sporefreak wrote:So after removing "if bobarmor then" everything seemed to work fine.
But that begs the question as to why my mod check failed?
What would be the best way to check if a mods installed? or do i just need to call it in data updates instead.
also, how would i find all the things that can go in the "Item" slot?
data.raw["item"]["itemname"].subgroup = "groupname"
Thanks again for the help, I have learned a lot, and sorry for being such a bug.
Best way to check if a mod is installed during data phase AFAIK is to check to see if a known key exists, EG, bobmods.warfare is a global value set during the data phase of my warfare mod.
Code: Select all
if bobmods and bobmods.warfare then
that would be a reasonable line to check if my warfare mod is installed.
As for what can go in that item sections... well, I basically had to look it up when doing my library. assuming I didn't miss anything, here is the "Does this item exist" function. Well, technically, it's a "what type of item is this" function, but returns nil if it can't find the item.
Code: Select all
function bobmods.lib.item.get_type(name)
local item_types = {"ammo", "armor", "capsule", "fluid", "gun", "item", "mining-tool", "module", "tool"}
local item_type = nil
for i, type_name in pairs(item_types) do
if data.raw[type_name][name] then item_type = type_name end
return item_type
Sabrewulf wrote:Before download all this mods, can you say about this pack? I don't know what expect, if its overpower, or easy, or very hard...
Generalising the mod overall isn't a very easy thing to do.
Some mods like bobelectronics complicate the building of electronics so much, it actually makes it slower to get started. And depending what other mods you have installed, the difficulty ramps up even further, for example, if tin exists, it'll use tin, and therefore require you to make a while tin processing chain before you can make electronics, so if you have bobplates(metals chemicals and intermediates) installed, along with bobores, then the difficulty doubles than if you were using bobelectronics without those mods. Though once you actually get a working electronics factory going, the difficulty levels off.
Personally, I have strived to make the mod as well ballanced as possible, adding difficulty in some areas, and ironing out some of the difficulty in others, while for the most part, adding extra levels of realism to the production chains.
It also adds higher tiers of almost everything, this includes aliens, as well as weapons and defences to deal with them.
What it lacks at the moment though is more intergration into the base game elements, for example, electronics is a total replacement, some recipes like batteries are altered to fit in, but other areas like the oil chain seem to just have a few things tacked into it while remaining fairly untouched, and the rocket launch part lacks any changes at all (so far).
So as a whole, the mod is a little on the incomplete site, but adds a lot more depth to the gameplay.
And obviously, some things probably are either overpowered or underpowered, but that's mostly a matter of opinion.
Inserters are currently going through a complete overhaul now that in 0.13 changing pickup and drop positions is possible, previously (currently) there is a unique entity, item and recipe for each configuration of inserter I have allowed, but in the future (or with the beta of bobinserters, very buggy and incomplete), you will be able to just place a fast inserter, then configure it to turn it into... for example, a right angle short in long out inserter that places an item on the near side of a belt.