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Re: [0.10.x] Bob's Assembly Machines
Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 4:22 am
by cpy
Does it work with 0.10.6?
Re: [0.10.x] Bob's Assembly Machines
Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 7:06 am
by n9103
10.6 is outdated, fyi.
Re: [0.10.x] Bob's Assembly Machines
Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 9:43 am
by cpy
Straight pipes mod and floors don't work with newer version.
Re: [0.10.x] Bob's Assembly Machines
Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 1:43 pm
by bobingabout
The reason why it is locked to 0.10.7+ is the folder naming thing, rename the folder to no version number, and then you can lower the requirement to 0.10.0 in the json file.
Re: [0.10.x] Bob's Assembly Machines
Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 3:55 pm
by cpy
Well i sorted few things here and there and made it to 0.10.9 for now

Re: [0.10.x] Bob's Assembly Machines
Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 3:32 pm
by bobingabout
cpy wrote:Well i sorted few things here and there and made it to 0.10.9 for now

Fixing other mods to work with the latest version is better than sticking with an old version and trying to get new mods to work with it, well done :3
So, what do you think of the preview release?
Re: [0.10.x] Bob's Assembly Machines
Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 6:09 am
by cpy
I made new factory with resource overhaul so my progress is slow as hell. Not even at MK3
I spend most time fine tuning resource overhaul spawn rates, than testing your machines. I expect to hit bob level today. Im not very happy with my RSO but i'm getting close to my final liking. I made mistake in config and made your ores spawn as big as coal and iron

