Enterpriser1995 wrote:Suggestion that's pretty much a must.
Make it challenging.
I'm not a nuclear engineer, but i managed to pass a night or two on the Chernobyl disaster, and i do know how a nuclear power plant works.
so, here we go.
First, we need to know what exactly a nuclear power plant works. Or even better, how a REAL nuclear reactor works.
U is used in combination with C [(Graphite) as a neutral material] to make U particles move freely and break the U particles of the other bars. As a result, heat is generated in the process.
This heat is then brought to the underwater part of the reactor, heating up the water, boiling it, and using the steam to generate power.
The power is then used to power pumps, in an endless process that if altered, can cause a nuclear meltdown, exactly like the one we know.
But what if we want to stop the process?
Here come our Ba bars, blocking U particles and leading to the shutdown.
So, here we go with the suggestions.
Make a pump that can pump at least 1500 l/ps,
U bars, Graphite backgrounds and Ba bars.
Make a device that can regulate the height and the number of the Ba bars. (No less than 26 unless you want to overheat your reactor)
Make a device that can regulate the water input.
These two devices combined should regulate the power of the reactor, so no need to make one for that too, just make a craftable monitor with a GUI so we can see how much we're generating.
if the reactor overheats and melts down it will add 5000 pollution units.
So essentially you want something like this?
or this?
http://esa21.kennesaw.edu/activities/nu ... y/nuke.htm
or this?
or this?
The first one is actually quite nice and imo, the best one out of the list. However, what they all have in common is that they are "simulators." They are concerned about the small details of the inner workings of a physical system, i.e. the nuclear reactor and its supporting buildings. This mod is not a simulator and is primarily about the power production aspects. The first reason this mod exists is because Factorio's power generation is woefully inadequate in terms of complexity, i.e. fuel goes in, power comes out, as compared to the rest of the production aspects of the game. Granted, the mod in its current state is not too complex with production yet because I have not put in fuel decay and therefore no reprocessing production chains. This will happen and when it does hopefully you will see that it is satisfying and challenging to produce power from uranium, without the need to control nobs and levers to regulate control rods, coolant pressure, flow rate, or whatever.
Another reason this mod exists is because power production in Factorio is very much hunter-gatherer, e.g. "oh look a patch of coal, lets burn it up with boilers...OH no! Running out of coal, must find more!!! Oh..what's this sticky stuff? Looks like it can be burned so turn it into solid fuel and burn it up with boilers...OH NO! THE SLICK STUFF IS RUNNING DRY, MUST...FIND...MORE!!!" While the example is some what hyperbolic, but very apt to our real human situation, it is how the game plays if you are using the polluting method of producing power. It is even more one dimensional if you use the non-polluting method of producing power, i.e. solar panels. I had find neither methods very satisfying so this mod seeked to balance those two aspects by making power producing less hunter-gatherer and less slapping down blueprints. As I add more to the mod, I hope that this goal is realized.
Now, could I actually add some simulations to the mod? A GUI for the reactor with the nobs and lever for regulating the core temperature, a GUI for regulating pump speed and primary coolant flow, a GUI for secondary systems, and yet another for turbine generator...I had considered adding them, but have decided that at the moment they do not add to the game play and do not fit well with the Factorio model, which is more top-down and less bottom-up. However, maybe when the other aspects of the mod are done, I will revisit these ideas and see which will actually add to the mod and allow finer controls for those who want them. You must realize though that these GUIs are the icing on a cake and not the cake itself. At the moment, I am more focused on making the cake.
While on this topic of fine details, I must clarify what will not be added as a feature of this mod. There will be no melt downs, no radiation poisoning, no radiation effects, no waste disposal, no waste storage.
Why, WHy, WHY??!!
The reason these will not be added is a combination of personal preference and modding limitations. Lets discuss them.
- Melddowns: I do not know why people like them...It must be the mental image of a mushroom cloud over the reactor that's conjured up when thinking about meltdowns . While real nuclear meltdowns can occur, they are rare and they are also boring. One does not actually see anything other than some out-gassing. Explosions due to combustible gasses and steam are also rare. It is not what you see in the movies. Buildings do not go up in smoke or into a million pieces. What actually does occur in an explosion is that the reactor vessel containment structure will stand and if it will collapse at all then it will collapse onto itself burying the reactor core in may layers of concrete. This is by design. The reactor itself will not go critical, i.e. blow up, as the fuel is not of critical mass. In Factorio, the most that can be done is to damage the reactor entity and generate pollution. This not satisfying though unless the damage amount actually destroys the reactor as it will continue to function otherwise. The generated pollution also do not damage its surroundings as that is not part of Factorio's coding. In short, there is no mushroom cloud or any "wow" factor in a meltdown. In fact, people try to prevent such thing from happening in the first place...So why would anyone want that in a mod?
- Radiation poisoning: No good way of simulating this other than HP damage. This requires the entities be tracked in an ontick manner and is not very scalable. It does not take many entities tracked with ontick before your game becomes unplayable. The limitation is purely LUA.
