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Re: Bugs & FAQ
Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 4:45 am
by Termak
MisterFister wrote:Howdy folks! Loving this mod set. Still on semi-automated red science and handcrafted green science on my first playthrough.
It's time for me to think about mining my starter-area patches of rubyte and bobmonium. I know that different infinite ore-types require different acids piped to the miners to recover them, but I cannot seem to find a tooltip or any other in-game means to discover which ore requires which type of acid. I don't need help with the recipes once I know which one to plan for. Am I missing something obvious? Like a caption somewhere?
Also, is your infinite ores mod compatible with Prospector? What about the "Yet Another Infinite Ore Mechanic" mod?
Doesnt it show when you try place miner on top of infinite patch?
Saph,Stir, Bobm = Sulphuric
Ruby = Nitric
Crot = Chloric
Jivo = Fluoric
Re: Bugs & FAQ
Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 5:04 am
by foodfactorio
hi Jackalope_Gaming, maybe the simplest thing could just be to let the Crystal Rocks just drop and give one of each geode at the time of mining, without any recipes then
initially i was suggesting just 1 new item, (plus recipe to process it), so that the player doesnt have to use up multiple inventory slots, but im happy with whatever way could work, so that a Crystal Rock, actually gives crystals

Now imagine if it was called a Fraggle Rock.... "hey maaa, i caught me a crystal
Jackalope_Gaming wrote:foodfactorio wrote:arbarbonif wrote:....but mining crystal rocks only produce stone?
hi, i had an idea about the Crystal Rock that is found in a few areas of the map (only maybe 1 found every few screens / chunks of map area)... Currently it does not actually give any Crystals. but, what if we had 1 new geode, which as a "Rainbow Geode" or a "Prismatic Geode" that was found in every crystal rock.
New Item: Prismatic Geode
Mined from: Crystal Rocks
Gives you: 1 (or 1-10) Crystal Rocks.
New Recipe: Prismatic Geode Processing
uses Assembler: 1 Prismat Geode input = 1 of each of the other (already existing) geodes

That's one way of doing it. There might be alternate ways to handle the crystal rocks such as changing them a bit for the different biomes like how Bio Processing has the different flora based on the swamp, temperate, and desert biomes.
Hm, as I think more about the rainbow geode I'm inclined to say it probably wouldn't work so well since it would be a recipe only useful if you're taking down those crystal rocks. Unless a way to produce them ourselves was added in. It'd have to be an expensive/complicated process but overall cheaper than having to make each of the regular geodes. Or maybe not even cheaper but it'd use different resources.

- Fraggle_Rock.jpg (22.32 KiB) Viewed 8529 times
Re: Bugs & FAQ
Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 5:49 am
by foodfactorio
hi i tried that issue you mentioned with the farm, and i did not notice any glitching here with
The only thing i saw was that the ending animation sometimes starts a few frames earlier (but that was probably due to also using a Time Buttons mod).
it could be an issue on your side but what happens if you try quitting the game and reloading your save?
also, if you look at your mod .zip, does it contain the 5 image sprites for field-animation-1.png (1 to 5)?
here is a picture of how it looks all fine for me: (picture 3)
fiery_salmon wrote:Thanks for your mods! Is brokeness of graphics for farm (at least Binafram in a basic farm) a known issue? For me it keeps flashing from showing crops to not showing crops. I am willing to provide full specs, reproducible save, etc but before spending half of hour on bug report I prefer to check is it a known issue.
Re: Bugs & FAQ
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 5:10 am
by MisterFister
Termak wrote:MisterFister wrote:Howdy folks! Loving this mod set. Still on semi-automated red science and handcrafted green science on my first playthrough.
It's time for me to think about mining my starter-area patches of rubyte and bobmonium. I know that different infinite ore-types require different acids piped to the miners to recover them, but I cannot seem to find a tooltip or any other in-game means to discover which ore requires which type of acid. I don't need help with the recipes once I know which one to plan for. Am I missing something obvious? Like a caption somewhere?
Also, is your infinite ores mod compatible with Prospector? What about the "Yet Another Infinite Ore Mechanic" mod?
Doesnt it show when you try place miner on top of infinite patch?
