Re: I'm looking for information on the train braking mechanic.
Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2023 11:29 pm
I would say like farcast, that the friction no aero model is the most accurate. Not because "the lower delta" is better, but rather , the flatter the line is better. It's not super visible from the graphs because of ABS(delta) but with the signed value, the frictionless models sometimes predict too much sometimes too little, while in the process, being "perfect" in some cases, whereas the friction no aero model seem to have a more constant distance and trend compared to the precise ingame measurement.
By trend i mean it's slightly diverging when braking research increases. While being as mentionned constantly at a difference of at least 10.
The graphs i think clearly identify the aero model as wrong, especially the 1-0 where it's supposed to be the most impactful, is the one having the largest delta, and the better the breaking research, the less time/steps of divergence for the prediction so it looks more accurate but it's obviously not the correct formula.
I think the "more precise" result for the frictionless model with higher braking force are an artifact, just because the overall braking time is shorter, it gives less and less time for the "wrong" formula to shows it's the "wrong" formula as friction's impact is becoming increasingly marginal compared to the braking power coming from the research.
This because i think the frictionless model appear to neglect a phenomenon ( friction ), but it's not always visible because of another unknown one ( some adjustment ? ) as such when friction has low impact, it can be exactly balanced out by the other phenomenon and look 100% accurate but with more or less braking time, giving more or less time/Steps for the frictionless model to diverge ; the prediction is sometimes too much, sometimes not enough. As such i think the frictionless model is not accurate as a formula similar to aero whereas the friction model would be more accurate as a formula (over time or different conditions ) except it needs a little something more for more precision.
In my opinion i trusted the latest in game measurement the most.( they can validate/unvalidate models because exhaustive and precise ) I think it means that the shorter braking time/distance, the more difficult it is to predict what the game does ( as the "most trusted model" is the "friction no aero" for me) because the game is doing something like a nudging or an adjustment, which is made more visible when it's not given much time to hide it. ( better breaking research, making a (flat or bounded ) adjustment from the game more visible in the total % of difference compared to the prediction).
When looking at the first picture from Milo's last post, with the red and green line, i think some hypothesis can be made to describe the adjustment.
I suppose the game is made so that trains "knows" their braking distance (using the friction model). That's what we see with the debug tool as a line and how they know when to actually start braking. ( human drivers are supposed to know the braking distance of their car/truck in order to drive properly and stop at the correct spot and i don't see how to do otherwise in a model where train don't share block reserved for potential braking like racing driver in F1).
=> The train known when it needs to brake, then it start braking. The amount of time between the 2 action is either 0 or more ticks. If 0 ticks, it is very unlikely that the train using its full braking force would happen to end up at 0 speed at the exact place where it need to stop. Because time is made of discrete ticks, the train maybe one tick would end up a few pixel too early, and the next tick, a few pixel too late if using its full braking power.
= a hypothetic train going at full speed as a theorical braking distance of say 120.00000 tiles, but a speed of 1.2300 tiles/tick.
Tick 0, should brake ? distance to target = 123 tiles, no ,
Tick 1, should brake ? distance to target = 121.77 tiles, no ,
Tick 2, should brake ? distance to target = 120.54 tiles , yes ,
Tick 2 Need to start braking, tick 3 is too late. But tick 2 is a little too early, train will stop 0.54 tile off if using full braking power according to those precise math formula no ?
This is already a source of potential imperfection/adjustment that would be made relatively/significantly worse overall compared to the total amount of tick predicted from a prediction with a high braking force, because that would be a small amout of tick and as such the adjustement would in % be higher, which seems to be the trend in the graphs. ( initial offset slowly increasing with braking research always positive delta for imprecision )
Now of course it can be that train anticipate more than 1 tick their decision to start braking and that the adjustment account for the distance during that tick, and as such i suppose the imperfection would be overall greater for faster train but the measurement were all made with trains running at 1.38 tile/tick and i havent added this to my doc
TL DR : Friction no aero seem to me the more accurate model
TL DR hypothesis : braking distance and travel distance left might never be exact modulo. if trains takes a little more time to brake than what is predicted by the friction model it could be because the train first brake at its full power and then fill in the 0.54 tiles gap from the example leading to extra ticks at very slow speed just before the complete stop
By trend i mean it's slightly diverging when braking research increases. While being as mentionned constantly at a difference of at least 10.
The graphs i think clearly identify the aero model as wrong, especially the 1-0 where it's supposed to be the most impactful, is the one having the largest delta, and the better the breaking research, the less time/steps of divergence for the prediction so it looks more accurate but it's obviously not the correct formula.
I think the "more precise" result for the frictionless model with higher braking force are an artifact, just because the overall braking time is shorter, it gives less and less time for the "wrong" formula to shows it's the "wrong" formula as friction's impact is becoming increasingly marginal compared to the braking power coming from the research.
This because i think the frictionless model appear to neglect a phenomenon ( friction ), but it's not always visible because of another unknown one ( some adjustment ? ) as such when friction has low impact, it can be exactly balanced out by the other phenomenon and look 100% accurate but with more or less braking time, giving more or less time/Steps for the frictionless model to diverge ; the prediction is sometimes too much, sometimes not enough. As such i think the frictionless model is not accurate as a formula similar to aero whereas the friction model would be more accurate as a formula (over time or different conditions ) except it needs a little something more for more precision.
In my opinion i trusted the latest in game measurement the most.( they can validate/unvalidate models because exhaustive and precise ) I think it means that the shorter braking time/distance, the more difficult it is to predict what the game does ( as the "most trusted model" is the "friction no aero" for me) because the game is doing something like a nudging or an adjustment, which is made more visible when it's not given much time to hide it. ( better breaking research, making a (flat or bounded ) adjustment from the game more visible in the total % of difference compared to the prediction).
When looking at the first picture from Milo's last post, with the red and green line, i think some hypothesis can be made to describe the adjustment.
I suppose the game is made so that trains "knows" their braking distance (using the friction model). That's what we see with the debug tool as a line and how they know when to actually start braking. ( human drivers are supposed to know the braking distance of their car/truck in order to drive properly and stop at the correct spot and i don't see how to do otherwise in a model where train don't share block reserved for potential braking like racing driver in F1).
=> The train known when it needs to brake, then it start braking. The amount of time between the 2 action is either 0 or more ticks. If 0 ticks, it is very unlikely that the train using its full braking force would happen to end up at 0 speed at the exact place where it need to stop. Because time is made of discrete ticks, the train maybe one tick would end up a few pixel too early, and the next tick, a few pixel too late if using its full braking power.
= a hypothetic train going at full speed as a theorical braking distance of say 120.00000 tiles, but a speed of 1.2300 tiles/tick.
Tick 0, should brake ? distance to target = 123 tiles, no ,
Tick 1, should brake ? distance to target = 121.77 tiles, no ,
Tick 2, should brake ? distance to target = 120.54 tiles , yes ,
Tick 2 Need to start braking, tick 3 is too late. But tick 2 is a little too early, train will stop 0.54 tile off if using full braking power according to those precise math formula no ?
This is already a source of potential imperfection/adjustment that would be made relatively/significantly worse overall compared to the total amount of tick predicted from a prediction with a high braking force, because that would be a small amout of tick and as such the adjustement would in % be higher, which seems to be the trend in the graphs. ( initial offset slowly increasing with braking research always positive delta for imprecision )
Now of course it can be that train anticipate more than 1 tick their decision to start braking and that the adjustment account for the distance during that tick, and as such i suppose the imperfection would be overall greater for faster train but the measurement were all made with trains running at 1.38 tile/tick and i havent added this to my doc
TL DR : Friction no aero seem to me the more accurate model
TL DR hypothesis : braking distance and travel distance left might never be exact modulo. if trains takes a little more time to brake than what is predicted by the friction model it could be because the train first brake at its full power and then fill in the 0.54 tiles gap from the example leading to extra ticks at very slow speed just before the complete stop