- Radiation effects: Pollution is not a good substitute for radiation effects. Radiation effects also must be tracked by sources and receivers and the numbers get large very quickly as irradiated objects become radiation sources themselves. LUA is a bad choice for doing this.
- Waste disposal and waste storage: Most "radioactive wastes" from the reactor fuel can be mitigated by fast reactor and various transmutation technologies. Wastes from enrichment as well as reprocessing is already simulated as pollution by the game. Therefore there is no waste that remains as physical item or entities or at least I will make it so in the Factorio world. One can assume that handling nuclear wastes to a space-faring society is like eating a banana to an ape.
So this is a good point to clue you all in on what's in plan or to be expected. I've mentally fleshed out some but not all parts of what's listed.
For 0.6.0 (due in 2 weeks, hopefully sooner if my friend and I can make acceptable graphics and my LUA works!)
- The reactor building will expand into a reactor complex. Three new buildings are added, the reactor recirculation pump, the steam generator, and the turbine generator/cooling tower. These are not required to generate power as they will simply make power generation more compact so you can keep your current power generation build if that is what you choose.
- Reactor recirculation pump: A pump capable of delivering 1200 fluid units/s for the reactors. There are two version of this pump to fit with the size of the reactor. The pumps will also have an (S) and (R) version since the input and output are placed in a way that made them chiral. The current arrangement of the input and output will mitigate the need for pipes and so maximized fluid throughput. The pump will connect directly with the fluid return from the steam generator.
- Steam generator: No it is not a steam engine. It takes water and make steam using heat from the pressurised-water. It will be the first multi-structured building of the mod. It is does not use an assembler prototype so no fluid recipe. It is a special storage tank and three special pipes with LUA to make it function. It connects directly to the reactor and the reactor recirculation pump.
- Turbine generator/cooling tower: This a generator prototype on hyperdrive. It connects directly to the steam generator. It consumes steam to generate power, as per Factorio logic, but it also produces low pressure steam that must be condensed to keep power generation going, hence cooling tower. This is also a multi-structured building (steam-engine, a special storage tank, and two special pipes) that is made functional by LUA. Expect the turbine generator to have power production capacities beyond the heat generation of the reactor, i.e. you can never max out the turbine generator but will be able to produce the same amount of electricity as you would be if using steam-engines. So if you are producing 25 MW(electricity) with your current build of steam-engines and 3by3 reactor, then you will still be able to do the same with the turbine generator; it will simply be engineered to be able to support higher throughput. This building consumes feedwater, low-pressure steam, and regenerate the same amount of water used by the steam generator (secondary coolant loop) if operating at peak efficiency. You don't actually loose any water in the secondary coolant loop but if you allow the low-pressure steam to backup then you will decrease the amount of power generated.
- The idea behind the introduction of these three buildings is to allow the building of a closed primary and secondary coolant loop and the ability to tweak the fluid flux of these loops via the amount of feedwater that is put into the cooling tower system. This hopefully allows emergent play without the need for GUI.
For 0.7.0 (not as fleshed out, but on the back of my mind)
- Fuel decay: Yep! You heard it right. Your fuel assemblies will not last forever. Sorry...but I'm a biochemist and I love my thermodynamics god, Ludwig Boltzmann. Besides I'm not too happy if his entropy laws are not followed to the letter, S = k log W. The 4.8% fuel assemblies will be designed to have a burn-up of about 500 KWday worth of energy (43.2 GigaJoules, 14.4 minutes of constant generation at 50 MW). The fuel assemblies with U-235 enrichment % below 4.8 will simply have proportionally less energy.
- Reprocessing: Depleted fuel assemblies will be reprocessed and made into MOX fuel assemblies. Reprocessing schematics are currently being evaluated. The burn-up time for MOX assemblies is still being considered but the depleted MOX fuel assemblies can be further reprocessed for more burn-up. You will be able to completely fission the uraninite that was used to make the original fuel assemblies.
- Fast reactor: Use MOX fuel assemblies to produce heat.
- Atomic Transmutor: Turn nuclear poisons and radioactive nuclei too small to fission into harmless non-radioactive material. It will be used to produce the metal and materials needed to make and support the running of the Fast reactor as well as MOX fuel assemblies. It will use quite a bit of electricity as well as some radioactive nuclei for neutron source. Lots of thinking and planning for this particular building.
Beyond 0.7.0
- Nuclear battery: Some fission wastes that can not be transmuted will be made into nuclear battery.
- Nuclear weapons: ICBMs anyone? Maybe some cool guns? Uranium slugs artillery? Radioactive capsules?
- Batteries: With all that power generated, won't you want some sort of distribution without the need for long lines of power lines?
- Other ideas?
SHiRKiT wrote:I hope we have Fusion Reactor in 1.000 years from now.
Fusion reactor is in the plan! However, as you may have noticed, this mod is named Uranium Power...So to accommodate fusion, it will need to be renamed
I hope this makes clear my ideas, hopes, and plans for this mod.