Rseding91 wrote: Mon Aug 31, 2020 12:47 am
If the player doesn't move there is zero gain to do nearest first. So having roboports do nearest first is pointless.
Doing nearest first for a player *only* has benefit if the player keeps moving.
I don’t know what’s the base of this thought, but due to my experience and tests it has some advantages to do the nearest first in some situations.
First we need to distinct, if your blueprint/ghosts are
A) completely covered by a roboport area
B) partly covered by roboport area
C) not covered at all
For A and B we also need to look, if all needed items are available in the logistic network, before doing stuff with personal roboport. It should place things, which are not in the logistic network first.
So if C is the case, then it makes lot of sense to construct nearest first. Reasons:
- as malventano mentioned: for small blueprints they can do more, until they first need to load.
- player sees more, the visual feedback is much more satisfying.
- If you are in the middle of a forest and want to “break out”...
- it is much more calculateable what is build first. That is especially important if you are in the outback.
For B this picture changes. Here I want to built first the parts, which are NOT covered by roboports. Which are likely to be more outside. But still want to have first the trees in my surround removed, than far away.
And for A it should place preferable that items that are not in the logistic network. But also prefer to have first trees around me removed.
Situation A
- first help to remove items, preferable nearest first
- place items, which are not in logistic network, far first
- place remaining items, near first
Situation B
- first help to remove items, preferable those in the outside of roboport range, far first, then those around me, nearest first
- place items outside of roboports range, far first, because a new roboport might reach the near area
- place items, which are not in logistic network, far first
- place remaining items, nearest first
Situation C
- remove items, nearest first
- place remaining items, nearest first
Even if the difference might not be very measureable, this will work much more satisfying, than yet.
So generally it’s the algorithm described in situation B, which can be used with small modifications for all cases.