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Re: Let's Play Factorio with Bob's Mods
Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 2:20 pm
by Shroomworks
Episode 18 is out,time to get science pack 4 and the alien science pack produced
Video Link:
Re: Let's Play Factorio with Bob's Mods
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 9:55 am
by Shroomworks
Episode 19 is out
In this episode,we go into the production chain for mk3 substations, an essential part of the upcoming solar power plant. Initially,i wanted to go into the accumulator production as well, but the substations took longer than i anticipated and so we will go into that in the next episode.
Video Link:
Re: Let's Play Factorio with Bob's Mods
Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 8:57 am
by Shroomworks
Episode 20 has been released

Time to get those tier 3 batteries rolling!
In order to produce mk3 accumulators, we need to produce the next tier of batteries first: the silver-zinc batteries. We will also need them further down the line for drones and other things, so better to produce them now rather than later.
Video Link:
Re: Let's Play Factorio with Bob's Mods
Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 10:23 am
by Shroomworks
Episode 21 is up
With the silver-zinc batteries being produced, we can finnaly go into the production chains for the mk3 accumulators as well as the large mk3 solar panels. Ironically, we run into some energy troubles while setting up the factories for energy production
Video Link:
Re: Let's Play Factorio with Bob's Mods
Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 9:04 am
by Shroomworks
Time for episode 22.
In this episode, we set up the production chains for tungsten alloy and nitinol plating. We also set up a chain for gem processing, cutting & polishing - a necessary step for higher tier modules, laser turrets and laser rifle batteries which all need gems in their respective production chains.
Video Link:
Re: Let's Play Factorio with Bob's Mods
Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 1:01 pm
by Shroomworks
Episode 23 has been released
In this episode, we build up the production chain for the last tier of electronics: The Electronic Processing Board.
Video Link:
Re: Let's Play Factorio with Bob's Mods
Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 4:42 pm
by Shroomworks
Episode 24 is out, time to get those modules going
n this episode, we will begin with the module production, starting with the tier 1 modules including the t1 god module. We also prepare for the higher tier modules (tier 3 and onwards) by setting up production chains for logic and processing boards.
Video Link:
Re: Let's Play Factorio with Bob's Mods
Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 10:51 am
by Shroomworks
Episode 25 is out, time to get startet with drone production.
I've decided to skip the T2 Module production (due to it being too little for a dedicated episode) and build up the drone production chain, starting with the Mk1 - Mk4 frames.
I also show off the new T4 transport belt and express inserter productions, something that will come quite in handy in the near future.
Episode Link:
Re: Let's Play Factorio with Bob's Mods
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 11:06 am
by Shroomworks
Episode 26 is released.
In this episode, we establish the production lines for Mk4 Logistics and Construction drones, and craft some roboports for the power armor.
Episode Link:
Re: Let's Play Factorio with Bob's Mods
Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 2:44 pm
by Shroomworks
Episode 27 is released.
Although we are producing both types of drones now, we do not have the means zu use them yet. This will start to change in this episode, as we set up the infrastructure to produce logistic zone expanders.
Episode Link:
Re: Let's Play Factorio with Bob's Mods
Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 9:26 am
by Shroomworks
Episode 28 is released.
We continue where we left off in the last episode, and produce the logistic zone expaner mk4. Then we move on to the production line for large charging pads.
Epsiode Link:
Re: Let's Play Factorio with Bob's Mods
Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 10:28 am
by Shroomworks
Episode 29 is out
In this episode, we continue where we left off and finish the production line for MK3 & MK4 charging pads. After that, we start with the production lines for robo chests and get the first tier up and running.
Episode Link:
Re: Let's Play Factorio with Bob's Mods
Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 10:26 am
by Shroomworks
Episode 30 is released!
Welcome to the final part of the logistics series, in which we finish up the production line for MK4 robo chests and logistic chests, providing us with everything we need to run and maintain an efficient logistics network.
Episode Link:
Re: Let's Play Factorio with Bob's Mods
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 10:02 am
by Shroomworks
Episode 31 is out
Now that we have everything we need to successfully run and maintain a logistics network, it's time to clean up the messy module production and make it all neat and tidy.
This episode is a bit longer than most, thanks to the amount of work needed to clean everything up and finding out why some resources were not being produced as they should have been.
Episode Link:
Re: Let's Play Factorio with Bob's Mods
Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 11:16 am
by Shroomworks
And here is episode number 32
In this episode, we quickly take care of the slow integrated electronics production, build a mk2 power armor (and some legs for it too) and expand the module production all the way to T5 modules.
Episode Link:
Re: Let's Play Factorio with Bob's Mods
Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 12:00 pm
by Shroomworks
Episode 33 is up, time to continue to work on those modules
In today's episode we continue to expand the module production by adding T6 & T7 module productions. We also complete the research for the rocket silo,whose production chains we will tackle as soon as the modules are finished.
Episode Link:
Re: Let's Play Factorio with Bob's Mods
Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 12:23 pm
by Shroomworks
Episode 34 is released
Today, we take care of the final part of the module production and set up a line for a metal that has been totally forgotten: Tungsten Carbide.
Now we can start with the production lines for the rocket and the satellite.
Episode Link:
Re: Let's Play Factorio with Bob's Mods
Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 2:20 pm
by Deadly-Bagel
On one hand, I kind of want to watch this. On the other hand, I want to eventually play Bob's Mods blind and have no idea what I'm doing xD
Re: Let's Play Factorio with Bob's Mods
Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 10:09 pm
by Shroomworks
Haha, i know how you feel, as i was like that in the beginning too

But at some point, i did have to watch certain series or browse in the wiki, in order to understand a few things.
You are definitely welcome to watch though

Re: Let's Play Factorio with Bob's Mods
Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 11:47 am
by Shroomworks
Time for the finale of this season!
Today, we concentrate on the production lines for the rocket and the satellite and sucessfully launch our first rocket into space!
With this, this season is pretty much coming to a close. However, i do realize that i haven't gone into the warfare part of bob's mods yet, so i'll do one or two extra episodes for this part.
I'm already planning season 2, but have yet to make a complete mod list of what mods (aside from bobs mods) i'm going to use.
Episode Link: