I was temporarily banned from this forum for being toxic, after i received a warning that didn't help. I took some time back then to think about it, and i think a personnal attack is targeting the person, while the persnnal criticism is targeting a behavior. You can't really change who you are, if you are sensitive, or careless, but you can change your behavior to be more careful to others or express your sensitivity without making it sound others are responsible.
I think most criticism or even personnal attack are "legal" but they may not be nice. It is then possible to call anyone an attacker, it's legal, it may be a shared views with other people, or not, i think the legal aspect get more involved when it's damaging the reputation of someone which is not often the case when one side despise the other for doing something, that the other side is proud of doing and think everyone should do. ( where should we put the cursor in the degree of politeness/cordiality that becomes the norm in the forum ? ).
The more "familiar" with the forum, the easiest it is to forget how intimidating could be the first few post for newcomers, and also maybe it's just me, but it makes it easier to express negative feedback in a environment where you are not a newcomer, in which case it is usually easier to just cope with the existing rules, which obvisouly OP had began doing, since this thread is about the rules that implied they were read. Not everyone read rules before posting, and not everyone respect them all the time even after reading them, not everyone care about the rules or give feeback on them.
once you have read the rules you have no more need to read them again, so asking for a change in formulation is not even for yourself, but for other people that may come later, it's an attempt to make the place nicer when you leave it than when you arrived, which can backfire, or create conflict, " the road to hell is paved with good intention " is a saying that exist in french and in english, i think the meaning is similar to "Das Gegenteil von 'gut' ist 'gut gemeint" in german.
I don't think the green paragraph is helping clarity, but it provide good indication on Wube's people ability to acknowledge feedback and the habits of trying to improve on it and context on how to interpret the rules
If it was just me i would just add "please read this or be ignored", but that wouldn't have prevented my previous toxic behavior.