the provider stations are well overstocked and requester stations still need a great deal more ore. Now I am at a loss as to what is going on.

Link to zip containing save and mods used: ... sp=sharing
That's a lot of mods, even by my standards.
From what I see you connected the small chests for unloading and the warehouses on one green wire. Warehouses+chests+-50k from combinator = +620. Meaning you are well overstocked according to the parameters you provide the system. The next train will run when ore is below -7900.

If you want warehouses almost full you have to use a much lower value on the constant combinator or disconnect the warehouses to let warehouses spill into clogging the unload.

Re: [Mod 0.14] Logistic Train Network 0.3.12

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 7:51 pm
by ssilk
Suggestion: Some sort of List
Click on a train-stop and all stops provide information, looking about like so
Screen Shot 2016-11-22 at 20.32.17.png
Screen Shot 2016-11-22 at 20.32.17.png (18.54 KiB) Viewed 9215 times
Taken from OpenTTD.
That would be the list for stop, that provides and requests something.

Would look more like this:

Code: Select all

2040 Copper Ore XXXXXXX

100 Reapir Pack XX
10 Wall X
That would be just step 1. Step 2 could be a list of trains, that drive to this stop for loading or unloading.
Step 3 could be an overview over all stops and switching between the stops.

Re: [Mod 0.14] Logistic Train Network 0.3.12

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 8:19 pm
by Optera
Would be nice as addition to the normal train stop window. Can mods expand base ui windows like that?

As list on the side it might get clustered pretty fast once a station provides 10+ items.

Edit: as List i think it'd need at least this much to be user friendly
Train list with name and length

Stations: with station name in alphabetical order
items per line should look like this
4220 Steel / -4000 being picked up
-5200 Iron Plate / 3200 being delivered
with more than 2-3 lines an dropdown arrow could expand to see all requests/provided items

Re: [Mod 0.14] Logistic Train Network 0.3.12

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 8:24 pm
by Lezreth
I think I see what is going on now. With item threshold set to 50k ore and minimum delivery size set to >7.9k the network will try to meet or come close to 50k ore, in multiples of 8k. Since the sum of iron ore on hand and ore requested: 50,000 - 48,583 = 1417 is less than 8k an order will not be placed until some ore gets used up. So the system will only create orders for increments of the minimum delivery even if the amount on hand is a little less than what is requested.

Yes, I do have a lot of mods. I like to explore what people come up with and keep the ones I find fun or useful. I download a few every so often, play with them and then purge the list every few months. There are some however that provide similar features overall, but have a few small differences that end up being significant enough to keep both variants. It would be nice if some of the authors would collaborate and release one super mod. That way I would have to have only one blueprinting mod instead of 3.

Re: [Mod 0.14] Logistic Train Network 0.3.12

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 8:40 pm
by Optera
Lezreth wrote:I think I see what is going on now. With item threshold set to 50k ore and minimum delivery size set to >7.9k the network will try to meet or come close to 50k ore, in multiples of 8k. Since the sum of iron ore on hand and ore requested: 50,000 - 48,583 = 1417 is less than 8k an order will not be placed until some ore gets used up. So the system will only create orders for increments of the minimum delivery even if the amount on hand is a little less than what is requested.
Yes, min delivery size is the threshold below with items are requested. You set it to 7.9k, so only once the station sees less than - 7.9k (notice the minus) a delivery is made.
Keep in mind requesting stations should always stay at negative values. If your station sees +1417 it would qualify as provider and trains might be sent there to pick ore up should it happen to be the stop with the highest count of this item.

Re: [Mod 0.14] Logistic Train Network 0.3.12

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 4:42 am
by Lezreth
Just when I have it figured out, my depot starts creating orders below the set minimum again. The original issue I posted is not resolved after all. I just watched a few trains get dispatched for orders of 111, 8000, 732, 1519, 2131 copper ore. A little down the line, a few 8k iron ore trains followed by a 120 copper ore train. I set an 8k (>7.9k) minimum size on raw ore deliveries and the depot is ignoring that.

Re: [Mod 0.14] Logistic Train Network 0.3.12

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 6:41 am
by Optera
Lezreth wrote:Just when I have it figured out, my depot starts creating orders below the set minimum again. The original issue I posted is not resolved after all. I just watched a few trains get dispatched for orders of 111, 8000, 732, 1519, 2131 copper ore. A little down the line, a few 8k iron ore trains followed by a 120 copper ore train. I set an 8k (>7.9k) minimum size on raw ore deliveries and the depot is ignoring that.
Sounds to me like your ore mine had provided-deliveries < 8k when the shipments where created. If there's no provider for the full shipment the next highest available amount will be used.