FreeER wrote:Matter <-> Energy conversion? then you need Teleporters
No, currently it's just wasted. Either by pollution or - then - as waste. This means, that in the ideal case, it "seems" like there is less input and more output. But we cannot really measure the weight of the output, or can we? So it is valid to say: 1 iron ore is not 1 iron plate, it's a little bit more. It's just numbers.
ssilk wrote: But I like it. And I like recycling. Which brings me to the relations between recycling and efficiency. Efficiency and recycling. Isn't that not nearly the same?
I don't think so, efficiency = lower energy (not lower ingredients), recycling = reclaiming useful material from products that are no longer useful (have become a form of waste). Recycling issue = Productivity modules, M<->E issue = efficiency (in the same way) but they are separate if you do not consider the M<->E conversion as possible.
Sorry, but maybe here lags my English. in German efficiency means both: efficiency of energy and/or material. An efficient car uses less gasoline. An efficient power plant uses less coal/oil/whatever. Efficient computers are using less energy at same speed and/or same energy at more speed. And so on.
I think I'm confused by what you mean by waste. Waste = undesired byproducts of producing a desired product
No. I mean there are some unusable byproducts:
- pollution (air and ground)
- waste
- poison
So it in no way uses it's own waste to create more, but other machines can use it's product (desired) to produce other products (and waste). With Garms (wonderful) idea you simply introduce a new physical form of waste for the player to manage.
Yes, I like that idea. Waste is for me an item, like others. Pollution isn't.
doesn't need to be and in my opinion should not be a physical monster players are unable to fight, but it should be something that is extremely difficult (and annoying lol). Ex. biter waves, poison fog, catastrophic failures due to lack of maintenance, etc. or more than one. The waves can be fought off, the poison could be circumvented by gas masks (which need replacing over time), the destroyed machines can be rebuilt, but it is better to simply deal with the waste
Sounds fine. For me it is only important, that the player needs to change his factory and don't think it's the right way to do it without change.
ssilk wrote:But back to recycling: in consequence this means, that by recycling waste, I can produce items (or waste). Or in other consequence: when I input a smart inserter to the recycler, and I want as output some rockets I gain some waste. I can reinsert the waste as long, as my rocket is build.
Recyclers reduce to base materials (iron, copper, etc) so you could consider it to be no waste (or with Garm's idea, waste but not usable in production) unless you are specifically using the products of recycling to make something that will only use part of the base materials of the item being recycled, then you'd have undesired byproducts (waste).
Well. That's the point!
we need to!
I explain: when I can gain material by producing (or be more and more efficient, depends on the standpoint), and then enable to reverse this operations in only ONE step, then we have made a real perpetual mobile.
Or in other words: when I produce an express belt, I need about 100 iron ore.
Iron ore => iron plates => wheels => basic belt => fast belt => express belt
I left out some details. Now let's say we have an efficiency module which gains 10 % at each step. We have 5 steps, so the result is calculate able with any online interest calculator - is 62 iron ore. We gained 38 ore.
Code: Select all
62 + (62 x 10%) =
68,2 + (68,2 x 10%) =
75,02 + (75,02 x 10%) =
82,522 + (82,522 x 10%) =
90,7742 + (90,7742 x 10%) =
Now reverting should be the same way! Because if not, we have the problem.
Express => fast => basic > wheels > plates => ore
If I loose at every step 10% I should have at the end 62 again.
Code: Select all
100 - (100 x 10%) =
90 - (90 x 10%) =
81 - (81 x 10%) =
72,9 - (72,9 x 10%) =
65,61 - (65,61 x 10%) =
Uh? There is something missing. We lost 3.
This is the inflation rate
(yes I know how it is calculated correctly, but for now this is a simple as can be example)
But I think it's clear what I mean:
we cannot just make one step we need the same number of steps, as the item needed to produce. Or more?
I made some suggestions half a year ago about that. The idea was, that the recycler works like a big hammer and if I put a express belt in it, then by very, very low chances, the 100 ore are coming out, but it's much more probable that an fast belt some wheels and some waste comes out. Or the express belt again. If the parameters are set correctly, the resulting items should in average be the same as the previous ingoing.
That where the waste comes into play. Because of probabilities it should be possible to use waste as a "joker" in the recycler. So with low chances I gain an iron ore from waste. With lower chances an iron plate and so on.
Because when I need waste to recycle things, then waste becomes suddenly a worth. But this is the second thought in the above post and I'm really tired now.
If I missed your point blame this ^
No quite well, right questions.