Saph,Stir, Bobm = Sulphuric
Ruby = Nitric
Crot = Chloric
Jivo = Fluoric
Nope, doesn't seem to specify in-game.
Thanks for the info tho. Props!
Re: Bugs & FAQ
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 5:26 am
by adamcirillo
Angel it seems the electro whining coils mk1 has crafting speed 1 mk2 has crafting speed 1 and mk3 has 1.5 is that incorrect?
Re: Bugs & FAQ Angel's Refining
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 4:38 am
by Erick117
So im using almost all the mods of angel and I'm trying to use inserters to drag in ores of saphirite inside the ore crusher, but they took 2 or 3 ores and the stop doing his job, i've tried with inserters but it doesn't work at all, I don't know if this is a bug or just part of the mods, I need someone to help me with this please
Re: Bugs & FAQ Angel's Refining
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 5:33 am
by steinio
Erick117 wrote:Hi
So im using almost all the mods of angel and I'm trying to use inserters to drag in ores of saphirite inside the ore crusher, but they took 2 or 3 ores and the stop doing his job, i've tried with inserters but it doesn't work at all, I don't know if this is a bug or just part of the mods, I need someone to help me with this please
You need to take all items out. You probably missed the crushed stone in the crusher.
Re: Bugs & FAQ
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 10:01 am
by Catfight
Bug for the current latest version of Refining and latest game version of factorio: It is impossible to create a science lab as your starting tech does not include a way to crush rubyte and so you cannot smelt rubyte into tin, thus you're unable to make transport belts and unable to make a science lab needed to research crushing of bobmonium and Rubyte.
Re: Bugs & FAQ
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 10:18 am
by tedingus72
Catfight wrote:Bug for the current latest version of Refining and latest game version of factorio: It is impossible to create a science lab as your starting tech does not include a way to crush rubyte and so you cannot smelt rubyte into tin, thus you're unable to make transport belts and unable to make a science lab needed to research crushing of bobmonium and Rubyte.
I think this is more of an mod interaction issue. Bob's Logistics introduces tin as a requirement for Transport belts and Angel's Refining introduces the composite ores. Together it prevents the lab but remove Angels Refining start a new game and then you have tin deposites.
Re: Bugs & FAQ
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 10:43 am
by lAtlasl
Hello Angel,there is currently an issue between bob's mods and your mods. When starting a new game with all of your mods and bob's mods, you need tin to make a lab. Tin can be made by crushed bobmonium as you know, but bobmonium crushing is locked behind the mechanical refining research.
It appears some other players are discovering this, and there are various workarounds (I downloaded a cheat mod to make enough tin to make my research lab, then deleted the cheat mod) but maybe you should send a quick message to Bob to see if he is going to change the lab recipe, or to see if it would be easier to unlock bobmonium and rubyte (because it is in the starting zone too) ore crushing in a burner ore crusher. Thank you in advance!
Re: Bugs & FAQ
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 2:33 pm
by steinio
Bob is informed about the problem.
This mod should fix it temporarily:
Re: Bugs & FAQ
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 3:27 pm
by Arch666Angel
I'm at work but I will upload a new Version of refining tonight which has The recipes for rubyte and bobmoniun crushing enabled from The start.
Re: Bugs & FAQ
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 4:33 pm
by Taroon
Hi all,
not sure if this is the right place to post it - if so my apologies I rarely use the forums.
I'm encountering an issue when using the angels warehouse mod.
Basically it would not allow me to use loaderredux with the warehouse.
Somehow the warehouse seems to be in a different layer of the screen.
As I can place it over existing structures which in itself doesn't make sense.
Is there anything I need to adjust when using the mod?
I use Factorio Extended Plus and some other mods for convenience.
If you need more details please let me know - maybe someone has experienced the same.
I am using the latest 0.16.30 release
Re: Bugs & FAQ
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 4:48 pm
by mrvn
MisterFister wrote:Termak wrote:MisterFister wrote:Howdy folks! Loving this mod set. Still on semi-automated red science and handcrafted green science on my first playthrough.
It's time for me to think about mining my starter-area patches of rubyte and bobmonium. I know that different infinite ore-types require different acids piped to the miners to recover them, but I cannot seem to find a tooltip or any other in-game means to discover which ore requires which type of acid. I don't need help with the recipes once I know which one to plan for. Am I missing something obvious? Like a caption somewhere?
