sunnyskies wrote: Mon Feb 25, 2019 5:04 am
So, this whole science tier discussion is absolutely fascinating — every time I start thinking that one of ya’ll has a point, another fellow shares his experiences and promptly sways me the other way.
It's not a cut-and-dry question. The tech tree is big. Is it too big? Should it be smaller? Should some of the tech have different requirements? Do we need more complexity?
Like, think about this: do we need technology research that
doesn't use the lower science packs? Maybe something that uses blue and purple science, but NOT red and green? That's a possibility. Is it a good one? Does it have value?
I don't know. I don't have a compelling argument either way. It's just an idle thought I occasionally have. And my usual response to it is to think about FFF entries and go "well, it's not like they are
ignoring the tech tree, they are looking at it and thinking about it and trying to do the best job they can." So I don't invest too much time in it, because it's not a problem and doesn't need a solution.
The same is true about upcoming features; you may anticipate a problem in the future, but you certainly don't
have it, and maybe it won't happen. If you have a problem right now and the new features will make it worse, well... that's... kind of not a
new problem. So the new features aren't actually responsible for that.
is a question of whether the blue science "wall" is in the right place. I don't think there's anything
wrong with where it is. It's just... is there a
better place for it? Is enough stuff behind it? Is
too much stuff behind it?
The science pack discussion on the relevant FFF has one overriding sense: decisions have been made and this is what they are. I don't think it
matters what we think for 0.17, which is almost certainly less than 72 hours away, and I'm not sure it matters for 0.18 either. I kind of lean in the direction that
nothing is going to change, so our focus needs to be less on figuring out how things should be and more on accepting how things are. (As in, how things are in 0.17, once it arrives.) Less "how should this change?" and more "why is this okay?"
It’s got me thinking about things. Military science is my favorite part of the tech tree. I like that there’s this whole other branch of cool things that are just optional and branched away from everything else. Maybe I just like the idea of branching tech trees more than linear tiers. Maybe I just like blowing things up.
I like all that stuff, too. I love that I can tunnel down to combat robots, as I already mentioned. But I also like that
this tunnel implies
other tunnels. I like the idea that some day I might talk to someone who says "hey, I do something really brilliant and weird with my research" and it might not be anything I want to do but it will be impressive and cool.
As it goes, the defining point where I realized that I really enjoyed Factorio was in fact, red circuits with the intention of making blue science.
I feel like I should know where mine was. I have stories. But all my stories are "I did something stupid and had to fix it." I don't have a story where I went "I love this game." All the points where I say that are boring; they're silly little comfortable moments like when I walk around my entire perimetre and nothing needs to be repaired and all the turrets have ammo. I have these little moments of excitement, like when I finally find a damn oil field, but I never go "I love this game" when that happens. That's what I think after the field is running and the oil is flowing and I've got my defences around it and now I'm not doing anything. The little downtime moments. It's those places of peace where I have happy joyful thoughts about the game.
So carry on. Safely conclude that I’m of the opinion that artificially encouraging people to try making solid fuel sooner is brilliant. Take whatever else from my story what you will.
love these stories. Thanks for telling yours.