I'm too lazy to restart world again (4th restart this weekend).
Re: [0.10.x] Bob's Assembly Machines
Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 8:33 am
by bobingabout
Yeah, I know the feeling. Most of my Bob's Ore's maps were simply, spawn, look around, close, often in the map editor rather than an actual game.
The map I'm currently playing on was one I started in v0.3 or there abouts of bob ores, it has a giant splatter of ore in the starting area, literally the whole starting area is covered, I don't think a single tile was left without an ore on it. You can easilly tell old vains from new vains too, because the older ones have a lot less ore in them.
Although I do create new games when I'm changing my mod, it's mostly to just check the tech tree to make sure everything apears in it, but most of the time I actually do the production chain testing on an old map with all the resources already available so I can dive right in and test things. Hence why still using the 0.3 map. I don't play factorio as much as I used to. That's the thing with modding, most of the time I would get playing the game is instead spend modding, and testing the mods.
I have been trying a bob's mods game from scratch (Only bob's mods installed, I should add treefarm too, or risk running out of wood), but I'm stuck at the Electronics phase, I need to produce the transistors, and for that I need silicon. it isn't that I can't do it, it's just that I give up and go do something else instead, I currently have solder and circuit boards producing, I just need to make the electronic components, then get everything to one factory.
I tested it all with smart chests though, and I'm trying to do this with belts, it's spaghetti.
I was also considering a tree farm component of bob's mods, but if I did that, it would basically be tree-farm light, without the whole fertiliser chain. Purely tree seeds, growing trees, and a building to do automation. The main reason why I havn't though is... Yeah, it'd be tree-farm light, I'd probably use tree-farm (and perhaps DyTech and F-mod) as reference(Fairly sure all 3 do it the same way), and that would feel like I'm ripping off Tree farm. Furthermore, if I did that for normal trees, I'd consider rubber trees, then It'd be like ripping off DyTech too... my modules mod feels like that sometimes already...
At least with other mods like Assembly machines, and Power, I wrote mine first, so although DyTech might add similar machines, I don't feel like I'm ripping it off.
Re: [0.10.x] Bob's Assembly Machines
Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 4:43 pm
by cpy
Problem with resource overhaul is that that nodes are 16x further apart and in much much less amount (configurable everything) you can't use map editor to see ores, you have to play game for that.
It takes really long time to explore RSO map so yeah it's taking time to do even basic tasks.
Re: [0.10.x] Bob's Assembly Machines
Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 12:24 am
by bobingabout
try writing yourself a little mod with a script in it to give yourself power armor, reactors and a few exoskeletons. maybe even shields and lasers to get around the biter nests.
Re: [0.10.x] Bob's Assembly Machines
Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 1:13 am
by n9103
Personally, I tend to do a small edit to my Base module to jump my run speed up, as I find stock speed to be so dreadfully tedious.
I just change line 312 of "Factorio\data\base\prototypes\entity\demo-entities.lua" to be .35 or .45, instead of the .15 in stock.
The only real downside to this is that it will always desync a replay, but others can load and play as with any other save.
Re: [0.10.x] Bob's Assembly Machines
Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 8:29 am
by bobingabout
I was thinking... Yeah, it's been a while with no real feedback about the latest version I linked, so, either there's nothing wrong, or nobody has tested it properly yet, I might as well release it.
Issue: Since I suffered a hard drive failure a couple months ago, I havn't tried to log into from my netbook, it apears I had changed my log in information between my backup and the failure, so... I can't log in!
So I can't currently upload it to my mod hosting site, I'm working on solving the issue. Unfortunately, my hosts are basically a bunch of modders in a modding community somewhere, so they're a little hard to get ahold of. (It's like one of you trying to get ahold of me, if I'm not actively checking the forums, it isn't easy.)
Re: [0.10.x] Bob's Assembly Machines
Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 11:09 am
by cpy
Problem with your mod is, it is much more balanced recipe, pollution, power use/production so much, that i mostly curse at dytech and treefarm how imbalanced their parts are.
Electric furnaces are real pain for me to bear. Higher tier eat less power and is faster! I mean if it was more power efficient because it's faster and eat just bit more, that would be tolerable, but faster speed and lower consumption. That's kinda BS if you ask me.
Assembly machines seems good.
Re: [0.10.x] Bob's Assembly Machines
Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 6:58 pm
by bobingabout
cpy wrote:Problem with your mod is, it is much more balanced recipe, pollution, power use/production so much, that i mostly curse at dytech and treefarm how imbalanced their parts are.
Electric furnaces are real pain for me to bear. Higher tier eat less power and is faster! I mean if it was more power efficient because it's faster and eat just bit more, that would be tolerable, but faster speed and lower consumption. That's kinda BS if you ask me.
Assembly machines seems good.
My electric furnaces? I'll look into it, I havn't looked into anything in a while though, but I was thinking of looking at the machines added in my plates mod.
EDIT: I released version 1.3, available in the first post.
Re: [0.10.x] Bob's Assembly Machines
Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 11:03 am
by cpy
Dytech furnaces.
Re: [0.10.x] Bob's Assembly Machines
Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 2:14 pm
by bobingabout
Mine were actally unballanced too, I think they took 180kW reguardless of their speed, so the faster ones took way less power per job than the slower ones. Electrolysers and Chemical plants did reduce power as well as being faster.
So last night I made a step up system similar to the assembly machines to all 3 types of factory in the plates mod. I posted a WIP, go give it a try. ... =90#p45502
Re: [0.10.x] Bob's Assembly Machines
Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 1:43 pm
by Lone_Player
I have there a problem with the Assembly Machine 6,
if i place one & deconstruct it later again, i get a Assembly Machine 5 in my Inventory.
This is a continued game before, the release of the Assembly Machine 6. [ it also happens for fresh new build Assembly MachineĀ“s 6, that just come out of the Factory.]
Ps: I use the 0.1.3 Version
Re: [0.10.x] Bob's Assembly Machines
Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 12:01 am
by bobingabout
Lone_Player wrote:Hello,
I have there a problem with the Assembly Machine 6,
if i place one & deconstruct it later again, i get a Assembly Machine 5 in my Inventory.
This is a continued game before, the release of the Assembly Machine 6. [ it also happens for fresh new build Assembly MachineĀ“s 6, that just come out of the Factory.]
Ps: I use the 0.1.3 Version
Thankyou for the bug report.
I have confirmed that there is a Typo in the lua file (or more accurately, since the new MK6 entity had the same stats as the old MK5, I simply copied it, and missed changing one of the values from 5 to 6)
I have fixed this for 0.1.4, but can't upload it from this computer. I'll do it when I can, hopefully first thing in the morning.
EDIT: Uploaded, check the first post.
Re: [0.10.x] Bob's Assembly Machines
Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 9:00 pm
by bobingabout
See, this is why I don't like doing what I did yesterday. I released 0.1.4, then found a bug.
I've released 0.1.5 now that fixes this bug. I guess I'll keep doing this untill I hit 0.2.0
Re: [0.10.7+] Bob's Assembly Machines
Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 12:02 am
by bobingabout
Another minor update.
As the massive changes and additions to MCI 0.7.0 near completion, this release of Assembly Machines is basically to bring the mod in line with the new format.
1.6 changes include:
* Assembly machine Mk6 will now use the new Electronic Processing Board if it exists (from MCI 0.7.0's Advanced Electronics 3), or the old one if the new one doesn't exist. (Renamed to Electronic Logic Board in MCI 0.7.0)
* All assembly machines are on a new row in the automation tab. A result of the Production Machines line and Bob Machines line looking a little cluttered in MCI 0.7.0.