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Re: Loader Poll - Trying to get an idea of what the opinions are

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 9:26 pm
by Slayn25
I think loaders should be in vanilla (w/out console commands required.) They fit perfectly for loading/unloading cargo wagons, especially since 0.15 introduced fluid wagons (they are to cargo wagons what pumps are to fluid wagons.)

Whether or not they are capable of interacting w/ chests/assemblers is less important to me.

As for filtering, I think they should be the same as splitters in that regard. Right now imo there isn't an elegant filtering solution that doesn't bottleneck throughput, for better or for worse.
nemostein wrote: The only logistics related item that I wanted implemented was a real lane splitter (I really hate that underground belt ugly hack).
But now I wish for 2 things, this and loaders...
Agreed that UG do seem a bit hackish for this purpose. Same for how they compress better than regular belts.