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Re: Mirrored Map? help request

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 4:53 am
by sparr
I will look into those situations. Thanks for further testing and bug report.

Are you walking around at normal speed, or are you using a mod to move very fast?

Re: Mirrored Map? help request

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 4:56 am
by JohnyDL
just doing a normal playthrough, radar alerted me to the black spot so I went to explore not finding any spawners north east I went looking in quadrants clockwise until I found one and then doubled back to north west to check the mirrored locations spent about half an hour to an hour just walking and filling in the map

Re: Mirrored Map? help request

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 5:09 am
by sparr
Just uploaded a new version to the mod portal. Should fix the problem with deep water and missing spawners.

The permanently wiped chunks are trickier. Have you ever seen them on the left/west/negative side of the map?

Re: Mirrored Map? help request

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 5:17 am
by JohnyDL
Not yet... I'm going to load up a sandbox and try that with some radar since that might be what caused it

Re: Mirrored Map? help request

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 5:19 am
by sparr
I think I've also only ever seen them on the "master"/positive coordinate side. Knowing whether they ever appear on the left/copied side would help me figure out what code isn't working.

Re: Mirrored Map? help request

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 5:40 am
by JohnyDL
Okay they seem to appear on the 4 chunks west of the north south axis and 4 chunks north of the east west axis I haven't seen them elsewhere so my naive guess it's probably something to do with the offset

wandering up and down the axises it's almost like it's waiting to be told that it can copy to those sections but it's not getting told because the master chunks have been already generated by the chunk generate request on the other side of the axis

Oh and worms don't copy now

Re: Mirrored Map? help request

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 6:52 am
by sparr
Fourth time's the charm! Just uploaded v0.15.3

Further fixes the edge-of-chunk terrain problems. Clones worms. Fixed an arithmetic mistake regarding the offset and cloning.

Re: Mirrored Map? help request

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 6:57 am
by sparr
I just noticed that my fix for the chunk edge terrain problems caused all tile transitions and variations to be lost :(

I'll have to come up with a fancier solution to make the world look pretty, but at least the map is correct for now.

Re: Mirrored Map? help request

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 7:04 am
by JohnyDL
cheers I'm not going to play anymore today but I'll get to it again before the weekend :) a huge thank you for this though I'm sure as it is it'll do what I was planning extra tweaks are only a bonus

Re: Mirrored Map? help request

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 11:47 am
by JohnyDL
okay so I played a bit I haven't come across the unexplored error again but not needed to explore so far recently.

I did have a thought about the Generation if you only generate the Master chunk and not copy to all the slaves when the Master is done you end up with the possibility of mining the master out and so never getting those resources in the slaves. I went on a killing spree with biters and it was helpful then but it definitely wouldn't be with resources.

You could also do a one off check on each game load to deal with existing unexplorable chunks (you'll need to consider maps that have world boundaries in that case though) so if that error reoccurs then the fix is just to save and reload the game

And yeah I don't know how but you did break the terrain beautifying it seemed to work a few updates ago but now there's no mini bushes or nice blending or stuffs.

And incase I haven't said this yet (or enough) YOU ARE AWESOME :D thank you so much for doing this for me