Hey, this is great seeing. Definitely puts a + in my book for the expansion. I honestly wasn't sure if you'd go there, though, due to the idea that elevated tracks would have to block the line of sight to some entities behind (above) it.
(Wow are there a lot of posts I want to reply to, as well! Long string coming up....)
kickbackman1277 wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2023 12:29 pm
As we can’t walk on the bridges what happens if for example a train runs out of fuel on elevated tracks over water?
Peevester wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2023 1:32 pm
If you're going to allow building long stretches of elevated track over water, we're going to end up with trains running out of fuel where they can't be rescued unless there's a parallel track very close by, or having to run a personal train manually against the signals to get in front of the dead one. On the other hand, doing that would be so terrifying and prone to crashes, it's kind of fun to think about.
Well, aside from the answers we've gotten (and apparently only on Discord did they actually mention that the player can now manually push a fuel-less train), there's always the option of driving another locomotive to it. You can either go against the signals to come in from the front and then refill it, or you can come at it from the rear (or front) and hook onto it, allowing you to then push/pull it off from the bridge and/or to a refuel depot.
eable2 wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2023 12:38 pm
As excited as I am, I do have a small critique: Even though the ramp entities are huge, they still feel a little small and steep for how fast trains in Factorio can get. In the GIFs shown, it feels like the trains should be launching off of the rails. I don't think Factorio trains have upstop wheels!
My suggestion is therefore to force trains to slow down if they're going on a ramp. Or another idea, if you're feeling adventurous, would be to have another even huger ramp (2x size?) that lets trains go at full speed.
Yeah, I kind of agree with this, though I've always felt as though trains in this game move (and accelerate/decelerate) much faster than what a freight train conceivably should, but as I suppose boskid said
here, they're going more for the fun factor. Which I get. To a degree.
That said, I hope these will be moddable. Then we could create ones of different lengths and (as a simple graphical solution) just stretch the existing graphic as needed.
Taneeda wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2023 12:59 pm
kovarex wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2023 11:37 am
BlackAsLight wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2023 11:28 am
Can we walk on the bridges?
You can't. biters also can't walk it.
But why? Sounds funny to me when biters possibly could attack from my spaghetti bridges
btw, awesome train news, HYPE TRAIN
This is probably a technical limitation. As the game is a 2D game faking 3D, there probably isn't anything in place to allow (or would be hard to implement?) the idea of walking on an entity, but then not being able to walk off from it, without also affecting anything trying to go
under it.
Panzerknacker wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2023 1:19 pm
First, I don't like how you can rotate the support in 8 directions, that conflicts too much with the rest of the game imo.
(Edit: Misunderstood something here, so I've revised this.)
The reason for this, I think, is because they have now split the curve into 2 pieces, so this will allow the option of placing diagonals at new angles. Couple this with the requirement of having the stanchions every 20 track pieces, and it makes sense that they have these extra rotations.
And it does not make sense that the ground footprint becomes different when the support is rotated, it's the same structure after all.
Sure it does.
(This is a rough approximation considering the devs tend to put their sprites slightly off-center and the 3D -> 2D perspective makes it hard to get the exact footprint.)
- New stanchion at 0 and 45 degrees.png (3.34 KiB) Viewed 4266 times
Then just figure that the devs decided that if the sprite doesn't extend very far into the tile then there's no reason to not allow you to build there.
This adds unneeded un-fun complexity IMO.
There's been a fair amount of calls to add more entities that don't have perfect square/rectangle bounding boxes. Idea being I guess to add another layer of complexity and puzzles to your factory layout. One that isn't necessarily required, but allows you some advantages if you choose to use it. And really, all these rotated bounding boxes do is give you back the corners of the 4x4 square rather than keeping them occupied.
Peevester wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2023 1:37 pm
A trestle instead of a center support is a cool idea, since a lot of the time you're running parallel tracks anyway, and it would let you run a continuous belt (or pavement) under the train, instead of having to weave around supports every once in a while.
There may be technical reasons why they're not allowing this, but otherwise, yeah, I think it'd be nice to see that, too.
ema wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2023 1:42 pm
Looking at the "island crossing" example more closely. There is a radar powered by accumulators, but there don't seem to be anything refilling the accumulators.
