Do you think it would be possible to mod around it by registering to a replace event and copying inserter settings just before the replacement and reapplying it to the new one (possibly checking if the replacing inserter is of the same category (as in long vs regular) and its
pick up drop direction is the same)?
Hmm... I guess I would like to try my hand at attempting this. Of course, if successful I would love to share it with you
Additional info/questions:
I noticed that when replacing ghosts both assemblers and inserters keep their settings.
Assemblers go an extra mile by keeping their settings when fast replaced by a different tier assembler, as well.
I have not tested but possibly assemblers are able to keep their settings when their ghosts are revived by a different tier assembler, as well. And similarly, I suspect that if I were to replace an inserter ghost with a different inserter tier, I will lose my settings.
Here are the relevant events: on_built_entity, on_robot_built_entity, on_player_mined_entity, on_player_mined_item, on_pre_player_mined_item, on_robot_mined, on_robot_mined_entity, on_robot_pre_mined.
There does not seem to be anything specific to fast replacing.