Re: [Poll] Would you be happy to pay for more official planets and expansions?
Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2025 10:20 pm
I'm not upset with there being new ways to do things. I should have been more clear on this point. My point is that the way the game is designed, a lot of the design work went into stuff like different types of power generation and different ways to make the basic recipes. This would be ok if there was more content after that, but as it stands, a lot of the new content is redundant.meganothing wrote: Tue Mar 11, 2025 5:01 pm
Point 1 though is touching on a rather important part of a sandboxy game like factorio. You can solve energy in very different ways on the different planets for example, why leave that out of the game, it might streamline it for people only interested in making gigafactories, but it would make the game smaller. It also makes it possible to fail completely on any planet and restart.
To take it further, I think more could be done to make the new stuff interesting. Let's use power generation on Fulgora as an example. As it stands, the lightning mechanic is pretty forgettable. I make a grid of power/lightning collectors over the island I'm building on, and never have to interact with it again. The second tier of collectors is completely unnecessary. One way that this mechanic could be further utilized is by having something that draws a LOT of power, but only intermittently, so that you had to manage the day night cycle, rather than just plopping down a bunch of accumulators and forgetting about it. Or some way to use the excess power you get from the lightning strikes - using them directly, rather than just storing in accumulators.
I hope that illustrates what I'm talking about. The lightning IS a new mechanic, but it doesn't really add anything beyond the first fifteen minutes on Fulgora, and I suppose having to build around the lightning collectors... but this isn't much of a challenge.
As it currently stands, no the hub isn't really a bottleneck, but I was referencing the cursed design. If SA involved more interplanetary logistics and a higher volume of throughput - not just for science packs but for a bunch of other resources as well, the hub starts to become a limiting factor. Not necessarily limited in terms of throughput, because you can use bots, but bots are kind boring. But if you had, let's say, 20 different items regularly being shipped in large quantities, the hub could be a bit annoying to work with. It's difficult to know because that's not the game we have. Perhaps situating the hub next to a train depot would solve this problem.meganothing wrote: Tue Mar 11, 2025 5:01 pm Is the hub a bottleneck? You can add more cargo bays to add throughput to the deliver from space and the limit of one hub per planet is none with a working railroad network. "making it difficult" you say, isn't that just another puzzle to solve? We want puzzles in the game.
But the other problem with the hub is Gleba science, which highly incentivizes you to put the labs hear the hub, which makes it a crowded area already, especially when you consider you need a bunch of bays.
Not exactly. I was responding to the idea that "the game starts at 60", or in this case "the game begins after you launch a rocket". I don't think that's true in SA because of how long it takes to get through it. There's definitely a difference between the sandbox that is 1.0 and the adventure that is SA. I think it's a matter of preference which style of game you enjoy more, but I think SA fails at both these things by kinda but not really doing both.So basically space age is the better balanced game as you don't need to invent a new goal just a day after starting. For me your argument looks exactly like the argument of some MMO-players who want the leveling game to be shorter so they can start with the "end game" which is the only part that interests them. This is correct for them, but short-changes the other half of players who don't have this singular and rather limited interest in the game.
If SA is going for the more sandbox vibe, all the tools need to be given earlier so that it doesn't take as long to start making the designs you want to make. If SA is an adventure, the ending sucks.
This was true in 1.0, but as I said above, the length of time it takes to get all the tools make just getting to the end a much bigger part of the game.And the puzzles in the game were always only difficult if you set yourself goals outside of simply reaching whatever end.
The most fun I've had in factorio is the logistics problems that come from scaling. Transporting large quantities of resources isn't just building more, you actually have to change the way you do things. The current design of SA works against this somewhat with all the productivity bonuses, and even the faster stacked belts. I don't think this is necessarily a problem > being able to scale further with less stuff. But it needs to be replaced by something, like more complex recipes. Which goes into my complaint about quality and suggestion to change it to require more complex recipes to make - and increased productivity requiring more complex recipes.When you say it is shallow after you have figured it out, this is true for all puzzles in factorio, even and especially in 1.0. They still are fun for me because I sometimes find or try new ways to solve them.
If you can transport huge quantities of stuff in a small space on a stacked green belt, then the challenge isn't moving resources any more - it's organizing them. This is why I like Fulgora - the sorting mechanic is very complicated if you want to be efficient and avoid waste while also not jamming. It's the most interesting thing in the expansion for me.