Also, is your infinite ores mod compatible with Prospector? What about the "Yet Another Infinite Ore Mechanic" mod?
Doesnt it show when you try place miner on top of infinite patch?
Saph,Stir, Bobm = Sulphuric
Ruby = Nitric
Crot = Chloric
Jivo = Fluoric
Nope, doesn't seem to specify in-game.
Thanks for the info tho. Props!
I see the acid required when I hover with the mouse over the ore patch. Note that only the infinite ores need acids so you might just be looking at patches that need it.
Re: Bugs & FAQ
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 5:54 pm
by lAtlasl
Arch666Angel wrote:I'm at work but I will upload a new Version of refining tonight which has The recipes for rubyte and bobmoniun crushing enabled from The start.
Thank you Angel, I appreciate it!
Re: Bugs & FAQ
Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 7:52 pm
by noliVe
1.519 Loading mod settings bobenemies 0.16.0 (settings.lua)
1.519 Loading mod settings Expanded_Robot_Tech 0.5.3 (settings.lua)
1.520 Loading mod settings Factorissimo2 2.2.2 (settings.lua)
1.520 Loading mod settings FuelTrainStop 0.16.1 (settings.lua)
1.521 Loading mod settings LogisticTrainNetwork 1.7.4 (settings.lua)
1.522 Loading mod settings Nanobots 2.0.2 (settings.lua)
1.522 Loading mod settings production-monitor 0.16.1 (settings.lua)
1.524 Loading mod settings bobvehicleequipment 0.16.2 (settings.lua)
1.525 Loading mod settings bobplates 0.16.0 (settings.lua)
1.526 Loading mod settings bobassembly 0.16.0 (settings.lua)
1.527 Loading mod settings boblogistics 0.16.6 (settings.lua)
1.528 Loading mod settings bobmining 0.16.0 (settings.lua)
1.529 Loading mod settings angelsrefining 0.9.9 (settings.lua)
1.530 Loading mod settings bobmodules 0.16.0 (settings.lua)
1.532 Loading mod settings bobwarfare 0.16.3 (settings.lua)
1.534 Loading mod settings LoaderRedux 1.2.2 (settings.lua)
1.535 Loading mod settings angelsaddons-oresilos 0.4.0 (settings.lua)
1.536 Loading mod settings angelsaddons-warehouses 0.3.0 (settings.lua)
1.538 Loading mod settings angelspetrochem 0.7.6 (settings.lua)
1.539 Loading mod settings ShinyBobGFX 0.16.11 (settings.lua)
1.540 Loading mod settings angelsinfiniteores 0.7.3 (settings.lua)
1.543 Loading mod settings reverse-factory 5.0.1 (settings.lua)
1.545 Loading mod settings ShinyAngelGFX 0.16.6 (settings.lua)
1.547 Loading mod settings SunResources 0.0.15 (settings.lua)
1.569 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
1.625 Loading mod base 0.16.26 (data.lua)
2.253 Loading mod air-filtering 0.6.0 (data.lua)
2.491 Loading mod angelsaddons-petrotrain 0.3.2 (data.lua)
2.764 Loading mod beautiful_bridge_railway 0.1.2 (data.lua)
3.121 Loading mod bobenemies 0.16.0 (data.lua)
3.359 Loading mod boblibrary 0.16.3 (data.lua)
3.611 Loading mod Crafting_Speed_Research 0.2.0 (data.lua)
3.837 Loading mod Electric Furnaces 2.3.1 (data.lua)
4.074 Loading mod EvoGUI 0.4.302 (data.lua)
4.318 Loading mod Expanded_Robot_Tech 0.5.3 (data.lua)
4.564 Loading mod Factorissimo2 2.2.2 (data.lua)
5.117 Loading mod Flow Control 3.0.3 (data.lua)
5.666 Loading mod FNEI 0.0.17 (data.lua)
6.173 Loading mod FuelTrainStop 0.16.1 (data.lua)
6.676 Loading mod LogisticTrainNetwork 1.7.4 (data.lua)
7.213 Loading mod MaxRateCalculator 2.1.17 (data.lua)
7.760 Loading mod Nanobots 2.0.2 (data.lua)
