Is there a red tread to spot in our posts for you as devs? And is is reasonable to implement? Which are the limits of our imaginations?
Perhaps when more rules and shared ideas (of unanimous accordance) are set out clearer and more specific questions can be formed and awnsered. Now we just trow up our workflows in the hope they will be taken in account. What do we have so far in in summary, and what options can be scraped?
Which limits are we bounded in, what rules are fixed? For example A3 is really clear for us, we have to work with grid-shaped books (FFF#249):
Changes that will be done no matter what
First of all, blueprint library and blueprint books will not have this list of blueprints. It will have a grid similar to the one in inventory, so you can arrange the blueprints better.
Ok well, That would work in your inventory for grouping active blueprints, but i agree with A2: mixing books and folders will become confusing, but that leads to an other conclusion: we have to solve the A1 problem, since since we need the books in the library to behave as folders to make a tree. We need to be able to place them inside each other. Is removing the key bind a option?.
A book (with only a grid inside) makes it feel as an item, because of it' s simplicity.
Any file system i know uses folders, so books will be expected to behave as a folder when building your hiarchical library. But what is the difference between a book and a folder structurewise? The way of displaying/viewing (grid/list) is far beside the issue if we are not even sure if books can be placed in books.
I do not agree that grid is better to arrange blueprints, i think that we would prefer multiple layers of sorting over the mess of a two level hierarchy of all our sets of blueprints. A grid is nice for storing and grouping multiple blueprints but not for searching by X. Maybe adding/removing rows/columns and being able to rename them could possibly buff the grids a lot in their useability.
We want to orden and sort them in our personal blueprint archive in our own way
Of course there are small problems and gotcha's, last years been invested in making a great game, not in developing a great ui, that time is now, time to put the cherry on the pie.
Should users care if blueprints are items or system if they can use them how they want to. Do they have to be real items to be placed in chests etc?
My interpretation: Blueprints only need to be item to be placed in chests/printers:
Code: Select all
We could diffentiate between blueprints (read/write) and linked copies (read only).
-Blueprints are nonitems when stored in inventory or library (editing and saving)
-Blueprints are nonitems when making and cant leave inventory
-Blueprints can be updated by reassigning them. (write)
-Linked copies can be made in real game item from a blueprint.
-Linked copies can be used (building and chest-storing) or converted in to a new blueprint (to edit or save in own library)
-When storing a linked copy in your library it converts into a blueprint so link will be broken
-A link to a link can not be made (but linked copies can be copied infinite for sharing purpose)
-Linked copies can' t be reassigned (They are read only).
-Linked copies can be made from player library blueprints and server library blueprints
-Only linked blueprints (linked copies exist=true) are needed sharing on a server " library"
-The server library blueprints are only provided as linked copies, (cuz blueprints can be reassigned, shared ownership)
-Ofcourse sharing more than the necessarily blueprints in this library is encouraged
Having a game lib is essenially what we need, if we can put both our factory prints and show-off prints in there. That could replace the current system and be much more clear at the same time.
I think being able to put books in books and having treeviewer to read this hierachy and your position in it would be a great step in the right direction. But without the right direction defined it is hard to give the right awnsers.
What are the questions in the current/prop 0 idea of having items? Are those questions problems or unknowns. How far is it from reasonably practical in the means of coding?
Most of the times a single FF give enough thoughts to not seen back for a long time, but having a multiple week session makes me feel we're taken seriously and is really interesting. Since we patiently waiting for the Fluids update we sure have another weer to spare for this topic, which is clearly an important topic where we love to give our feedback so dont hesitate for a follow up.