When setting up something for the purposes of screenshots, why does it have to be perfect?
adam_bise wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2023 1:20 pm
Would an elevated artillery train be invulnerable?
So the answer on this is "no", because at the least, the biters would be able to destroy the railway stanchions which would cause the tracks to collapse.
Illiander42 wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2023 5:07 pm
planetfall wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2023 4:47 pm
It doesn't look like you can elevate stations, and artillery trains don't fire when stopped at signals.
They do fire when sent to a tempory stop with the condition changed to "inventory empty."
They will from manual mode, too.
But I think a good solution here would be to just disallow firing of artillery from elevated railways. A logical reason that can be given would be because the elevated railways are not strong/stable enough to withstand the force of the recoil from the artillery.
Ormek wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2023 3:58 pm
The shadows, the reflection, the stuff behind; and all of that without the ability to turn the world around!?
Idlemind79 wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2023 6:38 pm
Start working on Factorio 2 using unreal engine 5, slap Satisfactory around.
Yes, please!! Man I would love this. (Satisfactory doesn't count.
AvengerStar wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2023 5:15 pm
It would be neat if big electric poles also received similar treatment to the rail supports by being one of the only entities that can be placed on water, though that's more of an aesthetic desire than anything, I just don't like having to landfill when I don't need to.
Tallinu wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2023 6:48 pm
I would like to
vehemently second this notion. Having to place little 2x2 patches of landfill in the water, which can't automatically be done via a single blueprint pass and can't be removed (without mods), is ugly, unsatisfying, and unfitting with rail supports that can be simply plopped directly into water with their own concrete base support. Even if you needed a recipe to make an "offshore big electric pole" out of BEP and concrete, I would still wholeheartedly approve!
liquidBacon wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2023 4:51 pm
I'm not sure if this has been brought up. But could locomotives help with pulling/pushing power even when the locomotive is driving backwards?
I work in the rail industry (best way to describe it without sensitive information) and no modern locomotive cares which direction it's driving. It has full power in either case.
I'm not saying that a locomotive should be able to pathfind in both directions. Just provide tractive effort. There are mods which use custom locomotives with 2x power to mimic this. Which I find to be a,
messy solution.
Another one that I would love to see done!
kovarex wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2023 5:31 pm
I believe that biters can attack trains on the ramp from the ground. Also, if biters destroy the critical supports, the rails wih not enough support will collapse, including the train on top of it so .... No the train is not unkillable on the elevated rails.
Hey, with this in mind... will there be some kind of system in place to tell us when we need to place the supports, or are we just going to have to "know" when to place them?
Feather wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2023 5:58 pm
Any specific reason why you didn't want to add something like a lifebuoy into the game? (moving in this thing is excrutiatingly slow so it literally just prevents the player from dying when coming in contact with water)
That would be a neat solution.
kitt159 wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2023 7:29 pm
It would probably be better to remove the handrail and add some supports under the tracks instead. They seem pretty fragile.
I would agree with this. The current design is ok for light passenger rail, but it would not support heavy freight.
Saphira123456 wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2023 11:09 pm
There are a couple of changes I would ask for here, one being that this become a vanilla thing, so that you could play using these elevated tracks without requiring the DLC in order to use the mod. That feels like an unfair advantage to people who have the DLC as elevated rails, quality and other mechanics are game-changing, capable of radically altering the way one plays the game.
I don't understand the logic here on how you feel it's an "unfair advantage".
I would also like to echo the calls for elevated stations and appropriate methods of loading and unloading some kinds of elevated trains instead of requiring them to come down from the elevated line to a station on the ground. Having a hopper or silo would work for loose loads like coal and ores, gear wheels, wire, etcetera. Not for other items though.
While I agree that it'd be a nice thing to see, I do have a couple of concerns:
1) It's perhaps a step too far in further removing some of the puzzle aspect from the game
2) How do you actually differentiate "loose" materials from non?
gGeorg wrote: Sat Sep 30, 2023 12:40 am
What if an elevated train get out of fuel with player on board ?
Player would be locked inside forever, ... very interesting game over.
Apparently this was only answered on Discord: the player will now have the ability to manually move a train (at a very slow pace) when out of fuel.