8.319 Loading mod ore-eraser 1.4.1 (data.lua)
8.827 Loading mod Power Armor MK3 0.1.3 (data.lua)
9.412 Loading mod production-monitor 0.16.1 (data.lua)
9.962 Loading mod SimpleEndlessResources 1.0.2 (data.lua)
10.833 Loading mod StoneWaterWell 1.0.8 (data.lua)
11.385 Loading mod TimeTools 1.0.31 (data.lua)
11.906 Loading mod tree-eraser-maintained 0.0.1 (data.lua)
12.452 Loading mod Treefarm-Lite-fix 16.0.7 (data.lua)
12.986 Loading mod upgrade-planner2 1.6.1 (data.lua)
13.468 Loading mod VehicleGrids 0.0.4 (data.lua)
13.973 Loading mod Warehousing 0.1.2 (data.lua)
14.536 Loading mod bobtech 0.16.0 (data.lua)
15.107 Loading mod bobvehicleequipment 0.16.2 (data.lua)
15.724 Loading mod bobplates 0.16.0 (data.lua)
16.308 Loading mod bobassembly 0.16.0 (data.lua)
16.872 Loading mod bobelectronics 0.16.0 (data.lua)
17.426 Loading mod bobgreenhouse 0.16.0 (data.lua)
17.961 Loading mod boblogistics 0.16.6 (data.lua)
18.630 Loading mod bobmining 0.16.0 (data.lua)
19.265 Loading mod bobpower 0.16.1 (data.lua)
19.899 Loading mod bobrevamp 0.16.0 (data.lua)
20.762 Loading mod angelsrefining 0.9.9 (data.lua)
21.493 Loading mod bobmodules 0.16.0 (data.lua)
22.226 Loading mod bobwarfare 0.16.3 (data.lua)
23.130 Loading mod LoaderRedux 1.2.2 (data.lua)
23.827 Loading mod angelsaddons-oresilos 0.4.0 (data.lua)
24.607 Loading mod angelsaddons-warehouses 0.3.0 (data.lua)
25.400 Loading mod angelspetrochem 0.7.6 (data.lua)
26.233 Loading mod fixingbobsangel 1.0.0 (data.lua)
26.256 Script @__boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:79: Ingredient black-transport-belt does not exist.
27.019 Loading mod angelsaddons-pressuretanks 0.3.0 (data.lua)
27.891 Loading mod angelsinfiniteores 0.7.3 (data.lua)
28.655 Loading mod angelssmelting 0.4.3 (data.lua)
30.016 Loading mod reverse-factory 5.0.1 (data.lua)
30.983 Loading mod angelsbioprocessing 0.5.4 (data.lua)
31.816 Loading mod ShinyAngelGFX 0.16.6 (data.lua)
32.703 Loading mod base 0.16.26 (data-updates.lua)
33.649 Loading mod angelsaddons-petrotrain 0.3.2 (data-updates.lua)
34.578 Loading mod beautiful_bridge_railway 0.1.2 (data-updates.lua)
35.455 Loading mod bobenemies 0.16.0 (data-updates.lua)
36.564 Loading mod Nanobots 2.0.2 (data-updates.lua)
36.578 Script @__boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:76: Recipe ammo-nano-scrappers does not exist.
36.578 Script @__boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:76: Recipe ammo-nano-deconstructors does not exist.
37.573 Loading mod upgrade-planner2 1.6.1 (data-updates.lua)
38.522 Loading mod bobtech 0.16.0 (data-updates.lua)
39.475 Loading mod bobvehicleequipment 0.16.2 (data-updates.lua)
40.508 Loading mod bobplates 0.16.0 (data-updates.lua)
40.536 Script @__boblibrary__/module-functions.lua:12: Recipe polishing-wheel-synthetic does not exist.
40.788 Script @__boblibrary__/category-functions.lua:112: Resource category water does not exist.
41.817 Loading mod bobassembly 0.16.0 (data-updates.lua)
42.872 Loading mod bobelectronics 0.16.0 (data-updates.lua)
43.865 Loading mod bobgreenhouse 0.16.0 (data-updates.lua)
44.804 Loading mod boblogistics 0.16.6 (data-updates.lua)
44.828 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-brain-logistic does not exist.
44.828 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-tool-logistic does not exist.
