- Factorio 2017-06-25 05-39-47-966.png (657.59 KiB) Viewed 9346 times
Yay, decided, after watching the TL, to play a session working on the megabase...
but first, I would need a decent blueprint with the Mk4 roboport
then I realized that I'm not producing Mk4 roboports at the moment, due to the titanium shortage, which needs another train station gimmick and I don't wanna work on that again
so I planned how the bots corridors WOULD look like IF I had all MK4 things, so I designed a blueprint with it, but it goes so far that I lost a ton of time just going back and forth, then checking if all the poles were simmetric,
then, after that, I would redesign the same blueprint using MK2 roboports instead, but for that, I would need logistics extender tower,
so I ran after It
then a TON of time recheking each pole alignemnt and how I could fit all things around the poles better, for visual and pratical ways. After I finally did the blueprint, I expanded it a little to the side, so I could use that as a reference, instead of tearing it down.

- Factorio 2017-06-25 02-34-41-692.jpg (631.5 KiB) Viewed 9346 times
while I waited for the bots to extend this, I dediced to see after 1 or 2 small problems around the base
then plastic was stopped, because there was no coal, then because there was no methane
the methane was because oil production had stopped
the oil production had stopped because the sulfur waste water or whatever it was ran out of sulfur dumping storage
then I remembered that I needed a TON of sulfur for this new slag processing on petrochem
so I decided to send a belt from the those oil fluids back to the saphirite organization
you know you have a megabase when you take 2 minutes planning how the belt will go, just to look at at it all again, and then during the process again and again because you keep getting lost, and even somethimes I felt like I was in a car, cause the belt I was building was suposed to follow one bus, and then take a left turn on the next bus.
and oh, look, there was the sulfur I was looking for, 2 days of gameplay behind, 2 storages with 51k of sulfur, this base is getting scarily confusing sometimes, I may loose a day just finding where I was producing something, give up looking after, and set a new plant just because I can't find the original one.

Specially on the megabase 500 squares tall x 1500 wide refinery, or something......
and oh boy, where's the rubyte train?
no fuel, forgot to belt coal to the Rubyte Unload station
but I have no train, let's order one on the logistics and wait..........
while I wait, I wanted to look back to the plastic plant, using the map because it was too far away, and I couldn't because I don't have complete radar coverage. I was planning on filling this with Mk4 radar, but those will take a while, so screw it, I started putting Mk2 radars all over the base, enough is enough
started putting on the south, around the rubyte station and all...
only forgot to put it on the plastic plant
when I got there, production was stopped again
seems like the sulfur wasn't the problem, but the water purificator actually got the belt of purified water full,
heck, I have no idea where this purified water even goes, but i installed overflow valves and clarifiers to the 2 outputs and even to the wasted water before the clarifier (didn't know I could do that)
another thing that was bothering me was that I had no gold coming in, for more than 4 days of gameplay now, but it's only needed at the end of the bus, that when I see the 2 plants that need it, I don't wanna stop whatever I'm doing there to go back all the way to see what's the problem.
turns out I need to set the advanced rubyte sorting again, and that needed to clean the pipes for the new petrochem elements,
done that, finally got gold ore again, but no gold bars, another converter valve and finally it's going
then let's check the base for one final check before I finish this session
and why there's no zinc ore coming???
let's go to the Bobmoniun unload, it's been a while
oh look, 7 days of gameplay and 30 minutes, last time I looked it was 6 days 22h30!
Getting there, it's all full of tin and quartz, new storages all around
Somewhere around all this, I also put concrete on a lot of missing spots, and re-started the robots production...., everything robots tier 1 and 2 are SO hungry for white circuits, that I have stopped most of them,
specially because both the roboports goes into the main bus, so I need like 1k roboport mk2 just to fill the gap inbetween it and the mk3 assembly plant.
At least now all the refinery is running again ^^

- Factorio 2017-06-25 05-14-59-195.jpg (974.23 KiB) Viewed 9346 times
Anyway, another 5hours of video recorded, 110 GB of free space almost totally full and I never got to work on the megabase... again. At least all that was solved, a real bugfixing update.
As a bonus, here's the production now, stating rise up again, not so high, but at least back from the dead....

- Factorio 2017-06-25 05-04-25-715.jpg (635.83 KiB) Viewed 9346 times
And interesting to see, on the big long 50h graphic, you can clearly see, after tons of optimizations, I had the base running at full steam for a long time, until the 0.15 upgrade, then it all dropped and we are struggling ever since, a LOT of time after that. And so far I can't work on optimizations, mostly, as I still have to put all things back toguether, but not much on the way, mostly titanium.

- Factorio 2017-06-25 05-04-55-891.jpg (611.92 KiB) Viewed 9346 times