That was a whimper rather than a serious addition to ST/MT discussion.
I think parallelization is not necessarily the only correct answer to this "problem" - but I really think the devs should look into it. If their customers are loosing interest in playing the game for (IMHO) understandable's something they should address.
I mean other solutions could be to look at the most CPU/RAM hogging entities and help the players to reduce their numbers in the game. E.g.:
1) faster inserters
1a) new inserters
1b) more techs to research to increase their stats
1c) reintroduction of loaders as a late-game item?
1d) "double" inserters taking items from both sides of the belt w/o stupid dancing between the lanes
2) faster belts
2a) new belts
2b) introduction of tech to increase stats
2c) stackers if it can help? (see stacker in DSP)
3) trains
3a) again - more tech to increase their stats (both for locos AND wagon) thus reducing # of trains needed
4) overhaul of liquids
4a) I mean everybody just hates liquids anyway
4b) no nuclear power due to liquid UPS killing is IMO a huge drawback in the lategame - everybody HAS to go solar
5) production entities improvement
5a) again - new entities, new researches etc.
5b) tier 4 to X modules
5c) new recipes to be researched? (e.g. imagine how many entities/UPS/pain is going to be saved if there is a research to smelt steel directly from iron ore...Jesus...I hate steel smelting)
5d) ?allow "direct connection" between production facilities? i.e. copper smelter built directly next to copper wire assembler would be able to transfer the copper plates to the assembler really fast and w/o use of an inserter.
Most of the items / entities / researches above could be set-up as late game and expensive, but it might be the nextstep in the play where the players could leapfrog from 2-4kSPM bases to 10-50+kSPM. And I understand most (if not all) of the above is solved by various mods (Fluid must flow, Schall machines....) but we should use mods to improve vanilla, not to correct flaws in vanilla (+achievements for those who don't have them).
I think that current factory size limitation due to inevitable UPS drop is a mistake (I understand there always will be a limit, just that the limit is quite low currently) and there are IMHO two ways how to address it:
1) don't change the game mechanics but change how the game is programmed
2) keep the code design but introduce new improvements to the game mechanics through new researches and entities