44.828 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-brain-construction does not exist.
44.829 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-tool-construction does not exist.
44.829 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-brain-logistic-2 does not exist.
44.829 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-tool-logistic-2 does not exist.
44.829 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-brain-construction-2 does not exist.
44.829 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-tool-construction-2 does not exist.
44.829 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-brain-logistic-3 does not exist.
44.829 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-tool-logistic-3 does not exist.
44.829 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-brain-construction-3 does not exist.
44.829 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-tool-construction-3 does not exist.
44.829 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-brain-logistic-4 does not exist.
44.829 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-tool-logistic-4 does not exist.
44.829 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-brain-construction-4 does not exist.
44.829 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-tool-construction-4 does not exist.
45.838 Loading mod bobmining 0.16.0 (data-updates.lua)
46.983 Loading mod bobpower 0.16.1 (data-updates.lua)
47.886 Loading mod bobrevamp 0.16.0 (data-updates.lua)
48.872 Loading mod angelsrefining 0.9.9 (data-updates.lua)
49.064 Error Util.cpp:49: Failed to load mod "angelsrefining": __angelsrefining__/data-updates.lua:3: __angelsrefining__/prototypes/refining-override.lua:230: attempt to index field 'chemical-plant-2' (a nil value)
need a fix please
Re: Bugs & FAQ
Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:53 pm
by adamcirillo
noliVe wrote:1.519 Loading mod settings bobenemies 0.16.0 (settings.lua)
1.519 Loading mod settings Expanded_Robot_Tech 0.5.3 (settings.lua)
1.520 Loading mod settings Factorissimo2 2.2.2 (settings.lua)
1.520 Loading mod settings FuelTrainStop 0.16.1 (settings.lua)
1.521 Loading mod settings LogisticTrainNetwork 1.7.4 (settings.lua)
1.522 Loading mod settings Nanobots 2.0.2 (settings.lua)
1.522 Loading mod settings production-monitor 0.16.1 (settings.lua)
1.524 Loading mod settings bobvehicleequipment 0.16.2 (settings.lua)
1.525 Loading mod settings bobplates 0.16.0 (settings.lua)
1.526 Loading mod settings bobassembly 0.16.0 (settings.lua)
1.527 Loading mod settings boblogistics 0.16.6 (settings.lua)
1.528 Loading mod settings bobmining 0.16.0 (settings.lua)
1.529 Loading mod settings angelsrefining 0.9.9 (settings.lua)
1.530 Loading mod settings bobmodules 0.16.0 (settings.lua)
1.532 Loading mod settings bobwarfare 0.16.3 (settings.lua)
1.534 Loading mod settings LoaderRedux 1.2.2 (settings.lua)
1.535 Loading mod settings angelsaddons-oresilos 0.4.0 (settings.lua)
1.536 Loading mod settings angelsaddons-warehouses 0.3.0 (settings.lua)
1.538 Loading mod settings angelspetrochem 0.7.6 (settings.lua)
1.539 Loading mod settings ShinyBobGFX 0.16.11 (settings.lua)
1.540 Loading mod settings angelsinfiniteores 0.7.3 (settings.lua)
1.543 Loading mod settings reverse-factory 5.0.1 (settings.lua)
1.545 Loading mod settings ShinyAngelGFX 0.16.6 (settings.lua)
1.547 Loading mod settings SunResources 0.0.15 (settings.lua)
1.569 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
1.625 Loading mod base 0.16.26 (data.lua)
2.253 Loading mod air-filtering 0.6.0 (data.lua)
2.491 Loading mod angelsaddons-petrotrain 0.3.2 (data.lua)
2.764 Loading mod beautiful_bridge_railway 0.1.2 (data.lua)
3.121 Loading mod bobenemies 0.16.0 (data.lua)
3.359 Loading mod boblibrary 0.16.3 (data.lua)
3.611 Loading mod Crafting_Speed_Research 0.2.0 (data.lua)
3.837 Loading mod Electric Furnaces 2.3.1 (data.lua)
4.074 Loading mod EvoGUI 0.4.302 (data.lua)
4.318 Loading mod Expanded_Robot_Tech 0.5.3 (data.lua)
4.564 Loading mod Factorissimo2 2.2.2 (data.lua)
5.117 Loading mod Flow Control 3.0.3 (data.lua)
5.666 Loading mod FNEI 0.0.17 (data.lua)
6.173 Loading mod FuelTrainStop 0.16.1 (data.lua)
6.676 Loading mod LogisticTrainNetwork 1.7.4 (data.lua)
7.213 Loading mod MaxRateCalculator 2.1.17 (data.lua)
7.760 Loading mod Nanobots 2.0.2 (data.lua)
8.319 Loading mod ore-eraser 1.4.1 (data.lua)
8.827 Loading mod Power Armor MK3 0.1.3 (data.lua)
9.412 Loading mod production-monitor 0.16.1 (data.lua)
9.962 Loading mod SimpleEndlessResources 1.0.2 (data.lua)
10.833 Loading mod StoneWaterWell 1.0.8 (data.lua)
11.385 Loading mod TimeTools 1.0.31 (data.lua)
11.906 Loading mod tree-eraser-maintained 0.0.1 (data.lua)
12.452 Loading mod Treefarm-Lite-fix 16.0.7 (data.lua)
12.986 Loading mod upgrade-planner2 1.6.1 (data.lua)
13.468 Loading mod VehicleGrids 0.0.4 (data.lua)
13.973 Loading mod Warehousing 0.1.2 (data.lua)
14.536 Loading mod bobtech 0.16.0 (data.lua)
15.107 Loading mod bobvehicleequipment 0.16.2 (data.lua)
15.724 Loading mod bobplates 0.16.0 (data.lua)
16.308 Loading mod bobassembly 0.16.0 (data.lua)
16.872 Loading mod bobelectronics 0.16.0 (data.lua)
17.426 Loading mod bobgreenhouse 0.16.0 (data.lua)
17.961 Loading mod boblogistics 0.16.6 (data.lua)
18.630 Loading mod bobmining 0.16.0 (data.lua)
19.265 Loading mod bobpower 0.16.1 (data.lua)
19.899 Loading mod bobrevamp 0.16.0 (data.lua)
20.762 Loading mod angelsrefining 0.9.9 (data.lua)
21.493 Loading mod bobmodules 0.16.0 (data.lua)
22.226 Loading mod bobwarfare 0.16.3 (data.lua)
23.130 Loading mod LoaderRedux 1.2.2 (data.lua)
23.827 Loading mod angelsaddons-oresilos 0.4.0 (data.lua)
24.607 Loading mod angelsaddons-warehouses 0.3.0 (data.lua)
25.400 Loading mod angelspetrochem 0.7.6 (data.lua)
26.233 Loading mod fixingbobsangel 1.0.0 (data.lua)
26.256 Script @__boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:79: Ingredient black-transport-belt does not exist.
27.019 Loading mod angelsaddons-pressuretanks 0.3.0 (data.lua)
27.891 Loading mod angelsinfiniteores 0.7.3 (data.lua)
28.655 Loading mod angelssmelting 0.4.3 (data.lua)
30.016 Loading mod reverse-factory 5.0.1 (data.lua)
30.983 Loading mod angelsbioprocessing 0.5.4 (data.lua)
31.816 Loading mod ShinyAngelGFX 0.16.6 (data.lua)
32.703 Loading mod base 0.16.26 (data-updates.lua)
33.649 Loading mod angelsaddons-petrotrain 0.3.2 (data-updates.lua)
34.578 Loading mod beautiful_bridge_railway 0.1.2 (data-updates.lua)
35.455 Loading mod bobenemies 0.16.0 (data-updates.lua)
36.564 Loading mod Nanobots 2.0.2 (data-updates.lua)
36.578 Script @__boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:76: Recipe ammo-nano-scrappers does not exist.
36.578 Script @__boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:76: Recipe ammo-nano-deconstructors does not exist.
37.573 Loading mod upgrade-planner2 1.6.1 (data-updates.lua)
38.522 Loading mod bobtech 0.16.0 (data-updates.lua)
39.475 Loading mod bobvehicleequipment 0.16.2 (data-updates.lua)
40.508 Loading mod bobplates 0.16.0 (data-updates.lua)
40.536 Script @__boblibrary__/module-functions.lua:12: Recipe polishing-wheel-synthetic does not exist.
40.788 Script @__boblibrary__/category-functions.lua:112: Resource category water does not exist.
41.817 Loading mod bobassembly 0.16.0 (data-updates.lua)
42.872 Loading mod bobelectronics 0.16.0 (data-updates.lua)
43.865 Loading mod bobgreenhouse 0.16.0 (data-updates.lua)
44.804 Loading mod boblogistics 0.16.6 (data-updates.lua)
44.828 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-brain-logistic does not exist.
44.828 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-tool-logistic does not exist.
44.828 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-brain-construction does not exist.
44.829 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-tool-construction does not exist.
44.829 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-brain-logistic-2 does not exist.
44.829 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-tool-logistic-2 does not exist.
44.829 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-brain-construction-2 does not exist.
44.829 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-tool-construction-2 does not exist.
44.829 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-brain-logistic-3 does not exist.
44.829 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-tool-logistic-3 does not exist.
44.829 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-brain-construction-3 does not exist.
44.829 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-tool-construction-3 does not exist.
44.829 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-brain-logistic-4 does not exist.
44.829 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-tool-logistic-4 does not exist.
44.829 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-brain-construction-4 does not exist.
44.829 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:101: Recipe robot-tool-construction-4 does not exist.
45.838 Loading mod bobmining 0.16.0 (data-updates.lua)
46.983 Loading mod bobpower 0.16.1 (data-updates.lua)
47.886 Loading mod bobrevamp 0.16.0 (data-updates.lua)
48.872 Loading mod angelsrefining 0.9.9 (data-updates.lua)
49.064 Error Util.cpp:49: Failed to load mod "angelsrefining": __angelsrefining__/data-updates.lua:3: __angelsrefining__/prototypes/refining-override.lua:230: attempt to index field 'chemical-plant-2' (a nil value)
the version you are using is not the latest version of the mods bobs assembly is 0.16 I'd update to 0.16.1 probably do an update on all other mods to. See if that fixes things
Re: Bugs & FAQ
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 7:47 am
by tehfreek
Hi, running most of Bob's and Angel's on 0.16.30, and the recipe for "Crystallizing to Uranium & Fluorite" under the "Slag Processing 2" research topic looks... strange. I'm not running any other mods that would affect uranium.
Code: Select all
Installed mods:
AutoDeconstruct 0.1.11
BeastFinder 0.16.1
Bottleneck 0.9.1
EquipmentHotkeys_fixed 1.0.3
GDIW 0.16.2
GDIWHotkey 1.2.1
PavementDriveAssist 2.1.6
TinyStart 0.16.6
TrainToggle 1.0.2
angelsaddons-warehouses 0.3.0
angelsrefining 0.9.9
bobelectronics 0.16.0
boblibrary 0.16.4
boblogistics 0.16.15
bobmining 0.16.0
bobmodules 0.16.0
bobores 0.16.2
bobplates 0.16.2
bobpower 0.16.3
bobtech 0.16.3
bobvehicleequipment 0.16.2
cut-and-paste 0.1.5 (unpacked)
helmod 0.7.7
minimap-autohide 1.0.0
upgrade-planner 1.5.2
what-is-it-really-used-for 1.3.3
Re: Bugs & FAQ
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 8:08 pm
by fiery_salmon
Brown liquor is
- accepted by liquifier
- not processed by liquifier after reaching 1k and blocks further input
Either it should not be accepted or it should be processed.
BTW, bioprocessing requires Boblogistics and Bobelectronics, unlisted as dependencies. has blueprint of what I used to reproduce this issue.
If anybody knows how one may manually edit mod to fix this bug - please, tell me - doing it will not be a trouble and would allow me to continue my SeaBlock game without constant rebuilding blocked clarifiers.
0.16.34, fresh game test with minimal mod set: angelbioprocessing, angelpetrochem, angelrefining, angelsmelting, base, bobelectronis, boblibrary, boblogistic, bobplates, bobrevamp
BTW, from what I read about brown liquor in real life it is typically burned. Maybe it can be a burning reaction for it, like for hydrazine in bobmods and oil in KS power?
Re: Bugs & FAQ
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 8:50 pm
by mrvn
If you set a fuel value and pollution multiplier for it it might already work in the generator. Otherwise look at how that filters.